Silver Cross Ventura Plus Infant Car Seat

Silver Cross Ventura Plus Infant Car Seat

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Silver Cross Ventura Plus Infant Car Seat

Silver Cross Ventura Plus Infant Car Seat
2.91 15 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

My Mum Bought The Silvercross 3d Pram System For M

My Mum bought the Silvercross 3D pram system for me and car seat after encouraging me to choose a brand that she felt was reliable and had been around for a reassuringly long time.

Although the pram itself is adequate the car seat is so irritating to use that you end up with a crying baby and Mother by the time you have got it in and out of your car. The way the seat belt has to be applied is not the same as if you follow the written instructions or watch the clip on Youtube. The seat belt in our family estate is not long enough the be inserted as directed and by the time it is inserted you will have ripped your stitches or had a hormonal break down.

Really for the money and your own sanity go find another car seat with better reviews. It really isn't worth the hassle.


Value For Money

Seat Is Outgrown Sooner Than Advertised

We bought this seat to match the Linear Freeway pram we bought for our eldest grandson after his other pushchair broke. The pram is lovely but the seat only takes a 13kg baby if the baby is very heavy ie fat. Our second grandson was premature & we had to buy a seat for a 4lb 8oz baby so I trusted Silver Cross that the seat would last until the baby was heavy enough to face forwards as advertised. He is 13 months now but only 18lbs in weight. He is quite tall but is on the 9th centile for weight and 15th centile for height. The shoulder straps of this seat only have two positions not three as I thought. I got the cover off only to discover that I needed a Stanley knife to cut a hole in the polystyrene and cover to use the highest slots. Obviously this seat is made for other companies but Silver Cross only makes the cover for the lower slots. This is why the reviews are so low. Also why Silver Cross were throwing in a free car seat. People wouldn't mind so much if the seat was free. It is a nuissance having to find another seat for the baby until he is heavy enough to face forwards. I paid £115 for the Ventura seat at our local shop who have now ceased to deal with Silver Cross. They were so awkward to deal with. I shall take myself and baby to Mothercare and point out to them this problem so that other parents know. Mothercare in Taunton were so kind when we were looking at seats and showed us how to fit the seat in our Discovery even though they knew that we were buying from another shop. We did this because we wanted a cover to match the pram and they had sold out. So if you buy this seat and you are a slim person it won't last and you will have to buy another one. Also you are supposed to be able to clip the seat onto the pram chassis but this is dangerous for a baby who can't hold it's head up. So I wish I had bought a Britax since I have never clipped the seat onto the chassis. Finally this baby is still small enough to fit into the bassinet of the pram but he has to use it as a pushchair because he tries to climb out. So he's not that tall and the seat is still outgrown. Ok if the seat is free but not if you have to pay for it.


Value For Money

Too Fiddly To Fit In The Car

I bought the car seat as part of a travel system with the linear freeway. The car seat hardly fits in the cars, we have a vectra and a nissan tino. The seat belt hardly goes around and i have to manhandle the car seat to get the belt round, then arrange back in the horizontal postion, which makes me concerned about safety. The hood impedes getting the belt into the hook and sometimes I have to remove the hood to get it to fit. It can sometimes take me ten minutes to be happy with position, which worries me with winter on the way. Agree that it fits well as a pushchair, but too awkward in car. I am looking for one with a base now. Baby is only 16 weeks and toes are at the end so she pushes cosy toes off all the time too.


We bought this seat to go in a Seat Ibiza and it took a while to get it in first time for my grandson. My son-in-law struggled so I did it. You have to reel out the whole belt and slip it under the hook for the shoulder bit of the belt then click it into the buckle then under the slots for the lap bit of the belt. This works. You must not let go of the belt so a one handed job. I can do it in 20 seconds now. HOWEVER our baby has grown out of this seat but is only 18lbs. So I've got to buy another one. I'm so cross.


I agree. I bought this seat to match our Linear Freeway which is a lovely pram. We have a Discovery and it is a tight fit to get it fixed in the car especially after a caesarian. Very comfy for a tiny baby. HOWEVER BE WARNED this seat will not last until your baby is ready to face forwards unless your baby is very heavy . The shoulder straps do not go high enough. There are only two positions not three. I am off to Mothercare to buy another rearward facing seat for a 18lb baby whose head is nowhere near the top of the seat. Car seats are a nightmare.


Value For Money

I Bought A Silvercross Linear Freeway From Motherc

I bought a silvercross Linear Freeway from Mothercare and matching ventura car seat. I was not made aware of the fact there was a chance the car seat would not strap into my car correctly. After all of my order had arrived everything looked lovely and I was very pleased. However, when my husband tried out the car seat in my car which is a peugeot 308 he could not get it secured correctly and was not happy about it. In the end we decided to take it back to mothercare as it had not been officially used and exchanged it for a maxi cosi with an isofix. The next problem I had was that the maxi cosi which is an absolute dream compared to the other one with the use of the isofix, was not compatible with the Silvercross Linear and it is very disappointing that no adapators are available. In the end I bought a quinny Zapp for £ 99.00 which now serves the purpose for using my car seat in and out of shops. My Silvercross is great for longer trips out and walks, for

sleeping in at my parents and the rather large shopping basket is fabulous.


Value For Money

Good Sturdy Car Seat, Our Son Has Always Looked Ve

Good sturdy car seat, our son has always looked very comfortable in it too, however it can be fiddly to secure as our car is very small, and we don't have much room to play with. After a few go's I did get the hang of it, but it does take time and after a trip to the shops can be a real pain to get it all secure again.

The other downside is that it simply isn't going to last as long as I was told it would. My son is just over 4 months and is always on the longest shoulder strap setting. We were told it would last until he was approximately 9 months but we are having to look for the next car seat already.


Value For Money

From A Dad's Point Of View, Who's Job It Is To Get

From a dad's point of view, who's job it is to get this thing in and out of the car, it's a terrible design. It's far to fiddly to secure and takes far too long. I'm off to buy an IsoFIX. I personally don't have twenty minutes to spare every time I want to put the car seat in and out and I have a bloody big car with loads of room and it's still a pain.


Value For Money

Best Infant Car Seat We Could Find, Tried A Few Bu

Best infant car seat we could find, tried a few but this outranked the others, had a lot of trouble finding one which would fit the cars, originally ordered Mamas & Papas Primo Viaggio after being assured by Mamas & Papas that it would definitely fit our car, when it arrived, it didn't. Wouldn't want a base personally as easy to fit. Great car seat, using again with baby number 2!


Value For Money

Great Looking Car Seat But My Baby Is Only 15 Week

Great looking car seat but my baby is only 15 weeks and the straps are really tight on his shoulders! I was told it would last until around 9 months but this isnt the case. be wary of this incase it happens to you!


Value For Money

Good Strong Car Seat And Easy To Install In The Ca

Good strong car seat and easy to install in the car. Agree a base would be better but only use for 9 months so not a huge problem. I bought with the travel system and it was a great 'pushchair' when my daughter was wanting to see out of the pram, yet was too small for the pushchair it converted into. My only complaint there is that the apron for the car seat can be kicked off too easily!


Value For Money

Silver Cross Ventura Infant Car Seat - Excellent C

silver cross ventura infant car seat - excellent car seat all round, just no bracket to fit into car, this would make life much easier

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