Predictor Pregnancy Test

Predictor Pregnancy Test

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Predictor Pregnancy Test

Predictor Pregnancy Test
1 51 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


4 False Negatives....

My period was over 10 days late...i bought 2 predicter tests. Followed the instructions and first test showed negative. I waited another 2 days before doing the second test. Once again negative. I was heartbroken after trying for 3 years.

My period still hadnt come so i bought another brand which showed positive.

Really confused i bought another 2 pack of the predictor tests...both negative again.

I went to my doctor as my period is rarely that late and turns out i am pregnant!!

Predictor test cause nothing but upset and not use them!!!


Value For Money

False Positive

After a missed misscarriage at 14 weeks and a chemical pregnancy in the space of one year me and my partner started to try again I got these tests while out shopping and the first one came up a good pink positive that even my partner thought it was yes...pregnant...we was over the moon...thought I would do the second test first thing in the morning as well as a first response the Predictor test came up positive in the space of a then did the first response....Negative...also tried a clearblur which was also negative. I will never buy these tests again...after a rubbish year I thought at last something was going get two positives then all other tests negative is heartbreaking...a lot of reviews all say about false positives I think these tests should be taken off the shelves till whatever there problem is is sorted out...some woman are trying to conceive for years and to be given this false hope is wrong x bet of luck to everybody trying to conceive x x


The Worst Test Ever! Don't Spend Your Money

I am trying to conceive for 3 years now. Almost every month I use at least 2 home tests. I didn't use to purchase predictor because of the bad word of mouth I have heard. So, this time the pharmacy had only predictor and I chose the "early" which is supposed to be more accurate. Today, I was 1 day period delay and I thought I should test. I had a very very very faint line and I was disappointed. To mention: I checked very early in the morning. So I went for blood tests too and my hGC was 96. No further comments.


Value For Money

7 Tests All Positive Did A Different Test Negative So Sad

I wrote to the company regarding this I have been sterized for 20 years I am 45 we have tried ivf in the past and not been successful so when I was 2 months late I bought this test it was positive I then bought another from a different branch 7 in total all over the country as I travel in my job all positive in the end I went to the doctor she did a test negative I didn't have a period for 3 months but sadly not pregnant I wrote to the company who said it was my hormones my doctor said the company should not be allowed to sell them so please don't buy this as you will be dissapointed


Value For Money

False False False

i bought this test as i was so eager to see if me and my husband had concieved after trying for so long, when the line appeared i was so pleased. i did another test the next day and still a line, i was over the moon.

i wanted to see how far i was, clear blue said not pregnant, and so did all the doctors test. iu am gutted. cant believe i was such a fool.



Value For Money

Heartbreaking & Disgusting!

After a miscarriage and an ectopic pregnancy I have been trying to conceive for 10 months without any success.

Finally I thought I had when I got a faint but definite line on one of these tests. Reluctantly told my other half as he thinks I am obsessed and can see lines on anything but when even he said it was there I thought 'finally, I'm not going mad' !!

We were both sooo excited as I'm sure any couple would be after all that and even though you try not to get your hopes up its impossible not to when you see a positive test!

However did a Morrisons test that night and the following morning, both being negative. Then a freedom test, negative aswell so I think it's safe to say that I am definitely not pregnant!

After all that I began googling. Only too find many people who have been in the same boat.

So I really don't understand that if it's been proven over and over and OVER again how ridiculously unreliable these tests are and with them giving so many false positives how these are still on the market? ... Not mentioning the amount we're paying for them either!

Not only do I think it's disgusting that these tests are still being produced, I think it's disgusting how many people are being left devastated and heartbroken when they realise they are not pregnant after all.

Especially when there are so many emotions already involved when trying to conceive!

Absolutely disgusting!


Value For Money

Needs To Be Removed From Market

I took this test on Friday night, came up with a faint line, I was so excited. I read reviews about false positives but thought I was lucky. The next day got a other line really faint and got super excited. Rushed out and brought a digital and got a not pregnant. My heart broke. The test gives false hope & excitement to women. I will never ever buy it again & will warn everyone I know!


Value For Money

False Positive

After taking this test it came up positive straight away. I have the implant so it was impossible to believe. Took another test a week later, first response, and it was negative. Have taken multiple different tests and they are all negative. Including have a Dr's lab test done and negative. I am definitely NOT pregnant, however this test shows a positive result it's FALSE!


Fake Positive !!!!

So upset !!! Did this test yesterday with first am wee and got a positive result straight away ... Was over the moon told my partner and we was happy then today I came on .. Did another test today and got negative !


Do Not Use This Test!!!!!

These tests should be taken off the shelfs.. I tested positive with this test then tried 4 more different tests and were all negative. I was so confused I went to see my doctor and they done a test there and then and it came back negative.. this gives women false hopes and I think it is a disgrace.. avoid at all costs

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I had a girl do this test it says negative should I still be worried about chances of pregnancy?


I have 18 positives predictor early, are they accurate? Going by some of these reviews I'm not sure.


I wouldn't waste any more money on them and go get a more expensive one or go to the doctors. They'll do both a urine and blood test. Good luck and hope you get the results you want


3 lines on predictor hpt help! What does this mean?

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