Losi 4WD 1/24 Short Course Truck
Losi 4WD 1/24 Short Course Truck

User Reviews
The Best Indoor Rc Around!
I picked up one of these at my local hobby shop a few weeks ago and ran some very extensive runs on it. First I'll explain what comes in the box and go over the ins-and-outs of the truck itself, then wrap it all up with my impressions.
[The Kit]
The box includes the truck, a 27mhz radio system, a battery, wall charger and aload of reading material.
[The radio]
The 27mhz radio system is a little outdated (the hobby is moving towards 2.4ghz). That being said, Losi does a great job with the set they give you. most 27mhz radios have super long antennas, however losi provides a much more portable version. I noticed no real difference in range or performance with teh smaller setup.
[Battery & Charger]
The included battery will give you about ten minutes of solid run time and the charger will have it up and running in about 30 minutes. Usually I wold suggest getting a hobby grade RC charger, but with such a tiny battery, its not really needed.
[The Truck]
Measuring about 5.5 inches, this thing is so tiny! It sits on the tips of your fingers. The electronics dont leave much room for adjustability, and besides, this thing is not made for competition racing. The micro SCT is made for one reason: fun. Despite this I felt the need to take it out onto my standard three surfaces: Dirt Track, Carpet and Off-road.
[Dirt Track]
Well, the truck made it around the track alright, but man was it slow! You have to remember that this vehicle is tiny and a modern 1/10th scale RC track is massive in comparison. Driving on a track actually felt a little boring since the truck was too small to interact with any of the obstacles. What would be a huge and exciting jump for a larger vehicle just wound up being a big hill for this truck.
This is a carpet vehicle! The high traction, level surface and tight spaces make this truck right at home. Me and a buddy set up a tiny course (about 3 square feet) and hada blast. The micro SCT turns on a dime, accelerates well and is an all around enjoyable ride.
In short, the size of this vehicle makes real off-roading impossible. The tires dont hook up well on dirt and even well cut gras proves to be an obstacle. Remember, this is a scale truck. So when you hit low cut grass and magnify that to 1/24th scale, its like a full size truck hitting a wall.
[Overall Thoughts]
I love this truck, but keep a few things in mind: This is designed for fun, not performance. The Losi Micro SCT is at home on carpet, tile or hardwood floors, whick leaves endless possibilities! Make a track with anything and have a blast!
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