Prime Time Recruitment

Prime Time Recruitment

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Prime Time Recruitment

Prime Time Recruitment
1.31 75 user reviews

User Reviews


The Worst

Never have anything to do with this agency be warned


My Time With Primetime

Ive worked for them for a while now not had any issues always get work local to where i live near avonmouth. Alot of my jobs was no weekend working which was also a bonus.


Bad Agancy Dont Pay People For The Work Just Use P

bad agancy dont pay people for the work just use people


Hello. Would love to talk to you about this please. I'm not Prime Time, I'm a journalist. Could you email me please? Thanks. SG


Rude Staff , Wouldnt Let Me Take Holiday , Tried T

rude staff , wouldnt let me take holiday , tried to claim holiday money when i left the company , knightmare , p45 wrong


Would love to talk to you about this review. I'm not Prime Time, I'm a journalist. Could you email me please? Thanks. SG


Would love to talk to you about this review. I'm not Prime Time, I'm a journalist. Could you email me please? Thanks. SG


Prime Time Recruitment:worst Company: Absolute Nazis

The have no regard for human decency they just see people as a way of making a quick quid, Prime Time are working directly for the Hatfield Ocado CFC and are racist and only want polish no speaking slave type workers who have no idea of the existence of human rights and will just put up with any kind of work demands and working conditions as they believe they have no choice. OVERALL A DISGRACE THAT SUCH AN EVIL COMPANY CAN BE OPERATING BUSINESS WITHIN THE BRITSH ISLE


Hello. Would love to talk to you about this review. I'm not Prime Time, I'm a journalist. Could you email me please? Thanks. SG


I do not agree about Nazi sentiment, but I agree about the favouring of eastern Europeans the company I work for who allow prime time to work from are site whos office staff are all eastern European employ 3 to 1 in favour of eastern Europeans to british,the union was always up at the factory managers office, he said he would look in to it he then told the union that prime had looked in to it and it was untrue, the union had copies of the signing in sheets to prove it. the union was later told that it was a eastern European recruitment firm I do not know if that was true. one of the office staff also remarked the british were lazy



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you



Primetime or cordent care as they are known now (Chester branch ) are as useless as a chocolate fire guard and that's putting it mildly as it won't let me put strong language on here.

I got accused of some thing on placement that i didn't do and got dragged into the office for questioning from the flying squid, FBI, secret service, KGB....AKA prime time top intelligence THE MANAGER.. Who by the way thinks he some one that he not, after doing a statement that had to be sent to the head office for them to make a decision, I've heard not a peep of them for a month about what is happening, I'm not bothered either way but it's the principal that they not got the courtesy to let my know what's happening. Some village is missing a idiot... Stay clear of this agency as clearly they not got a clue..



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you


Hi there,

Interested in chatting to you about your review above - can you please contact me on: [email protected]?

Thank you


Keep Away From This Agency

I unfortunately worked for the agency, was placed on temporary contract a lovely well established company in CHESHIRE

Primetime were incompetent with pay. If you book holidays in advance, they would still get this wrong and you would not get paid. This happen several times so from week to week you would wonder if you was to be paid or not. Christmas being one of them

The company where I was with the placement were wonderful where at one point I had not been paid and mentioned this to the Team leader where they personally chase the agency on my behalf.

The only pro with primetime is the payroll, speak to them and you get the truth on why you have not been paid and they react. If you speak to the branch you are treated with contempt and you can have your pay it the week after

My advice is to stay with a reputable agency, as I was with Primetime and another agency, where my second agency I have no problems with what so ever I being naive though that all agency acted the same. This is not the case.



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you


Hi there,

Interested in chatting to you about your review above - can you please contact me on: [email protected]?

Thank you


Load Of Poo

What can i say about this agency, it goes from one extreme to another. I'm with the chester branch (social care) and one week they mithering you to do last minute rubbish shifts that they can't cover sweet talking you saying your the best worker ect..... (Which they say to everyone) just so you say yes to the shift..!they can be rude when you need to speak to them saying they are busy when really they can't be bothered speaking to you. Booking you on shifts then last minute they get cancelled.

Like other reviews say they expect you to sit at home waiting for them to call and waste your day when you could be doing some thing else.

All in all a rubbish agency and there better out their.



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you


Hi there,

Interested in chatting to you about your review above - can you please contact me on: [email protected]?

Thank you


Don't Bother

I worked for Primetime, helped them out on many occasions. Worked withe them for over 2 years. At the end I was treated really unfairly. I worked over 50 hours a week for them. There's was a disagreement with another member of staff and me, they didn't even phone me or anything just took her word so consequently I had no work... I left the company and asked them for a reference, the new comany that I work for showed me the reference.. All they said was that they couldn't comment on me as they didn't know how I worked.. That is a load of rubbish because they used to come and see how I was working. So I'm really disgusted in this company for the way that I was treated grrrrr


Sorry email sharonp147@Hotmail.


Can u send me an email sharonp146@Hotmail.



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you


Hi there,

Interested in chatting to you about your review above - can you please contact me on: [email protected]?

Thank you


Terrible Agency!

worst agency ever, I work for PrimeTime and they are a in-house agency of a very well known Company, and there is not one good thing i can say about them, i have worked with them just over a year now and i've had around 3 sick days in that whole year, and only time off i've had its 1 week which was Factory Shutdown, they wont allow me to take holiday days because "they need me in".. the way they talk to you makes you feel like a slave, they make sure you know that they are boss and no one can tell them what to do, so they think.

The only time they ever speak to you nicely is when they want you to do some stupidly long shift.

i would NOT advise anyone to work for this company.



Would be interested in chatting to you about your review - I am not associated with Prime Time in any way - but definitely interested in hearing your side of the story on this! Can you please drop me an email?

thank you


Hi there,

Interested in chatting to you about your review above - can you please contact me on: [email protected]?

Thank you

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How do I register to work with them?


I have started a job with primetime this week when I came across all the bad reviews... so far so good but it has only been 4 days, I have got my full time shifts so far and it seems that Lloyds Banking Group (who I am working for) don't cancel shifts, or at least I hope not! The main issue I have is the Travel to Work scheme. In my 'interview' as the only one there who bothered to read the contracts before signing, I noticed this and asked if I could opt out until I had done some further research as it seemed odd. The recruitment agent quickly reeled off a load of jargon and explained how I would be better off in the long run. As a worker doing 35 hours a week at £8.10 a hour for approx. 2-3 months (again, they were very vague), I am really struggling to figure out if this is benefiting me or if it will actually be a disadvantage. Can anyone help? 

I would be really grateful! I am determined not to get taken for a ride by primetime and the travel scheme seemed like something worth investigating the way they acted when I asked about it. Thanks!


You may be between a rock and a hard place. By agreeing to enlist in the travel scheme, you will be agreeing to Prime Time taking 88% of the tax and NI rebates that the scheme allows them to reclaim on your behalf. Typically, they may appropriate around £50 per week, while you may be £6 better off. The tax they reclaim and keep on your behalf could be claimed by you at the end of the tax year, but you would need to keep all relevant travel and subsistence receipts to enable you to do that. The best that can be said is that you will not be worse off than you would be if you weren't in the scheme.

You do have the right to opt out (I have heard that you must do this within four weeks with Prime Time, or you can't for a year). However, Prime Time earn a significant part of their profit from the travel scheme so if you do, there may be a risk that you find the job you thought would last for 3 months suddenly comes to an end.

One option, if you have a good relationship with Lloyds, might be to talk to them about it; Prime Time would be unlikely to mess you around if the client was aware of your concerns.

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