Saltydog Investor - www.saltydoginvestor.com
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Saltydog Investor - www.saltydoginvestor.com

User Reviews
Terrible Advice
Their advice cost me thousands. Avoid like the plague.
Pleased With The Result
I have a sizeable investment but I do not want to spend too much time dealing with it as I have other pursuits so I use Saltydog and spend about 10 to 20 minutes a week adjusting it when the weekly newsletter arrives. I am very pleased with the result and equally pleased I gave my financial advisor the push . I am only interested in capital gain rather than income at the moment so suits me. You have complete control over your investments as you do the dealing within your chosen platform. If you are not too savvy just follow their example portfolio.
Great Investment Guide For Diy Investors
I love this service. It gives me the data I need to make great investment decisions. If I'm not sure what to do I just follow their Tugboat portfolio. It's up over 50% in 5 year.
Yes, It Works
During over 30 years investing in funds I have found that market trends usually continue for months, sometimes years. The worst performing fund in a sector that is rising will generally outperform the best performing fund in a sector which is falling in value.
In order to keep one's savings always invested in the very best investment sectors at any given time one needs to have the necessary information on current sector performance. For me, Saltydog is the very best source I have ever found.
Try it free for two months. What have you to lose?
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Clear, Factual Data, No Jargon Or Waffle
I have been reading the finacial press for years to guide my investment decisions and lately using the masses of information on the net. But there is so much!
Then, about a year ago, I accepted the Saltydog free trial. To begin with I was overwhelmed by the amount of data generated each week. But with patient study it all began to make sense and I started to realise what fantastic information Saltydog provides. Bang up to date! Every Wednesday.I am now a subscriber and think £25 per month well spent
This is not a fund tipping service; it is up to each reader to make his own decisions but Saltydog gives you the tools. In addtion Saltydog runs 2 portfolios.Not models, this is real money. All investment decisions they make are carefully explained.
I have no hesitation in recommending Saltydog to other DIY investors provided you are prepared to spend a reasonable amount of time looking at the weekly data and reading the monthly newsletter.
Very Valuable
I have found the information from Saltydog to be very valuable in helping me to choose investments. The research is thorough and the approach to investing is, in my view, spot on. If I have one reservation it is simply that I would wish upward trends that are appearing in investment sectors to be highlighted a little quicker. This may be an impossible ask!
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The Best Source Of Performance Data
I have been managing my own funds for 20 years more as a hobby than a profession. I saw an advert for this company a couple of years ago and have been using them ever since. The amount of data they provide is fantastic and very user friendly. The weekly update emails are really helpful and a great reminder to keep your eye on the ball.
I am confident that the monthly subscription is well worth it and would recommend them to everyone
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My Very Best Source Of Information
I have been a successful investor in funds for over 30 years and have never taken professional financial advice but have always made my own fund choices and my own fund switching decisions. Initially I used the fund performance tables in Money Observer to guide me, adding further sources of information as they have become available over the years. I never invest in any fund without checking its recent performance using one of the free graphical tools now available online. Generally, I find that the three month timescale is the most helpful. I keep dealing costs to a minimum by investing through a leading funds supermarket which makes no initial charges on any fund and only charges a standard 0.25% for switching between funds
Of all the sources of information I use nowadays Saltydog is by far the best. The price of £25 a month may seem steep but one can recover this from the short term profits arising from a single trade depending on how much money one has invested. I don't slavishly follow the model portfolio published by Saltydog as I am comfortable with taking rather more risk while protecting myself with a notional -5% stop-loss limit. My experience has been that market trends go on for months, sometimes years. Only once in the past 30 years have I lost a serious amount of money which was in the 1987 stockmarket crash when 35% of my invested savings went to money heaven in a week, but this was only the profit I had made in the previous nine months.
Something I particularly like about Saltydog is that it provides so much detail like printing fund names in italics if they are unit trusts and where a bid/offer spread might apply. Generally, I stick to investing in single priced OEICs.
At the age of 83 my long-term view is the end of next week. Over the past 30 years actively investing in funds has been a most interesting hobby and the profits from this activity has given me a standard of living I could not otherwise have dreamed of. A leading independent financial adviser told me recently that he could not possibly beat the results that I achieve by managing my own fund choices while guided by Saltydog.
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Best Performance Data On The Market
Most of us know that we should take our investments more seriously, but it's only since I was informed by my IFA that he was going to start charging (instead of taking commission) that I decided to really find out what was going on. I was astonished at how much I have paid over the years for advice that I never received and only achieved mediocre performance at best.
It's now about a year since I joined Saltydog and not only have I found an absorbing hobby, but I have achieved the best annual return that I have seen in years.
What's more I actually feel in control of my financial future - if only I knew what I know now 30 years ago!
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Opened My Eyes
I got recommended to this site by friends when discussing the lacklustre performance of my pension. After careful reading and speaking to my financial advisor I could see that the data and information saltydog were offering was something different.
More to the point, it actually got me active in my pension, and opened my eyes to the fact that we don't all have to be in hock to a small selection of pension funds that you are stuck with for life.
They provide a magazine and emails with data showing the top performing funds over set periods of times, but organised in their own special algorithm to allow an idiot like me to understand what’s going on. I'll be honest and say a lot of finite detail still stretches me, but that's purely as i'm a novice.
The people behind it have their own money invested in a portfolio of different funds and they actively move stuff around even weekly. I follow that portfolio closely but also add in a fund or two that I like the look of based on it’s recent and historical performance.
I actually enjoy my pension planning now. And you know what..since i've been using saltydog (about 9 months) my pension pot has grown by 14%
Thanks Saltydog guys..it really is an eye opening experience.
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