Barclays Share Dealing www.stockbrokers.barclays.co.uk
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Barclays Share Dealing www.stockbrokers.barclays.co.uk

User Reviews
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Value For Money
No Improvement With Barclays Share Dealing After Four Years.
I opened an online share dealing account with Barclays when their 'old' site was being used four years ago. Since employment of their 'new' site there has been a litany of problems, none of which four years on have been resolved.
The latest being this morning, I just cannot access my account to trade. Fortunately I wanted to buy not sell, a delayed sale in a fast moving market could potentially cost hundreds / thousands, so I have used my other broker. I am effectively prevented from accessing my five figure holding. This happens now and again ( never with my other share dealing account with a different broker) and is not a one off. I phoned the helpline and was told that they have been having problems this morning.
Other problems include: The actual value of my shareholdings that have been consolidated are totally wrong. I might have £1500 in a share and my account tells me I have invested £500 for example. Two of my holdings are showing as 'up' when they are actually 'down'. Some of this was also a problem caused by moving from the old site. I was told about 3 years ago that this would be rectified. Had it not been for keeping paperwork I would be lost.
At the best of times the site is slow and logs you out after 4 minutes then when you phone up for help they comment "you are a regular user" which implies they don't want you to be?
I don't believe Barclays want to be in this sector any more otherwise these problems would not exist. I am moving money out now whenever I can but am stuck with them for a while.
I will be taking this a lot further and because things only ever get worse , not better, will be seeking compensation.
I won't go into the other problems!
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Barclays Not So Smart Investor.
Been with Barclays Stockbrokers for over 10 years - very happy with the service.
Barclays Smart investor is a complete and utter load of rubbish, with extremely high (hidden) fees.
The new platform has limited ability, no meaningful charts & limited research ability, your better off asking your local cat or dog for advice.
AVOID AT ALL COST.....if you don't Barclays will take your money from you with their percentage of wealth charges.
Smart To Walk
Have had a sizeable SIPP with Barclays for a decade. Always valued their courteous staff, good bond execution and clear website giving me all the current/historic price and performance data of all I hold or may consider. Now someone has ripped it all to pieces and replaced it with a site that defies belief. Useless in almost every aspect, indeed an insult to any serious investor. Smart it ain't. Reminds me of Providence Financial and other corporate disasters, where, with a stroke of a pen, a successful business model gets almost destroyed. So I am leaving with my large wad, not that anyone there would care, letter to the man in charge remained unanswered for three weeks now.
That delay is outragous. The implicit cost of not being able to trade must be huge. I did well, by contrast, to get my SIPP move completed within two months, but perhaps only because I turned all my holdings into cash beforehand ( and was lucky to escape from the Carillion desaster, as I had a small position ).
Well said. I could not agree more. I asked to transfer my funds from Barclays on August 28, 2017. As of April 25, 2018, the transfer has still not been completed. Barclays staff are embarrassed, but there is little they can do. Lions led by donkeys.
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Value For Money
Smart Investor
For some bizarre reason, Smart Investor has locked me out of my online account. The same thing has happened to my husband and daughter. I have entered the same numbers and passwords for about a week now and I am certain I entered them correctly today.
The same has happened to my husband and daughter. It will take at least 3 days to get new details.
Nothing about the new Smart Investor is as good as the old Barclays Stockbrokers site. I will be transferring to another broker and will start the process immediately.
Value For Money
Total Rubbish
been with barclays stockbrokers about 10 years now had a few problems over the years but nothing like this. The new platform is just complete rubbish and unusable, so i have just opened an account with Hargreaves lansdown and will be moving everything over in the next few weeks and closing my account with them, as one door closes another one opens.
All i can say is you would expect better treatment from a bank like this.
Barclays Stockbrokers Mess
Tried to view my share accounts to get in I could no longer enter few security details but have to carry around a gadget to dish out a secure code. Then got in only to be confronted with a variety of choices 95% of which doesn't apply, to trade it took about 4 minutes to get in it would be quicker in future but even so the whole thing is complicated. Before it was a dream just enter a couple of details and off we go everything was on the screen, so simple but some twit in Barclays thought they could make some more money out of this so they dreamed up a system to frighten away good customers and screw those who don't move. No wonder Barclays shares keep falling.
Yup! You are right on the money.
HL are expensive. Try iweb. But they may not offer all the different brands of securities that you may be seeking.
I have started looking into changing - Hargreaves Lansdown look quite good and, I think, will do a lot of the work for you - if you look at their website and get a transfer form they, apparently, will do the rest.
Might be worth looking into.
Spot on MiltonKerr - I too have had nothing but problems since my trading account with Barclays Stockbrokers and my current account were linked in their new "smart investor" system - I had been dealing with Barclays Stockbrokers for over ten years with no problems - their website was clear, efficient and easy to use (and separate from my current account) - when I first heard of the changes I voiced my concerns to no avail - Last week, they switched my accounts to their new "smart investor" and I have had nothing but problems.
I fully agree, the changes are made not building on the strengths that they had.
It is a step into the past - an IT disaster - only change when you can make it better and know that it is better and tested. Thankfully I have given notice to change stockbrokers - how long this will take?
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Value For Money
Do Nt Deal With Under Any Circumstanes
Closed my trade at 161.88 when their price only went down to 163.44 and when i complained refused pont blank to accept the mistake or do anything about it. This way they can make sure very trade you ever plae you plae will lose even if it wins according to the charts, even theor own charts, besides they tell you you trade at real market prices when in fact you trade at their bid pries, which means even f they did do things farily youdd never make any money, their name gain capital should be changed to lose capital.
ALL IN ALL idd rather trust a drug addict with my money
Good advice. Bless you.
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Value For Money
Direct Investing Service
I have been a happy customer of Barclays stockbrokers for many years until recently.
Since the introduction of smartphones I have both conducted transactions and viewed my portfolios using a Samsung android device but two weeks ago (after I was migrated to their new online Direct Investing Service) it transpired the new system was not compatible with android devices!
Despite making numerous calls and complaints there has been no resolution.
What a fiasco - I hope those who presided over this abysmal new system that does not work for many of their customers get sacked as they have clearly introduced a new system without having trialed and tested it first.
The cynic in me suspects the perpetrators will actually receive huge but undeserved bonuses given the amount of positive spin being touted by Alastair Thaw (head of Barclays Investments
Absolutely right. Shambles.
Thaw should be fired immediately, without compo. He is the Gerald Ratner of stockbrokers.
Excellent criticism - I have been a happy customer of Barclays Stockbrokers for over ten years - their website was clear, efficient and easy-to-use (and separate from the Barclays Bank website) and I would always do 20+ trades a month to keep commission costs down to £5.95 (sometimes as many as 90 to 100 simple trades - that's probably around £5000 a year in commission that Barclays have had from me) - I used my Dell home computer.
Then a few months ago a new "smart investor" service was dreamed up with lots of positive spin, silly pictures etc.to keep me informed of how things were to be with my current account and my trading account now linked in one website - "smart investor" - on the Barclays Bank website.
Last week it happened - the change took place and it is like a bad dream - nothing but error messages - if you do eventually get in you are faced with a website that appears to have been designed by five-year olds (or perhaps a website designed for five-year olds to use) - it is overcomplicated, childish and full of inane and unnecessary features - perhaps an idiot with an IQ of 45 might appreciate it - I wonder that they don't incorporate some silly little game too !
Just as an example - a little line-graph to show you how your investments did last week - "your investments went up (down) by £xx last week" - do they really think that a reasonably intelligent investor needs to be told that, or perhaps like Compton472 suggests, they want to get rid of decent customers and attract naïve bored housewives (or five-year olds).
But what can one do - go somewhere else, I suppose. It's a disgrace, nevertheless, that a supposedly reputable company could replace a decent, efficient website with a load of total inane garbage and pretend it's progress.
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Value For Money
Platform Can't Cope With High Market Volume
Been with Barclays Stockbrokers some 20+ years and the service has been generally good. The platform couldn't cope during the market turmoil of late August 2015. You couldn't trade FTSE100 stocks. They won't accept that the platform is under capacity and annoyed me by seeking to put the blame on my set-up - which I know is them just trying to fob me off and duck the actual issue.
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Value For Money
27 Days Wasted Without Marketmaster Account
It took me 27 days (12/06/15 - 08/0715) to try to open an account with Barclays Stockbrokers. I decided to cancel it in the end, because I didn’t want to be stuck with the sloppy service, if anything went wrong with the trading account. Customer service was very polite, the execution was horrible though.
First of all, I was required to apply by post and needed extra documentation, instead of applying online, because I am an EU citizen.
I sent in the application pack, received an e-mail notification saying that I need to send in extra verification. After calling customer service to enquire about the situation, they told me that they needed another document, as they couldn’t use the same file twice to confirm details. So I got a bill certified by one of their branches and sent it in again.
This basically went on all the time, with things keep being amiss with my application, which I had to find out by calling customer service to fix. E-mail notifications were unhelpful and these stopped coming in towards the end as well. So I ended up having to try to log-in to the MarketMaster account and call the company if it didn’t work.
All in all, customer service was very polite, however, execution was horrible. Wasted a lot of my time and effort to try and set up an account. Definitely succeeded in conveying the message that they don’t care about individual customers. Would not recommend their services and hope that others get better treatment, as I am aware that this might just be a single case.
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