Renault RX4 1.9DCi
Renault RX4 1.9DCi

User Reviews
Value For Money
Best Renault Rx4 4x4 Iv Driven Out Of All Models
i gave this car a chance in 2001, and to be honest it was absolutely brilliant. the drivers position was great the seats were leather, and very comfortable you sat high up. very comfortable to drive, the steering was amazing, it felt like you was apart of the vehicle. very smooth gear change, drivers arm rest was great on them long drives, and the 4x4 wasn't bad at all. driving over muddy fields was easy, even up steep hills it didn't slide. the 40-60 drive chain from front to back wheels was great. Even did well in the snow over the years, this rx4 never let me down. the breaks were easy to change myself, the engine was a 1.9 diesel engine and sounded great. the mph was fantastic. and when driving you hardly heard any road noise. also i just loved that back hinge door the way it swung out giving plenty of room to get stuff inside your car, for carrying big things. the seats would fold away leaving big boot space. there was storage everywhere in this car. it was practical for every days use.
Value For Money
Love This Car
Bought this car from eBay read all the horror stories but took a chance and as an ex mechanic I can say I love it no it's not fast but where do I need to go in such a rush? It's comfortable beyond belief mpg is fantastic for such a heavy car and as I'll be taking care of all the mechanical issues myself I can honestly say I'm not worried about undertaking any work to the car they are basic and easy to diagnose for even basic technical ability and if you scour around enough on eBay or the internet in general the parts are out there and not as expensive as I would have thought certainly not against similar cars.
To finish every type of vehicle on the road has it's fair share of horror stories this one is no exception but for the money and all things considered I would recommend them
I will be keeping mine for many years hopefully
The Worst Car I Have Ever Had, I Hate It
These car would be great if you could get the spares for them. Every time mine goes in it takes forever to get the correct parts. The prop shaft go on all of them, the viscous cupping fails and then rips the tyres to bitts and eventually breaks the gearbox.
If you buy from eBay its because its the last ditch attempt for someone to get rid of theirs, the only other option is the scrap yard.
That’s how I got stung.
Renault do not want to help you with the RX4, I think they want it to go away. They charge the earth for all work and quote sky high prices for every thing. My advice is, unless you are a mechanic that wants a challenge and loves messing about with old cars, avoid the RX 4 like the plague.
Value For Money
2002 Diesel Rx4 Silver Elephant
Likes plenty space and comfy to drive
Bad points.
Been a mechanical disaster since day one.Bought off Ebay cheap .Very tidy to look at 87000 miles.But engine had been doctored to sell. Got about 150 mls when big end went.Put in donor from 2003 car and put on new propshaft (Daves props )Thought right were sorted for the rest of its life but no two weeks later. left stranded would not start.Got a tow and hey presto started no problem,two weeks later same thing.Have now started carrying tester as have discovered if no power going to high pressure pump it will not start.Seems the mickey mouse wiring looms on these cars are totally inadequate.Reason mileages on most of these cars is low probably spend a lot of time in the autoelectricians,Here is hoping Renault read this and improve their wiring on newer models as these are a disgrace...
Hilarious to read and having one myself it has been parked at the mechanics for 4 months with every mechanic scratching their heads!! Everything is working it just won't bloody start? Any tips other than sensors and belts appreciated.. High pressure pump is th next suggestion, many thanks this is a new revelation and yet to be tested :-))))
Value For Money
I Have Had This Car 5years,and I Definatley,would
i have had this car 5years,and i definatley,would not have a renault rx4,i have two turbos and a rebuilt engine ,and it blow again,its a common fault with these cars,KEEP WELL AWAY,dont get me wrong loved it to bits,i realy did until,the turbo went the first time,had engine cleaned ,oil seals crank shaft done all parts rebuilt,and a reckon turbo fitted ,thought brill my babies back on the road yahoo,was buzzing,cost me as much as i paid for it,until,back end of november 2010,the turbo went again and engine popped,found out that the turbos to this engine and car dont mixe,got know tell tail signs ,happened click of a finger,now im,so gutted ,if you can help me deal with this then email me [email protected] thanks.
I have had the same happen to me. I bought my rx4 in sept 2010. since i got it it has done nothing but give me trouble. I have spent almost 3k n variouse repairs,. this aug 2011 the turbo blew. I loved this car for its parcticality and comfort but beilve me my advice is to steer clear of these cars they are of such poor quality and very prone to mechanical problems.
VJ London
Have emailed you a response. A disaster of a car to buy second hand. Very expensive to repair without the assistance of a lengthy warranty, two tubos in two years plus a reconditioned engine. A real white elephant. the plus it the most comfortable seats...especially when you are waiting for the recovery lorry!
Value For Money
Practical. The Plastic Bumpers All Round Are A Gre
Practical. The plastic bumpers all round are a great idea, i no longer hve to worry about trollys, my kids or car doors.
Fuel economy is good, plent of cubby holes and the best part for me is the way the back door opens.
I would recoment this car for someone with a family who like to be active or have a big dog.
Value For Money
These Cars Are Bad News As A Used Car Buy. Do Your
These cars are bad news as a used car buy. Do your self a big favour and buy something else.
Value For Money
I Have Had This Car For 6 Years. In That Time Thi
I have had this car for 6 years. In that time this car has been great to drive; and practical for a number of things like camping, parties, moving and anything i could throw at it. The ride is smooth and quiet and it is a pleasure to drive. Also, it doesn't look outdated at all, in fact i think it looks better on the road than a lot of other compact 4x4s models made to date.
I have two complaints as I said. A bigger engine would not be a bad idea, but would result in less fuel economy, which as it stands is bang on their estimated 10l/100km approx.
Secondly, in my opinion, the authorized service centres in Australia do a terrible job of representing the company. i found them to be very expensive and believe that they don't replace the parts they say they do. My advice: take it to a mechanic you know, and you will never have a problem.
Value For Money
This Car Has Echoes Of The Brilliant Renault 16 In
This car has echoes of the brilliant Renault 16 in terms of seating flexibility, clever design and comfort. It's almost impossible to skid and traction is amazing in sand, gravel, mud and snow. Our daughter has a large trike to ride - I pull out two rear seats and it fits in perfectly leaving three seats intact. I stick my own bike on a simple rack over the spare wheel.
In my film making career I have lots of gear to lug around, so out come all three rear seats and I've got a HUGE space available for cameras, lights, stands, tripods and kitchen sinks.
For some reason this car was bagged by the Aussie motoring press who noted comments like "French = weird, right?" I guess they just didn't understand the concept of a 4WD car that didn't have a monstrous 5 litre turbo diesel under the bonnet. But then the little Suzuki 4WDs had small engines and, like the RX4 outperformed many bigger 4WDs because they had high approach and departure angles, wheels at the corners, and great traction control.
We love it. Wish list: the new Renault diesel engine as a transplant, and a dual range gearbox. It would be unstoppable!
Value For Money
Wish They Would Drop The Price Of The Renault Part
Wish they would drop the price of the Renault parts, but there you go you can't have a vehicle like this and expect everything to be perfect.
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