Carbontek LTD

Carbontek LTD

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Value For Money

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Carbontek LTD

Carbontek LTD
1 1 user review

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Rude, Irresponsable Customer Service

Carbontek is a dealer, Mot, and servicing company for motorbikes. I bought a motorcycle from them not too long ago and regret having to deal with them. I was promised a new back box, a new rear brake pedal and if anything was wrong with the bike 3 months after the sale, the problems would be rectified. They ordered a 2nd hand brake leaver that was bent where the rear brake light spring was attached, so you have to press harder for the brake light to come on, which is unsafe since I must use my front brake every time to warn the vehicle behind that I'm braking to prevent them going into the back of me. When I asked why they didn't order a new one as was promised, Chad the person who sells in the company said a new one cost 100 pounds, a lie...I checked online, they're no more than 47 quid brand new. They also renewed the MOT on the bike saying they took it down the road to get it done, when later I checked the paper work, it was done at their own MOT place next door, which is also part of their own business... another lie. The bike passed with my old brake leaver which had half the leaver where you rest your foot snapped off and had been grind-ed by the last owner falling off and the bike sliding down the road. This left a sharp edge which is an instant MOT failure meaning they told the tester to close their eyes on this and also is dangerous because if i fell and that went in my foot, I wouldn't be able to walk. I also called the seller about the carburetors in need of balancing a month after purchase, and was told that he shall speak to the mechanics and call me back. I never got no call and called several times after and still haven't gotten a call back about it and it was forgotten about and probably not even brought up with the mechanics. So their 3 months maintenance promises was a massive lie, and that wasn't the only problem on the bike which I had to resolve at my own expense of money and time. I didn't call to get them resolved because I didn't trust their quality and level of work. Lastly the reason why I couldn't hold back and had to warn people of this absolutely revolting service. I appointed a date to pick up the back box after 4 months had passed and regular phone calls which were stressful and irritating to need to chase the seller about something he said he'll contact me about. I came down on this day, which was a cold one and their shop is miles away from where I live to be "warmly" welcomed by the business owner. I parked, walked up to him and asked if I can collect my back box, he said he knew nothing about it. So I said 'can you call Chad and ask where it is so I don't have to come again. He called and said 'he's picking up a bike today and won't be down..... even though he clearly agreed with me on this day and this time!!! I was fuming, and said how dare you provide such a terrible service, to which the owner replied 'don't you get lippy with me'. I said this has been going on for months and I'm tired of being messed around. I walked back to my bike ready to leave and the vile man followed me saying its got nothing to do with him, he's just the owner of the company. I said exactly so you should make sure that promises are kept and your informed when something is being collected by the customer. He started prodding his stubby fingers in my face saying 'don't teach me how to run my business'. I said get out of my face ranting loudly, using offensive words. I said you weirdo get out my face! to which he replied I quote 'what you going to do about it' this made me Mad! so I replied 'nothing' leaving him to think he won the battle. He wanted to provoke me to hit him, which I'm not stupid enough to do because I've met others like him and have experience how to restrain and compose myself. When I said that I spent money on petrol and time getting down to them, his reply was 'it's not my problem'. I'm going to share this review in every blog, motorbike forum and even in the news papers if I can because I have had enough of the auto trade going to "the dogs" because of such shoddy dealers giving others a bad reputation. Please share this company name, and warn close ones of the service you'd expect to receive from them. Thank you.

And if the owner happens to read this, a message for you: don't speak with clients in such an evil manner you little girl, control your temper and remember I brought you business and provided funding for future project by buying a bike off you. Now you might get less work and business because you woke up on the wrong side of the bed and couldn't control your emotions and temper. But don't you dare provoke me and tress me out, especially when I have to ride home on two wheels, you selfish little man. I'm a K1 fighter and could have put you to sleep as soon as I sensed your revoltingly vile and evil vibe. Learn from this.

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