ROX Flawless Eyes - www.flawlesseyes.co.uk
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ROX Flawless Eyes - www.flawlesseyes.co.uk

User Reviews
Flawless Trial Recurring
I have tried to ring a number of times. but no answer. please cancel this order and do not take any more money from my account. thank you
Rox Flawless Eyes
I have just emailed RX cosmetics to get a sample of rox flawless eyes before I spend money on the bottle. I instantly got a reply from "foundationdesigners" saying this email address (from their contact us section on their website) is no longer in use so I think I will give it a miss!!!
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Value For Money
Utter Rubbish
dont waste your money girls..... it looks like someone has wiped a load of toothpaste round your eye....
its itchy and sore if you re apply it more than once...AVOID!
Would like to know where can i claim my money back as this does NOT mix... its turned into like a sticky rough substance that make crestless.
Quality of website
Value For Money
Will Not Mix!
I purchased flawless eyes two weeks ago and after reading instructions it is still not the clear liquid it should be!just a thick sandy coloured paste even after my husband shook it vigorously until his arms ached! I would welcome advice or have I purchased a product that maybe on its way to the bin!
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Value For Money
Can't Get On The Website
Hi why can't I get on the website? I'm having to buy it from Amazon? Is the website down or have Rox gone out of business?
It is maybe because you are like this site spelling it wrong !!
Fab Product A Must !
Wonderful product makes me feel young again part of my routine easy and very effective , don't apply to much can go white, make sure your skin is clear of any other product can apply make up after but only use mineral foundation ,love it A+
Rip Off
Ive ordered Rox now for a couple of years & found it really good, however I noticed that there was a £99.99 payment also taken out my account recently when I hadn't ordered anything for several months. This is being investigated by my bank. That also comes up as "Household Appliiances." I've also noticed that their website has disappeared!!..
Not Impressed At All.
Bought rox last year from rox legitimate website,its pretty good but what I'm not Impressed with at all is receiving a call from didn't catch the name this boy was running through a script as I used to work in a call centre I know the score,ended up I'm getting a free leaflet bout some deals, would not take no for an answer, I made it clear I was not paying for anything nor would I give out my bank details, OK he said, have a nice day, week or so later booklet comes from a holiday saver company, have got the letter who apparently I signed up with and they took 100 pounds out of my bank????? So rang them and was informed by a lovely young lady that Fox gave them my bank details and said I wanted to become a member????? Excuse me how Dare you give my bank details to Anyone without my consent,thanks to you I've been up a creek without a paddle as lost 100 without knowing and have to wait 5 -10 days to get a refund, What are you going to do about this ROX???????
I have just had the same thing, bought some eye cream months ago, just noticed £99.99 taken out of my account this month under the heading "Household Appliances" I have contacted them and have been told the same thing, "refund in 5-7 days. It's really slippery.
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Value For Money
The same thing happened to me £99.99 out of my account, no purchase made just took the money. I did however purchase one bottle of eye cream at the promotion price many months ago, I have not agreed to them taking the extra payment of £99.99 and guess what I can't get in touch with ROX. Rip off!
I have just had the same thing, bought some eye cream months ago, just noticed they have taken £99.99 out of my account under the heading "Household Appliances"
I bought a product last year and just opened it to find it was solid and the date on the boxes is 2011. No wonder it was solid. What should I do?
Is it solid or just so thick it won’t come out of the bottle? Rox is water soluble I always add water to what’s left in the bottom and it will last me another month. If it’s solid then I really done know.If it was mine I would break the bottle and put it into another container with water and try shaking it.
How do I go direct to ROX as I seem to be finding the products only on Amazon or eBay?
I normally buy the product off TV but haven't seen it for a while and was off put from my last purchase as it seemed half empty and I really like the product, but paying nearly £30 for a half empty bottle wasn't impressive.
I bought Rox Flawless but when I put it on and wait a minute or two it totally works but goes crusty so have to remove it and my eyes look more puffy and wrinkly than before cos I've had to rub the flawless off. Does anyone else have this problem and how is it rectified?
Can I use an foundation over rox flawless eyes?
When the flawless eyes is applied, can makeup be applied over it?
I would like to know if it is as effective as the ads suggest?
Yes it is, need to try different moisturisers and make up as the product can be quite drying around eyes
Is this the product they have advertised on television? I have been trying to call the number advertised but not sure if I have wrote it down correctly.
I'm thinking of trying their product and was just wondering if I can still use an Eye Cream under the Flawless Eyes to help reduce fine lines etc? As the Flawless Eyes is a temporary result.
Can you recommend a non water based foundation to wear over flawless eye serum?
I only ever wear a bronzer and use a concealer just in the corner/inside of the eyes. However when I first tried ROX I did apply it over the top of the concealer. I tend not to use liquid foundation as it does enhance any wrinkles! Sheer Cover do a powder foundation but you do need to practice with that. Maybe if you dab the foundation very lightly instead of smoothing it may work. Hope this helps.
What make up is best to wear over fox flawless eyes? Any particular brand which works best?