UK Express Delivery - www.ukxd.co.uk
Value For Money
UK Express Delivery - www.ukxd.co.uk
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User Reviews
Dont Go Near Them!!
Worked for these for 3 weeks,had 2 days delivering and 2 days in the wherehouse.the rest of the time was sitting in the canteen waiting!!
Was sent other depos only to find there was no work.
Value For Money
Stay Well Clear From Ukxd
please read!!
I started working for ukxd a few months ago, it all sounded very good they promised good money good hours and a good van, only part that was true was the van which was brand new, the hours you work are very long unless you speed everywhere and risk loosing your licence, they don't pay the correct amount at all they charge you through the roof for every little thing, DONT USE THE FUEL CARD!!! they applie tax after that about £14 per tank even though I paid tax at the pump, if you have a day off they charge you £120 I would not recommend working for this company ever!!!
personally I would recommend a company called "go" they don't have any hidden charges and they are up front about the costs and are wiling to help you yes the van charges are a little more but its well worth it. the staff at ukxd are as a whole ok in my experance I found that the bloke who u get your van from was the only decent person there even the other agencies bad mouth ukxd and a lot of there drivers are former drivers from ukxd.they hacve ruined my Christmas for me and my family promising so much ive not recived any payments for 2 weeks and don't expect to receive any payments soon and will be contacting the local news to see if they are intrested in a story about the way I was treated while I was working there.
Hi mate iam so glad that I have read your comments about uk express I was going to start with them iam glad I didn't can you tell me this company called GO do they supply you with a van and is their any work with them ??????
Hey. Was working for this idiots almost one year. Now I start to do the legal actions to get my money back
hello there. I just recently stopped working for UKXD. was shocking to say the least. Just a quick question. Do you remember how to get on the portal? I need to check something but can't remember how to get on it. many thanks!!
Value For Money
Total Rubbish, Avoid By All Means
They will cheat you out of every penny possible. Do avoid at all cost.
Good Value For Money
I had a parcel to be delivered from LONDON to BIRMINGHAM and thought it would take A WHILE to deliver, SO I used UK express delivery and I was so PLEASENTLY surprised by the EXCELLENT service I WAS PROVIDED. The parcel was delivered within a couple of days and arrived in perfect condition. I will definitely use this service again and recommend to everyone who want first class delivery
Value For Money
Read This Before Your First Day
After drugs & security clearing (you pay around £65 not refundable) I got a txt to head to the depo & call the number on the txt to meet with security. I called 7 times & all were an answering machine response. I went up to the security guard who was very busy but a nice person & told him my story. He said go to the over-spill car park as there was a company driver there. I went, met him, told him I was there for a drive around day & he called his team leader. he came across, I told him the story & he said thats the wrong number why didnt you call me. I told him I didnt know he existed 5 minutes ago. his reply was "go with him" (the driver I was talking to & the team leader walked away. We waited for another hr then got in to load up but the driver couldnt show me where to get the parcels or the scanner because the team leader hadnt processed my Id card. had 127 parcels & drove around for 11 hrs. (did 130 miles). During this time the driver got continuous txts from the team leader asking where we were. The driver was a 5 year experienced courier but only on his 3rd week with UK express, The team leader was a driver only 4 days earlier. The driver said 7 days a week is required to make any money however at 6 days a week, 10/11 hrs a day you can expect your hrly wage to be around £3/hr. First two weeks wages are held as a deposit in case you damage the van but you still pay all the costs. you will have no home life & come home to sleep only. Not organised, bad pay structure as costs are not made clear, pushed to hurry all the time & ensure you deliver all parcels
Value For Money
The Worst Ever!!!!
I applied for a part time job with uk express all done by the Internet. It all went smoothly until my phone rang!!
They asked me to pick a vehicle up ASAP (within 20 minutes) and drive it to a destination 3 hours away and to get there before close of business.
I arrived to collect the vehicle and a form came through on my emails asking me to take pictures fill in names and wear a hi viz jacket. No mention of this in previous emails and you need 45 minutes to complete it.
Then another email stating you need to phone them for an insurance reference as you cannot drive without it, so another 15 minutes is wasted trying to get through using your own phone.
I arrived after the 3 hour trip and handed the vehicle over again having to take names,photos and submit a form.
I was then told to find my way to the nearest train station and a ticket reference would be sent by email to get home. The nearest station was 2 miles away and I got text after text of "where are You"
No ticket was provided and I was told to get it myself
and it would be refunded the next day along with the pay for the job. I submitted all information and receipts on the train ride home to email address they told me as if I did not get it in before midnight a deduction fee of £15 is deducted.
Never got the train refund of £50 and £60 for the work.
Telephone call after telephone call and email after email I was becoming more out of pocket. They said it needed to be sent to a different department, issues with the job and the original person who gave me the post was not available.
I never received the money!!!
YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED ABOUT THIS so please don't let it happen to you and keep well clear of the worst company ever UK EXPRESS
Value For Money
Useless Courier
they are useless I worked 7 weeks with these and still not paid they conn u out of money never pay you they lie and cheat to you expect u to sleep in a van over drive your hours trat u like rubbish if they get money don't give a hoo about any one but there selfs they lie I was with them wanted a day off ended up taking a trainee to London then when drop him they say my van had issues I had to go backl to werte giot vans from when I did thjey isolated the vehical so could not be driven left me on then streets with no money or no way to gwet home had to call people to drive 300 miles to get me so I could get home all companies and drivers should cancel contracts with them immediately cause take u for a ride to ukxd not what id call them
This "company" Takes On Drivers On A Self Employed
This "company" takes on drivers on a self employed basis which in actual fact turns out to be the very worst type of zero hours contract. As a self employed person you would expect that you would invoice them for the work that you do but it's them that invoice you. Don't believe anything they promise you regarding bonus payments and work for additional routes, you simply won't get paid. Often required to deliver 150 plus parcels a day with sometimes 2 hours travelling there and two hours travelling back. Do the maths this often involves working 15 hours a day plus. They will also "fine" you £130 if you take a day off! You work 3 weeks in hand so they blackmail you into signing that your payment claim for the week is correct or they just don't pay you at all! They also impose non contractual and arbitrary "fines" for things such as not keeping your van clean. Be warned, it's high time they were prevented from operating, you will have no employment rights whatsoever. Avoid
I work for them. I hurt myself at Coventry depo but carried on untill i wemt the doctor because i was in so much pain. Because i was off they refused to process my invoice (company policy ) sunny the manager ssid it wont be processed untill i take another run. I told him i cant as im in to much pain and the doctors put me on tramadol and they make me dosey and im not fit to work. Just point blank refused to pay me. So they gave me another run. Coventry to Belfast i was in so much pain i overdosed on tablets. From the moment i tip in Belfast i could not stop being sick. Coming back it took me and im not exaggerating 12hr to get down the a75 ever 3-5mile i had to stop because i was in souch pain and because i had already overdosed i wouldn'ttake anymore tablets. I told them i had overdosed when i was in Belfast i didnt get 1 call to see if i was ok by the time i got to the rnd of a75 all the next days vans had passed me. Couple days later they took the van in the night with all my stuff in it. When you call the office they just ignore you and don't pick up.
I work for them. I hurt myself at Coventry depo but carried on untill i wemt the doctor because i was in so much pain. Because i was off they refused to process my invoice (company policy ) sunny the manager ssid it wont be processed untill i take another run. I told him i cant as im in to much pain and the doctors put me on tramadol and they make me dosey and im not fit to work. Just point blank refused to pay me. So they gave me another run. Coventry to Belfast i was in so much pain i overdosed on tablets. From the moment i tip in Belfast i could not stop being sick. Coming back it took me and im not exaggerating 12hr to get down the a75 ever 3-5mile i had to stop because i was in souch pain and because i had already overdosed i wouldn'ttake anymore tablets. I told them i had overdosed when i was in Belfast i didnt get 1 call to see if i was ok by the time i got to the rnd of a75 all the next days vans had passed me. Couple days later they took the van in the night with all my stuff in it. When you call the office they just ignore you and don't pick up.
Value For Money
Waste Of Time Please Don't Bother!
These jokers short pay their drivers and not on time, no invoices as promised are sent.
Poor working conditions all over.
Not an ounce of care for those earning them money.
Potential contractors/couriers stay well away they really do not deserve you no matter how much you think you will benefit you will not!
If you have any problems with pay, documents, etc you have to keep on and on over and over with them agreeing to sort something and not doing or passing the book around their office.
If they are missing information such as your bank details which is a very common excuse for not paying or not paying on time, they won't let you know! You have to contact them again over and over, complete muppets.
My strong advise to all couriers and customers, stay well away and let them go had enough of companies like these it makes us couriers look bad!
Value For Money
Excellent Parcel Delivery Service!
I had a very fragile parcel (family antique piece) to be delivered from Sheffield to Dorset and thought it would take weeks to deliver, but I used UK express delivery and I was so surprised by the outstanding service. The parcel was delivered within a couple of days and arrived in perfect condition. I will definitely use this service again and highly recommend to everyone who want first class delivery.
Is there any violations if there is money inside the package? How much?
I've been offered a self-employed job with Express UK Ltd moving vans around the country. I've read on a previous comment that they don't pay you? Is this true? Is this even legal?