Value For Money

User Reviews
Value For Money
This Was The Best Day Ever Ive Never Been To
This was the best day ever
ive never been to a mcfly concert before so i was so excited to go and would not stop talking about it
They are so amazing live and get the audience involved as well which makes it better, they communicated with the crowd and we went crazy, i enjoyed myself so much i suggest that if you like mcfly to go to one of their concerts you will love them forever
Value For Money
Mcfly Always Keep The Crowd Involved And I Think T
McFly always keep the crowd involved and I think that's just one of the things that makes them a brilliant band. They sound great on cds, but when you see them live, its a whole new level of greatness.
I could go on forever really.
Value For Money
This Gig Was One Of The Best Gigs I Have Been To A
This gig was one of the best gigs i have been to and let me tell you i have been to quite a few. The boys came on stage to cheers and screams from everyone in the arena even the mums and dads. The set was very visual and included footage from from back stage at other shows. The interaction with the crowd was funny and entertaining and they sounded fantastic with a great set list from old new and covers. All i can say is no matter what age you are this is a band well worth their weight in gold.
Value For Money
Met Mcfly At My Favourite Club In London, Love The
Met McFly at my favourite club in London, love the music they pump out, although not so keen on they're new single radio active :((. Good bunch of boys that enjoy poppin out they're sounds :))
Oh and fit with it lol.
Value For Money
Anyone Who Has Never Listened To Mcfly Should Real
Anyone who has never listened to McFLY should really give them a chance. This band are fantastic and it shows through every song. I urge anyone who hasn't listened to them to listen to tracks such as don't know why and point of view. These are powerful, exciting songs that wll get your adrenaline pumping.
I have seen the band perform many times and each time i have never been let down. They rock out the stage getting the crowd involved which has everyone full of life and energy. For example, seeing them at Dundee Caird Hall for their up close and personal tour, the boys almost came into the crowd when Danny needed his shoe lace tied. Additionally, Dougie came on stage under a green light with an acoustic guitar and began playing Transylvania before the rest of the band came thundering in with flashing lights and heavy drumming. It was spectacular! Effectively, McFLY tend to change their normal album versions of songs and make them more exciting for the crowd when on stage. This shows their versatility!
With Dannys outstanding vocals, Toms amazing lyrics, Dougies ripping bass riffs and Harrys heart stomping drumming this band have managed to become one fo Britains best.
Value For Money
When I First Heard Of Mcfly When They Appeared On
When I first heard of McFly when they appeared on the F word I thought, okay, here comes another wannabe band that concentrater on their image and brand name than the actual music.
After seeing McFly live at Olympia, Shepherd's Bush I wasa prooven wrong. These guys have serious musical talent and what they have achieved while the band is still in its infancy is staggering. They have an energy and a down to earth likableness that just what the industry needs. They will go far.
Value For Money
Mcfly Are The Most Awesome Band That Have Ever Exi
Mcfly are the most awesome band that have ever existed. Danny, Tom, Harry and Dougie are hugely talented and this is why they are so successful. Their songs can instantly inspire, uplift and get everyone sining along. I don't believe that McFly get the credit that they deserve for their songwrting skills. They perform live fantastically with great enthusiasm and this should be recognized even by their critics. Long live McFly!! Thankyou for the music.
Value For Money
Mcfly Are An Amazing Band And This Really Isn't Ev
McFly are an amazing band and this really isn't evident until you see them live. There songs and playing ability is so good and they really interact with the audience. They keep getting better and better. You could put 12,00 McFly haters in wembly, they'd put on the show and every single one would be converted in to lovers! Trust me I was! You must see them.
Value For Money
I Went To A Mcfly Signing In Manchester Last Year,
I went to a McFly signing in Manchester last year, to accompany my younger sister, as nobody else would! And I admittedly quite enjoyed myself.
It was a signing for their new single at the time "Star Girl" and there were to be 400 free wristbands to go and see it. So my sister, not wanting to miss out, had me stood outside HMV at 6:00am with 700+ easy die-hard McFly fans waiting to get a ticket, bearing in mind at this point that HMV doesn't even open until 8:00am. I felt for the most part like I could easily lose the will to live stood in line but it was rather exciting all the same, and we were lucky enough to get wristbands.
They weren't actually playing until 4:30pm and we had our wristbands by 9:15am, however, my sister, wanting to get to the front of the stage had us sit outside for 6 hours! Which all in all I think added to the experience. Once we were inside and the band came on, everybody went mental (McFly fans are crazily scary!) and I even found myself attempting to sing along to the songs I recognized. I think for McFly fans this was a real treat to get to see them for free. They are really responsive to the audience and spoke to them a lot. I think they played about 5 songs in total. They then went to get ready for the signing which had us waiting until 8:00pm, but my sister got to meet the band and have her picture taken, so she was over the moon. I think they put on a really good show and to have someone who's not even a fan really enjoy herself, they can't be going far wrong. Maybe I'll even get to see someone I like next time!
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