Husqvarna Viking

Husqvarna Viking

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Husqvarna Viking

Husqvarna Viking
2.52 22 user reviews



Ease of Use


Service & Support




Value For Money

User Reviews




Value For Money

Stitch Width

Would have been perfect if there is a regulator for stitch width. And please add a presser foot for invisible zippers.

I have just taken the machine out of the box, just read the manual, inspected all presserfeet, did not try to run the machine yet,thinking of sending this back and buy the onyx 25.


Ease of Use






Service & Support


Value For Money

Arrogant Customer Service, Bad Warranties, No Resale

Husqvarna Viking sewing machines and sergers, beware! I purchased a Husqvarna Viking embroidery machine a few years ago. There are a few things that you need to know if you are considering this brand.

1- The most important thing is that if you are not the original purchaser then they will have nothing to do with you. They ask if you purchased it new or used? If used then the conversation is over. Technical support and software updates are important with an embroidery machine.

2-There is a usb stick that comes with the embroidery machines. If you misplace this stick it is NOT REPLACABLE. Period. I read a blog that a lady's dog ate hers and they told her to follow the dog around in order to retrieve it because it is not replacable.

3-Repair service is minimal, and in our service almost impossible to find. I drove an hour to the repair shop, was charged $129 and the machine works no better than when I turned it in and the front hinge is now broken off of the tray. I still do not have a good straight stitch. The explanation? It is old and the board 'forgets' what the tension should be.


Ease of Use




Service & Support


Value For Money

Never Again

I recently purchased a Viking 300 embroidery machine from Viking dealer. I was so excited my first embroidery machine that I had been looking so forward to. This soon turned into a nightmare. The dealer I bought the machine has been one of the worst experiences in customer service I have had to deal with in a long time.

After buying the machine and having to go back to the dealer to get the sampler embroidery card they did not make sure was with it I was told I bought a low end machine and basically got what I paid for. What I paid for was the machine I wanted and expected them to know what needed to be with it.

I called customer service at the Tennessee branch hoping they could help me get the booklet I needed for my embroidery. That was a joke. I was told I would have to go back to the dealer, the one I don't ever want to deal with again, and I should have made sure I received everything with it before leaving the store. She was quite rude in customer service. Well since it was my first embroidery machine I was expecting better customer service and the dealer knowing what I needed.

I am just so over Viking right now, I am so upset. Again never ever ever will I buy a Viking machine or deal with another Luke's Sewing Center where Vikings are sold. I am going to trade this one in with a dealer who I know is reputable and buy from a company I know is reputable.


Ease of Use






Service & Support


Value For Money

This Machine Is A Bit Pricey And Overly Complicate

This machine is a bit pricey and overly complicated or superfluous. I have been sewing since i was in high school and thought i would upgrade to a better machine, or so I thought. The buttons are a bit on the over kill side . Once I read the manual and worked with the machine it is not hard to use, but the needles break often, threatening the bobbin is sometimes difficult. I do not like the fact that the embroidery accessories are cumbersome to program and overall I would not recommend this.


Ease of Use




Service & Support


Value For Money

No More Viking!

I paid $ 6000 for this awful Ruby machine. From the very first it banged, groaned and hissed upon calibration. JUst about everything hat could go wrong did so. IT was very erratic in operation. Some days it would work well and on other days zap! The dealer never provided me with education. A ot of things went wrong and he always blamed me with the failure. For the last 3 mos. machine constantly nested on he back side of the material. That, too, was my fault. IF that be so, the dealer should have come off his throne and showed me what I did wrong.

I am an exerienced user and went from Brother to Viking in order to get local service, not to travel 60 miles to dealer. The purchase was a big mistake. I intend to go back to Brother for my new embroidery machine and the 60 mile trip will be worth it to go to a dealer who knows about what he is selling and cares about his clients.

I paid for the Vantage plan for help over the phone but there were many times they could not help, the dealer would have to see and remediate. Big joke! He had my money for his new mansion, couldn't care less.

Viking should make their dealers accountable. I own Bernina sewing machine and serger and always had instruction after each purchase. The dealer should be held accountable. The pubic needs to be protected from the dealer who is the only one in about 50 mile radius. He does not feel he has an obligation. I never sat down and did hands instruction with him.

I attempted to return the machine to dealer but was denied I have lost a lot of money and will not forget what this dealer did to me. I will never buy any Viking products again.

What happened to the machine? I donated it to charity. There is no way I can work with this quirky machine.


Ease of Use






Service & Support


Value For Money

Why I Love Viking Sewing Machines

I got my first Viking in 1973 and have been sewing on them ever since. The machines are built to last. My first on still sees well. My children even repaired their tent on it when the were small. I now have five of their machines and a server. My daughter and grand daughters like to get together and have a sergeant. The machines are easy and fun to use. For my money there is no better machine.


Ease of Use




Service & Support


Value For Money

Stitches Not Straight And Micro

After the first year of 10, I have been able to only sew with micro stitches. Top stitching is impossible because stitches are ugly.


II have had my Husqvarna Viking 835 from new (18months old now) and I am so disappointed with the quality of stitch. At present I am trying to top stitch a quilt but am pulling out more stitches than I am sewing.

Needless to say I am looking for a more reliable sewing machine. Has anyonegot any ideas?


Ease of Use






Service & Support


Value For Money

Husqvarna Viking Opal 650

I do not embroider w my machine. I sew clothing and household items. This machine is incredible. I purchased it at Joann's where I was able to test sew on Singer, Brother, and the Opal. I have sewed for 40 yers and have only owned 2 machines in my lifetime, a singer and a white. The Opal is so much smoother and operates exactly as advertised. I love it and do not regret its purchase. It is also a consumer digest best buy.

Drawback: optional pressed feet are expensive and are not interchangeable with Singer compatible feet.

Advantage; 20 year warranty, trade-up program for first year of ownership


I just bought the 650 opal , I love it.. but I hate the foot pedal , it is cheap and I do not think it has ease of pressing on the foot.. It seems like you have to press harder than I think you should.. I am going to see if I can purchase a more sturdy foot for the opal 650. I had not heard of the 1 yr trade up, what is that about.. ?


Ease of Use




Value For Money

Awful Performance And Waste Of Money

I have been a seamstress for over 40 years and this was my first Husqvarna sewing machine purchase. I design and sew handbags and I was assured that it would stand up to heavy sewing. When you use heavier fabrics, the machine starts knocking or when you have sewn with it over a couple of hours it starts knocking. If you use many layers, the machine posts a sign that says the foot is too high and even dropping the plate doesn't make it work. I've had it for 6 weeks and its already been in the shop for repairs (timing was out due to using it on heavier fabrics). Threads continuously break in the eye of the needle. If I were a beginner quilter then this machine might work (but I wouldn't trust it). The saleslady that sold me the machine assured me that it would stand up to heavier sewing. In her demonstration she even pulled out some layers of fabric to show me the ease of sewing but of course her machine was not used for a lot of sewing. Stay away from Husqvarna Tribute 140C and especially if you do a lot of sewing!


Service & Support


Value For Money

What A Colossal Pile Of Tripe

Absolutely abhorrent. The Designer I USB cannot even correctly update operating versions based on their own instructions. You are a complete fool if you spend your cash on this piece of trash.

Level of skill: Computer Expert.

Recommendation based on technical merit of device: Avoid at all costs.

1 - 10 of 22 items displayed



Why does my thread keep shredding before it creates a stitch? I have rethreaded multiple times, put a stretch needle and it continues before making a stitch. Ugh!


Can I do free hand embroidery with the Viking Brilliance 75Q?


Have downloaded VP3 embroidery designs onto USB stick for my Husqvana Viking Topaz 50. I can see the thumbnails of the designs on the screen but when I highlight any design all that happens is a red border appears around the chosen design with a small red triangle in the bottom right corner. Can anyone help me?


Husqvarna topaz 50 does it connect to internet for monitoring from iPhone ?

How to lower feet slowly or manually ?


I have a Viking Topaz and when embroidering, my thread keeps breaking about every 10 stitches, have changed thread put in a new need and checked all threading. If you could please help me with this issue I would appreciate it. Thank you

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