Lycos Chat

Lycos Chat

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Lycos Chat

Lycos Chat
1.5 28 user reviews

Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

User Reviews


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

A Website To Be Avoided

This Website fluctuates between bad and terrible and that is mainly due to a terrible team of Moderators (Navigators) Some simply do not know what they are doing, others are ignorant and ignore chatters asking for help, only yesterday did i witness two navigators bullying and goading a chatter, right up to the point another navigator entered the room and they stopped. This is what has driven the site into the ground. Navigators have destroyed the site, turned chatters away and has a majority of them afraid to say anything for fear of being banned, bullied or otherwise. I am going to lodge a formal complaint to the owner of the site as i have screenshots of the ordeal. This website is in the dying embers of it's online life, most of the good navigators and chatters have left the site. It is not a fun place to be, it is no longer "the worlds biggest chat" "best chat" or whatever slogan they want to put out there. If the site is to survive, then an internal investigation needs to be held into the conduct of navigators on the site. The site is in rapid decline. So anybody going to the site for the first time, tread carefully! Meanwhile i will be putting forward evidence of abuse from (three navigators) of abuse towards chatters then laughing about it. Should those navigators ever read this review, please note - Those who laughs last, laughs longest! Ciao


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Value For Money

Not Worth The Time.

I am quite surprised the site is still active. I am sure it's draining the funds of the owners.

The site is also being very sneaky with your personal data. Please read their privacy policy and you will see the total BS they are coming out with. They specifically do not mention a reason why they collect your data and what data they have collected. They use YOUR data for incidents when they want to ban you. They will have various of ban methods which ranges from: Sending you to a room for a period of time to kicking you off the site including ghosting and instant remove on site. How this is done by your data you have given them because of the cookies, your email, IP address, password, similar names and so on.

The more senior navigator you are, the more of a punishment they can give.

If you evade a ban then a higher one is given. There are ways around this.

Firstly if you do not like the site and a constant user then I highly suggest not to use the same password and use something totally different. Also use a VPN and always clear your browsers cache. Never use the same email address either. Chief navigators and above can check your passwords and email addresses. If you create an account but want to use alias the next time then never have any of the same details. They can trace back through.

Always remember to protect yourself when using this site.


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Value For Money

No-one Hears The Good, Only The Bad.

I've been on and off the site for a number of years now, banned a few times and reading previous reviews it does seem like most people have just come on to negatively review it after having the wrath of the moderators. Is the site perfect? far from it. But it is an adult site, those who are children that register do so at their own risk, where are the parents?

The chat as a range of features to stop abuse should it happen, which it does, I literally saw someone abuse someone after getting abused themselves both was spoken to the moderator and the "victim" spent the next 20-30minutes bitching and swearing that he was "told off".

The rooms do need populating more, but with the feature now that you can pay to get into what they call the "newbie room" there is less incentive to do so. I also think they could catch more people paying for features if they was priced more competitively. The diamond package in my opinion is only worth it just for adverts gone and to access the Port room


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

Bossy Navigator

I came back to Lycos after not having visited a chat site for a very long time, after 40 mins of chatting and trying to remember how things worked I was told I had to log out and choose another name so the other chatters didn’t mistake me for a navigator, they must not think the chatters are smart enough to tell the difference to a name with numbers and one without. After trying to delete the account and asking the navigator how, the navi refused to tell me and instead booted me.


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Value For Money

Waste Of Time

12 years back when I entered the doors of Lycos Chatroom as a Rookie, it ran properly and was enjoyable. As of now its ran by a chief that don't care for chatters and has little interest in helping others but her ego. Now this is a chatroom run by high ego navigators on a trip that's gone to there heads. I didn't know they hired Keyboard Warriors to do there dirty work, it sickens me that if you don't answer the so called chief your name is deactivated without warning..

In hindsight its run by anchor bullies mainly breaking the rules of Lycos itself and yet prosecute others below them. I often spend money on my profile and as a paying customer you thought there would be help offered when needed, but your wrong as your a no body to them whether you pay or not, there is no loyalty.

As an assistant navigator I asked for help towards my training from a female mentor and no interest was shown as I had mentioned I was disabled with a serious condition to others I felt I was a babysitter more than team member of the ODESSA elite.

I had the dream always to be a navigator of Lycos as a few friends of mine had held that position themselves 10-12 years ago. There's sexual predators and Pedos on it and that sickens me to maybe young kids using parents names on personal computers. Of course I've lost a lot of money on there and money isn't everything but health is and so after two weeks I handed my notice in as an assistant and didn't regret it. I got let down by the team I wanted to join so bad and would not go back with that responsibility again. Once you leave the pack of wolves your ignored by them with sarcastic remarks, and that's fine as proves my point of what I'm saying. It's really not surprising just how Lycos has slipped below the waves and sinking fast. So what's gained from it then..sleepless nights and people constantly causing trouble and then slapped on the wrist and told not to do it again of which they do constantly instead of banning them for good, but as they haven't got a large amount of members now because there style tactics of bullying then it don't surprise me.

A good chatroom gone to waste and I don't think it will ever come back unless you do a huge change in the top brass that love themselves..

I could say a lot more and yet I'm not angry, I'm more let down and feel I let myself down and the many chatters I got on with..

Thank you for reading.


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

Expensive For Legacy Chatters. No One Cares.

If you are a legacy chatter forget this place. In order for me to use my name in any populated room I need to pay a monthly subscription of £12. That's punishedment for being a 16 year old chatter not a reward.

All Navis basically ignored me and told me they don't care.

So I have deleted my accounts, and I implore anyone not to use this chatsite.

I signed in this morning without diamond into a room with 0 people.

With diamond you can go into port with 50.

Absolute joke. 


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Value For Money

Horrible Site Run By Horrible People

Initially this site can be fun but that wears off very quickly. I found myself talking to someone who initially seemed legitimate but soon started giving red flags. To cut a long story short, I managed to track down who the person was behind the scam account and also who the person was in the photos. To my absolute horror, the navi I dealt with was not interested in this and actually banned my account when I told her how disappointed I was in her attitude and lack of willingness to investigate. This site is run by egotistic people who let the power go to their heads.

Avoid at all costs


Probably a chance I knew you lol... Mudvayne-LD50. If so email me @[email protected]


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

Stay Far Away

Been chatter on Lycos for many years. It used to be a good chat site. So busy you had to wait to get in the popular rooms. Now it’s a dying site. Most of the navigators spend more time having fun. Then actually navigating. They ignore rule breakers. When a chatter is being bullied they just tell you to use the ignore function. They let chatters stalk other chatters. Known trolls are given a ban but then when the ban is up they are back and trolling again. The chiefs are a joke , if your good friends with a chief you can get people you don’t like banned from the site.


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

If I Could Rate Zero

I have been a chatter on Lycos for 16 years. I recently deactivated my account. For years I thought this was the way chat was and would have to accept this fact. If a chatter abuses you the only recourse is to put them on ignore. The offensive chatter gets a very light warning and can continue with their behavior. Then they create a new account to bother you again. The navis are not helpful against these types of chatters.

The owners are not involved in the daily business and leave the navis in charge. This is really bad business practice. I have been verbally abused, threatened to be banned for complaining, and told I was a lunatic. I really wanted to have nice chats especially during the pandemic.

It seems that Lycos caters to the abusive and predatory chatters. Their membership has gone down considerably. I have since found a chat where everyone is really nice and the moderators treat their chatters with the respect they deserve. They do not allow chatters to be harassed or disgusting language on their site. I love it there.

Go on at your own risk.


Ease of Navigation


Value For Money

This Used To Be A Decent Site, But Over The Years,

This used to be a decent site, but over the years, has become diabolical. The so-called 'navigators' bully, harass and intimidate users and facilitate abuse. They also turn a blind eye to this when chatters do it, and in some cases, encourage it. The owners are a disgrace and also refuse to accept responsibility whatsoever. If you try to leave this disgusting site, the 'navi's' will blackmail you/ spread malicious rumours that they get from other chatters. (They believe everything they're told, because they're not very smart and easily manipulated). If they don't like you for any reason ie; you tell them what you think of them, they will speak down to you, and then mute/ban you. I do hope this sad excuse for a site gets shut down pretty soon, with all this activity happening on there.

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