eDirectory www.edirectory.co.uk

eDirectory www.edirectory.co.uk

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eDirectory www.edirectory.co.uk

eDirectory www.edirectory.co.uk
0.42 14 user reviews

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User Reviews


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Value For Money

On A Friday In November 2009, A Guy Called Lewis C

On a Friday in November 2009, a guy called Lewis called me to ask me if I was interested in putting my products (I sell a range of handpainted personalised pottery gifts) on MyFavShop (now called shoppingbank). My first warning sign should have been that despite doing a lot of shopping for my business and home online I had never heard of them. However I wanted, and still want to grow my business www.glazedforkeeps.co.uk and he told me, things like; they were affiliated with GMTV; they get tens of thousands of visitors each day; asked me how many more orders I could cope with; he said they needed my shop to be successful because without sales they would not make money. He told such a good story I was worried that I wouldn't be able to manage the extra orders. So I said I would think about it over the weekend.

I looked at the site at the weekend and despite there being literally 100's products competing with mine I decided to go ahead. That should have been my 2nd warning sign. There was an upfront fee of £805 plus they were taking a 10% commission. In addition you have to give the customers cash back and you pay the payment/credit card fees as the payment are paid direct to your account. However I worked out that I needed 5 orders per month to cover the cost of going on this site. Whilst the sales person never promised any number of sales all the things he said made me think that this was completely achievable and said they would lose money on me if I didn't sell and my account manager would help me ensure my products did sell.

Once I agreed, the process to set up the shop was very efficient and they were very helpful in getting my products onto the site. I just needed to wait for the flood of orders. I wasn't too worried that nothing came before Christmas as I was too busy processing my orders from my site and other sites I resell on and I know it takes a few weeks for Google to index new pages. In the new year I tried to contact Lewis, he had left. I then spoke to Lesley, she made some suggestions which I implemented and arranged for my best sellers (as measured by sales on other sites) to be featured, but I still received no sales. My account manager has never contacted me unless I contacted her and I have received no help unless I have asked for it and the help has not increased sales in anyway. In one year I have had less than 10 sales. I am seriously out of pocket.

I tried to get some of my money back in May, by suggesting they close my shop and give me some of the upfront fee back, but they ignored this request, so now all I can do is warn other small businesses like mine. If I had thought about it, I should have realised that I could buy an awful lot of Google Ad-Words for £800. Shops on Ebay and Amazon cost and awful lot less to set up, even if the commission is higher and are much better known. Other resellers like CraftMarketCorner, take 20% (but pay the card fees), have a small upfront set up cost and more importantly provide more than 10 orders in a year.

I was an idiot, I did not apply any business common sense to this buying decision and these are my tips for avoiding this situation if you are approached shoppingbank or any other company offering to showcase your products with an upfront fee.

1. Have you heard of this company? If not check with a few friends, colleagues or even some of your best customers if they have heard of them. If not avoid like the plague.

2. If there is a large upfront cost, think about what you are getting for this and what else you could spend your money on that might give better results May be something like ad-words or shops like Ebay that you can do on a pay as you go approach would be better.

3. Commission - 10% sounded good, but with the customer cash back and picking up the credit/debit card fees this worked out higher than the 20% my other resellers charge.

4. If you do decide to go ahead negotiate the contract to have a get out clause if there are not a certain level of sales within 90 days for example.

5. Talk or email some of the companies that seem of a similar size to you on the site to see how many sales they are getting.

Caveat Emptor - Buyer Beware is my watch word for Shopping Bank and any other person trying to sell me anything"


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Value For Money

I Have Just Had A Phone Call From Them There E-mai

I have just had a phone call from them there e-mail is not good either the link to their website ShoppingBank.com in fact goes to different web address i have done some more research and it does not look good please keep away from them.

I have even ringed a couple of companies who use them and they both said the same thing they want their money back.

The reason why they called me as I have another online business selling quality online specialist gifts. I have now blocked their phone number.

Here is a tip so you do not get scammed do your research check reviews on the web ring clients up get case studies before you part with your money.



Be safe on the web


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Value For Money

Hi I Just Want To Say That I'm Really Grateful To

Hi I just want to say that i'm really grateful to find this page of all the same stories about Shopping Bank, E-directory, my-fave shop.

They contacted me in October and gave me the hard, very hard sell actually. With pushing the My-faveshhop as the new brain child of Lord Saarchi and I acually liked the look of the site. I paid £1200 for a years listing for 50 products and a micro site. I thought I was being clever and asked for recommedations to follow up and spoke to one merchant who said 20% of their sales came through My-faveshop. I paid up and by the time my listing was live they had changed the name to Shopping Bank.com which looked really awful and not what I had paid to be on. I asked for my money back and they said I was unable to get a refund and to give it a chance. Not one order came through over the whole xmas period ( I sell jeans ) and then one did and it was fraudulant and resulted in a charge back! infact 2 out of the 3 sales I have had have been fraudulant through Shopping Bank.

So we all seem to have the same story but why are they still getting people to sign up? We need to make sure our stories are heard and if your behind me please email me as something needs to be done.


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Value For Money

Absolute Waste Of Time, They Even Called Me Up Try

Absolute waste of time, they even called me up trying to sell to me with the GMTV speil, when I was already with them for 6 months! I paid almost £500 to sign up and have had 3 (yes 3 sales) in 8 months.

Absolute bunch of wasters if you ask me.

If you are approached by edirectory / MyFaveShop / ShoppingBank PLEASE AVOID THEM!!!


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Value For Money

Alot Of People Have Had Exaclty The Same Experienc

Alot of people have had exaclty the same experience with e-directory I am looking for anyone who has been sold or had a slae rep try to sell to them.

What they are doing in illegal telling a complete bunch of lies, to lure people to signing up.

I was promised page 1 google listings for every product in what ever term I wanted and treated like a moron when questioned how to make this happen. It's not possible all they do is submit your products to Google.

I have sold absolutley nothing.

Dont touch don't even listen they sell by lies. If any one is having problems with e direcotry or My fave shop please contact me. Ryder Gift LTD


I found this review very helpful because... I have had the same experience, we need to do something about this! I will contact you directly.


We Have Not Had A Single Sale Through E-directory

We have not had a single sale through e-directory in over 8 months after paying their £1000 annual fee. They are a disgrace - merchants avoid them like the plague!


I Joined Edirectory Last Year In May 2008 When One

I joined edirectory last year in May 2008 when one of the represented contacted me and assured me that we will get tons of orders after signing up i spent almost £1000 to sign with all the products. They never advertise any of their products with any search engines or using any other paid advertsing methods. They completely just rely on natural traffic without doing anything. They even now changed their name because their name (brand) i suppose they realised that their brand is at stake. Can you imagine that i have even not got the orders worth £1000 in almost a year. Even on christmas i have not received any order from their website. They charge just to populate merchant's products on their website without giving any value of the merchant's hard earned money. This website does not attarct any traffic at all which is why i had just 10 sales worth £200 in one year after paying more than £1000. This is the one of the worst experience i ever had in my life with any company. Now they are markting themselves with www.myfaveshop.com or myfaveshopmarketplace.com. They will take all your money and you will wait all your life to see any orders from this website.


Hi I just want to say that i'm really grateful to find this page of all the same stories about Shopping Bank, E-directory, my-fave shop.

They contacted me in October and gave me the hard, very hard sell actually. With pushing the My-faveshhop as the new brain child of Lord Saarchi and I acually liked the look of the site. I paid £1200 for a years listing for 50 products and a micro site. I thought I was being clever and asked for recommedations to follow up and spoke to one merchant who said 20% of their sales came through My-faveshop. I paid up and by the time my listing was live they had changed the name to Shopping Bank.com which looked really awful and not what I had paid to be on. I asked for my money back and they said I was unable to get a refund and to give it a chance. Not one order came through over the whole xmas period ( I sell jeans ) and then one did and it was fraudulant and resulted in a charge back! infact 2 out of the 3 sales I have had have been fraudulant through Shopping Bank.

So we all seem to have the same story but why are they still getting people to sign up? We need to make sure our stories are heard and if your behind me please email me on [email protected] as something needs to be done.


Completely agree with this (and other) reviews of edirectory/myshoppingbank etc etc. after 2 years of paying, my total sales amount to less than I get in a week on my main website. The sales rep suggested my products are not popular to buy online ! I am actually in a very competative market, yet still manage to sell more than edirectory can ever provide. Also, no proof of traffic/clicks / abandoned carts or any similar stats at all, so no method to check conversions/clicks. If these are not available, i am nt sure how the sales rep was so certain about the high level of traffic our product range would attract. A few backlinks has got be better SEO on google than edirectory, in fact cannot find an edirectory link to any of my products after 2 years. Be warned, save your money - AVOID!


We joined a month ago, cost us £1200+vat after the sales guy telling us sales figures for our competitors. All sounded perfect, as our products were better and cheaper. Looks like he was telling us complete lies, as even with over 1000 products on there, we've sold nothing. They can't provide even basic hit counts, so I don't even know if anyone has even clicked on one of my items. The same items sell brilliantly on ebay, amazon and our website. Not a sausage through edirectory/myfaveshop or whatever they're calling themselves this week.


I agree with this review because... we have not had a single sale through e-directory in over 8 months after paying their £1000 annual fee. They are a sham and a disgrace - merchants avoid them like the plague!


Customer Service


Quality of website

As A Small Online Business I Was Looking For Great

As a small online business I was looking for greater exposure - the people who find my website like it, but finding it is the problem.I joined edirectory as a merchant at the end of February 2009 because they were 'Desperate for more products in their personalised gifts for her section'.We sell very unique and unusual personalised gifts/gift service - it's 'up- market' but not expensive and it is innovative. The rep assured me that we were JUST the kind of company he needed to fill this gap! Obviously he couldnt guarantee results but ... bla.. bla...bla....When my husband and I looked at the section there were 12 items or so and none of them were inspiring. Nevertheless, when we asked about a specific item the rep said that the merchant had sold 15 of those in the last month!My husband who works in IT and gets the whole visitors/purchases/conversions stats thing drilled the rep down for more information - he gave us some highlights but didnt have much detailed info. We ignored our gut feeling and hoped that edirectory with its tens of 1000's of visitors per day would give our business greater exposure to a wider audience and signed up.Originally our 'account manager' put most of the things on the 'personalised gifts other' section along with the other 2400 other personalised gifts - some of which are so bizarre I do not have the time nor the vocabulary to describe them. We discussed this at length and I am still none the wiser about this decision.We recently moved to 'P.G for her' and I have sold a grand total of 3 products in a month! No wonder they weren't prepared to give us a month's trial. It's not looking like the best decision we ever made.Ok so it might just be that our stuff is not up to scratch! But, the customers who do find our website and order from it dont think so.Our edirectory experience has been poor! Retrospectively I would have bought a new dress and taken my husband out for a ridiculously expensive meal! It might not have got us any sales, but at least it would have been fun!

Colin Jowett

I found this review very helpful because...i have been approached to advetise my new business for £1500.00 , but decided not to , reading these reviews has help satisfy me that i made the correct decission.


I have had a very similar experience what I was told was absolute lies.


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Value For Money

I Ordered A Barbour Peacoat From At The Beginning

I ordered a barbour peacoat from at the beginning of the january sales through edirectory. After a week of hearing or receiving nothing I emailed in, to find out that the item was not in stock anymore.If they had told me this before I could have re-ordered from another store but because of the delay the item was sold out everywhere in my size.Then a few days ago to a lack of suprise, I found when reading my bank statement that edirectory had still charged me for the item, which I'm sure if I had not seen, would not have been refunded.Overall I find that edirectory serve no purpose


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Value For Money

I Ordered An Ipod Armband From Www.edirectory.co.u

I ordered an ipod armband from www.edirectory.co.uk nearly 2 weeks ago and it still hasn't arrived despite saying on the web site that it would come in 2-3 days. They have offered to send a replacement.

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