ProfilePic, www.profilepic.com
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ProfilePic, www.profilepic.com
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User Reviews
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Worst Dating Site On The Internet!!!
I ahd tried ProfilePic a few months ago it was full of non-genuine people. I thought I would give it one more try since they might have cleaned up their act and cleaned up the site from this issue. well the haven't done that and it is still only used by men and women that are not genuine. Don't waste you time and never pay any money to use their site!!!!!!
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Pictures Still Under Review
I had a profilepic account but forgot the password so I had to make another profilepic account and my pictures are still under review and its been 5 days now. Normally the pictures are under review in 24 hours but its been more than that so what the hell is going on. NO RATINGS AT ALL!!!
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Full Of Gang Related Homophobic Lifes Losers. The
Full of gang related homophobic lifes losers. The owners and staff have no understanding on how to run a site or even treat people apart from pushing the 'ban' button becos ur face doesnt fit
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On Two Ocassions I Have Been Blocked From Using Pr
On two ocassions I have been blocked from using profilepic because I have been told that I am using pornographic/adult material which is a complete lie as I have never ever used such material and would not. What puzzles me is that there are plenty of profiles with guys holding their erect penis in their hand and nothing is done about it but yet they have blocked me over something that is totally not true the only two pictures that I had was of my face. Someone has got it in for me on this site and is being vindictive because they are jealous and instead of profilepic investigate it they just block people which is disgusting and I will not be going back if this is the way that they treat decent people based on the lis of others, its shameful it really is!
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I Have Been A Member Of This Site For 6 Years Now
I have been a member of this site for 6 years now and rather like it,sure it is rather full of teenagers now,where when I joined there were a lot of adults my age,and just like any other social networking site it has it's fair share of narrow minded people,but it's no worse and doesn't deserve the comments it has received in these reviews,however lately it has started to include girls under 16,although without verification from a credit card that's hard to avoid,but worse there are a few pornographic images appearing on some profiles,which I always report as inappropriate,but I have met some lovely people on there in person and have quite a few friends on my profile.
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Profile-pic Disgusted Me! It Is Full Of Foul Mouth
PROFILE-PIC disgusted me! it is full of foul mouth racist people who thrive of insulting others.
Depending on ur backround, religion, sexuality, physical appereance, etc.
even insults are made to family members!
There are people as young as 14 on the site!
obvious threats are made, and pictures that are really out of line are able to be uploaded!
And it is not just members who make these awful remarks it also the admin!
infact he was by far the worce, he was the leader and the egger on.
I entred the chatroom which states b4 entering(no abuse will be to lerated)which was a complete lie!
iv never seen such fowl comments
i wrote that the admin should remove these people, which if i am not wrong is an admins job!!!
only for him to insult me and other members in the chatroom who had said the same.
he continued to insult me and other member and also egged all the other bullys on!
Then he blocked and deleted my account from the sight!
I try'd to make a complaint, and how funny, there don't seem to be a way to complain !!!!
This is not a networking sight just a another way for cowarads to bully! whilst a blind eye is tunred!
Because what this person is saying is true as I have seen the same thing happen. However,I have never seen anyone from admin verbally abuse any one but there are a lot of bullies on the site who do verbally abuse people I have been called lots of other offensive comments. What I am experiencing at the moment is people reporting my pics as pornographic which is totally untrue as they are just of my face and then I get blocked, I really am thinking of just leaving the site which is a shame because I have met some really nice people on there including in person.
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-highly Unrecommended- I Have Been On P
I have been on Prifilpic for a few years, at first it seemed ok, but then to find that the person that runs the site Admin had made suggestive perverted comments of a sexual nature towards me.
Also recently a chat room had been introduced were alot of users were promoting racism, discrimination, sexism, homophobia etc. Many insults were being thrown around this chat room which actually included Admin the people that run the site. Explicit XXXX rated pics get uploaded WITHOUT APPROVAL which I think is wrong for a social networking site especially were the minimum age is 14 years of age.
When witness to this I witnessed many members being banned and for no just reason and the members throwing insults were left to carry on with Admin egging it all on, I passed a comment about my disaproval and disbeleaf of Admins involement, Admin then banned me and blocked me from the site.
a report has been made!
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I Agree With Some Of The Previous Reviews, My Brot
I agree with some of the previous reviews, my brother is Gay and I could't believe what the entire room was saying about LGBT people. I have passed my concerns to the police in Manchester, clearly most of the users on this site have many issues personally they need to deal with. My most concerning point to this is the fact that the owners and admin staff from this site was also egging users on, and making personal threats and bigotry remarks as well.
The site which is mainly used by black and ethnic minorites from areas such as London and Birmingham are the ones making such comments, something I cannot really understand considering they are in the minority in the UK like Gay people.
Lets hope this website is shut down soon !
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-stay Away- This Website Is Dangerous T
This website is dangerous they are severly racist towards certain ethnic backgrounds including oriental, asian, and especially white people. 80% Of members have a serious problem with Gay and Bi-Sexual people, including threats, voilence, abuse, and general bullying which is promoted and encouraged by the owners and admin staff.
I have witnessed gay people getting banned from the room including recently over 10 people started bullying the gay memember including the admin staff, when the gay person tried to calm things down he or she was banned from chat and had their profile removed.
The site promotes guns and knifes including gang related stuff, stay away do not even bother to register and especially stay outta the chat rooms. I'm more than sure the authorites will get on to this site soon, if you witness anything on this site contact the police (You can remain anonymous) but they need to know about it before somebody gets hurt.
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I Was Disgusted By Profile Pic Recently I Went On
i was disgusted by profile pic recently i went on to the new chat room, were there was so muc racisim towards eachother people insulted eachother and were just dam right rude.
i mentoned it was the admins job to remove these ppl from the chat,as racism or insults should not be tolerated!... only for him to insult me over and over again by calling me a slu* sayin i had std's ! i was poor had no job, etc! and it was not me alone even when other users asked for something to be done he insulted them also! he then deactivated my account ! this is a socialiseing site and i got removed for stating the truth! whilst the admin hiself wasthe worce active person online !
who is he to speak to people like this he needs to be removed !
How do I delete my sent messages on ProfilePic please?