A Room for Romeo Brass Reviews

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A Room for Romeo Brass
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“A Room For Romeo Brass is most likely to be seen after...”


written by Moroccked on 24/02/2009

A Room For Romeo Brass is most likely to be seen after watching the likes of "Dead Man's Shoes" and "This Is England," and it may not be what was expected. It's much less darker than some of Shane Meadows other films but it still has all the attributes that make Shane produce some of the best films British cinema has seen for a while. A carefully considered soundtrack, shots and scenery lay an excellent background for a film with witty dialouge, some great once liners and fabulous performances by all the cast. Even a cameo role by Bob Hoskins doesn't disappoint. I highly recommend buying a Shane Meadows box set, although i'm sure that if you've seen one of his films, it's likely you already own them all.

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Phillipellis's Response to Moroccked's Review

Written on: 02/03/2018

years since I saw this one

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