Computeach www.computeach.co.uk
Value For Money
Computeach www.computeach.co.uk

User Reviews
Value For Money
Pretty Damn Awful
I did my course back in the 80s it was awful then and sounds like it just got worse And you should have made the headline news.
Cross fingers this company will never resurface under a different name.
That salesman were awful, the cost of the courses were eye-watering, And what you can do with their qualifications was an absolute joke ( it's toilet paper).
Value For Money
The Company Closed Down In 2014
with all the dodgy salesman it is no wonder the company went bankrupt in 2014. Some students couldnt even afford the deposit for the course payment. One salesman is known to have provided the money for this just to make the sale. Once the sale was made and the 14 day period ended, the student was on their own! In most cases students had to pay the money PLUS the interest for the loan even after their course had finished. Otherwise they sent the heavies around.
even if students did complete the course, any qualifications they did gain normally went out of date within a short time so they had to restudy.
You can thank the management for that
I was one of them. Very accurate
Value For Money
Zero Stars
I had a Computeach Salesman visit my house, because Salesman is what they most definitely are, and give me the spiel for the course I wanted to study at the time, which was Java Programming. During this spiel, he informed me that I would have access to an online site, on site training, and various other course materials, which were 'just about to be released'. I pointed out to him that I was currently studying another course, so would like to finish that first before signing up for this one. This didn't matter he assured me, because I could begin the Computeach course 'at any time'. I signed up for the Computeach course and continued my other course. I then became sick, and so was delayed in starting the Computeach course. When I did then begin it, NONE of the online website, on site training, or other course materials promised by the Salesman materialised, or in fact had ever actually existed, and I found myself having paid £3500 for a binder and a textbook of IT terms. Worse still, when I then went to move on to the next part of the course, the charming Computeach then demanded another £750 from me, stating that I 'had not completed the first part of my course in the specified time', despite this at NO TIME being mentioned by their Salesman, and him in fact informing me of the exact opposite, in order to pressure me to sign up to the course as soon as possible, and in fact before he left my property.
When I rightfully complained about this, on that count, and regarding the content of the course, and had in fact paid a vast amount of money for virtually nothing, and even that they were apparently attempting to charge me more for, for pedantic and ridiculous reasons, Computeach sent me a bullying letter, stating that 'most students would have completed the first part of the course faster than I had', which was totally unnecessary, and completely irrelevant, since I had, as I had made it perfectly plain, first not actually been studying the course, since I was busy working full time and actually studying another course first, and had then become seriously ill and not been able to study at all, so their bullying and frankly pathetic letter was just another tactic to prevent me from either continuing my studies, and to state again, as any decent company would, that they 'Never give refunds under ANY circumstances'. I can see from the hundreds of dissatified customers online, which is not something I was able to look up previously, that hundreds of people have been treated exactly as I was, by this thoroughly disreputable company, sending out SALESMEN, pretending to 'assess' people for IT courses, when they were in fact, simply SALESMEN, trying to reach targets, by whatever means necessary, and once they had your signature on the dotted line, you were simply cannon fodder. Trusting this company was the biggest mistake I have ever made in my life. Instead of actually being able to study programming, as I wished to, they took the my entire redundancy payment, kept it, and refused to even give me the pathetic course they in fact offered, as opposed to the one their Salesman promised, unless I met their ransom demands for yet more money, which no one in their right minds would pay any company who had already behaved in this manner. They are, in a word, DISGUSTING, and they should be, ASHAMED OFTHEMSELVES. My life was forever changed by them, and not for the better. I will never forget the consequences of their disgusting money grabbing actions, particularly when they knew I had been seriously ill, and they were taking all the money I had and giving me NOTHING in return, and I strongly suggest that others heed my warning about this company, and ANY company associated with them, and any management or staff who willingly worked for them.
Perfect Site
It took me some time to decide. Perfect materials for learning.
that would be difficult because they closed down in 2014
Value For Money
Bought A Software Developer Course Some Years Ago
bought a software developer course some years ago after a very convincing salesman speech.
Did some research AFTERWARDS (yep, got caught hook line and sinker) and found their certification isn't really recognised by anyone and I could learn the same amount for about £80 at college instead of the near £5k they'd charged me! managed to cancel it and have been a software engineer for many years no thanks to Computeach
Value For Money
Computeach - Look Elsewhere
Over priced courses, without proper material or teachings.
Look elsewhere for better alternatives.
Yep. Another way of saying it is not extremely overpriced.
Value For Money
Computeach Did Not Give Good Value For Money
I signed up to Computeach (also known as Con'puteach on the Facebook group about them) back in 2008. I was given 3 years to pass the CompTIA A+ and the MCSE. They signed me up to the Windows XP MCSE and when Windows 7 came out in 2009, they refused to upgrade my course to the Windows 7 MCSE because Windows XP was becoming obsolete at the time, despite the fact that I'd paid them (in cash out of my savings) £5650! The course materials were purposefully sub standard to prevent you from getting the knowledge to enable you to pass the exams, they did this to prevent you from doing the exams (like their policy of requiring you to get a pass mark of 90% in their online practice tests before they would let you take an exam - which meant it took me 2 years to pass the CompTIA A+, a qualification that should only take 6 to 8 months to pass).
I also sent them numerous letters complaining about the course, the materials and their policy of preventing me from taking the exams unless I got to their 90% mark, even though a pass for CompTIA was around 75%!
Andrew Dennis Coleyshaw deserves a good beating for ripping off desperate people.
Value For Money
Not Worth The Money
I spent the best part of £5k back in 2006 for a 2-year course in a bid to get me trained up as a software developer. A salesman came round, sold me the moon on a stick, and I chose the software developer route.
Then the 1st book came - Internet And Core Computing - I asked about this as I was expecting something around software development. They said it's standard as a way to build up my knowledge from the ground up.
Completed this course in a month or two, then the next book came - MCDST (Microsoft Certifed Desktop Support Technician) - again, asked them about this, they said it was to help me get placed in the industry. This took me around 1 year to complete. Finally got a programming book, that was pretty poor. Struggled through with this, trying to get into training sessions that were rarely on, and not usually at a suitable time when they were.
The whole thing was a joke really, making students jump through hoops to get to what they had paid for. I had hoped they would give me a structured course plan but instead seemed to palm off their books.
I would add that I am now a software developer, but it is with no thanks to computeach, as I learned more from youtube, and google than anything that computeach provided.
Value For Money
Great Intoduction To It
Great learning Materials and help support from tutors.
The books and CD really gave indept expanaltion of course and I made my IBA certification exam in one seating.
Thank You CompuTeach
What a load of bull. Clearly a review created to balance out all the other bad reviews.
This Course Is A Waste Of Time And Money. Don't Do
This course is a waste of time and money. Don't do it!
There are better ways of wasting £ 3.5k . The so called tutorial support is a waste of space. You phone a " tutor" up & the best advise they can give was to " reread the material " The manuals rhey gave you were rubbish. As far as im concerned its one huge sham
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