DreamHost www.dreamhost.com
Value For Money
DreamHost www.dreamhost.com

User Reviews
Value For Money
Slow Servers, Less Services Than A Dollar/month Host
I'd like to thank this site for being honest enough to allow user comments, so many others don't because they want to keep the bad reviews hidden. You only make an educated decision if you get to see both sides of the equation.
Dreamhost is average at best on many levels. We got much better speed an performance from a web host that only cost a dollar a month, and the site was built out with lots of extras. We used dreamhost to host one of our websites only to find out all the good things you hear from a lot of so called review sites, ( not this one as they allow comments to get both sides of the story which is greatly appreciated and gives them credibility that the others don't have ) is because they have a vested interest in you buying their service if you sign up by clicking on the buttons on their sites. If they're legit and unbiased they would allow comments, such as this one does. The dishonest ones just want positive reviews so they can make more money. They get a commission for every person that signs up with a hosting company from their site. They don't care what the truth is or how bad or scammy the hosting service is. They make money off of people who sign up with the hosts they reviewed.
We found out how slow dreamhost servers were, extremely slow. We had a base install of two of the fastest and lightest themes installed for testing the themes. We were running the themes Astra and Kadence for testing purposes. With no extra pages installed we got poor results on GTmetrix and googles PageSpeed Insights among others. All had poor ratings and at best an occasional B rating now and then. And that was with nothing added, just the base install. It got worse with anything added to the sites.
Let them sit idle for a few months while dealing with a number of other life issues. Then got an email saying they were doubling their prices out of nowhere. We tried to sign in to close the account and it would never log on. Just sat there until we closed or reloaded the page.
Thought it was just due to the chaos of the pandemic that a lot of companies were going through so we let it go, just kept trying every few days for about 2 weeks. Finally one day it actually signed on and then wouldn't let us close our account until we paid them for services not used.
We didn't feel we owed it to them since we were trying to close the account but were unable to log on. They said they can't close the account until we pay the double amount they wanted. We don't know what the goal is by not closing the account, maybe to try and run up a bill or something, they won't tell us. They're not affiliated with the BBB, but there were complaints about them on the BBB website anyway. I see why they wouldn't want to be accredited now.
Sometimes you have to learn by life experiences not to trust reviews from some review sites. Those sites are just ways to make money by being affiliates to various hosting companies. I think if it's a real honest review site they would probably allow comments on the subject, that would help a little I guess. Some of them show you some so called reviews by customers, but no way to verify them as they don't allow visitors to post reviews. In this way they can just make up positive reviews only to boost the chance readers will click on their link to sign up with any given hosting service, again, it's just about money.
But dream host was always slow and now seem to be taking advantage of the pandemic BS that's going on. I can't say if they intentionally kept us and maybe others from signing in to close their accounts after springing the doubling of the hosting price or not. But their actions tell me they aren't too reputable. There's so many other hosting companies to choose from, even companies like we had one of our test sites on, it was only a dollar a month, and it was blazing fast compared to dreamhost. The dollar/month hosting also gave you email and other perks that dreamhost is so lacking in.
Like all other companies, many of them change through the years and degrade into something totally different than what they started out as. I think dreamhost just couldn't keep up with the competition through the years and now just depends on biased reviews to lead victims to their hosting service. Always look for negative reviews or signs of disreputable or illegal business practices before signing with any company, especially ones dealing with anything on the internet.
Value For Money
Day 3 Email Issues
DreamHost is to be the best and 2015 and now 2016 their service has failed me. I have countless tickets open and Day 3 of hell! You can't use Email Cluster issues forever. Your service has failed me for Day 3 and it is impacting my business. I am a small business owner and now I see how hosting companies can really impact my business. Thanks for not having a manager available and thanks for not being able to get things fixed after three days.
Value For Money
No Support Always Down
It seems Dream host is going down fast. We have been contacting and putting tickets into support for two weeks now and get no response at all. Is this company still in business? or are they shutting down? Email servers have not been functioning correctly for over a month now? Seems Dreamhost is no longer a viable option as a hosting company as of March 2014
anyone else had this experience?? worried as was just about to transfer my domain over to them
Value For Money
Gone Downhill
I've been with Dreamhost for a number of years with my own account, and about 3 years ago I recommended to my boss that he get an account too for the company.
Back then support was amazing and fast and the service was great with really good uptime.
In the past 6-8 months there has been more downtime than ever before on our company account with the sites we host being unavailable for hours at a time sometimes and 5-10 minute outages happening multiple times per week.
Dreamhost support have so far refused to comment on this in any way in our tickets to their support team.
Support responses now often take longer than their advertised 24 hours and the quality of the responses is questionable at best.
In addition we recently decided to set up a company wiki using their "One click install" for mediawiki. What a mistake... it wouldn't even install on a clean domain/database. "Internal server error"
After contacting DH support they advised me that I needed to add a custom php.ini file to my domain and increase the php execution time limit to make it work. Moreover ... if I do this they can no longer provide me any support on that domain as the modification is unsupported!
What is the point of offering a "one click install" if it won't even work on a default dreamhost account? And to top it off their solution didn't even fix the problem.
I would not recommend Dreamhost to anyone for anything other than a personal/non-essential static site or as a testing environment for simple scripts.
Value For Money
Good Quality Service
I have been with Dream hosting for the past 6 years and their customer service is in one word fantastic. Before I joined dreamhosting Iwas a customer of 1and1 hosting, the problem their was that when a problem occured you had to wait for nearly 48 hrs before you received a reply.
By taking out an accouint with Dream Hosting the waiting time was only sometimes 15 minutes.
I also think they handled the ourting of 2 months ago very well they kept us well informed and they was a good compensation.
I think over all they score a 9 out of 10.
Keept it going and many thanks for all the good service.
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