Beezid - www.beezid.com
Value For Money
Beezid - www.beezid.com

User Reviews
Value For Money
My Girlfriend Got Me Into The Beezid Game. She Tau
My girlfriend got me into the beezid game. She taught me some bidding strategies and I am happy to say that we have won so many cool items such as TVs, HD monitors, giftcards, tool sets. They sell everything you could ever want and its totally possible to win these items you just have to be smart about your bidding technique. Don't bid too early or too late its all about timing and strategy. I am not sure what other people think but I know its not a scam. We receive our winnings in timely manner and any contact I have had with beezid has been a pleasant experience. Not to mention they have prize giveaways and little things you can do to receive free bids!! I don't work for beezid I am satisfied member!! Try it you can't win if you don't try
We love beezid!
Value For Money
At First Glance, Winning A $300 Plastation 3 For $
At first glance, winning a $300 Plastation 3 for $6 plus shipping costs seems like quite a deal. How would you like to win a brand new car for $26? I mean, who wouldn't? It all seems too good to be true, and it just may be.
Beezid first tries to pull you in with those claims, which is what brought me to the site to begin with. So I watched...and watched...and...well, you know. It really didn't take me long at all to get a good opinion of this site.
When you first go to register (registration is free by the way), they tell you they will give you free bids. They do...three to be exact. This should be the first warning flag for anyone right there. In order to bid on any item, you have to buy what they call 'Bid Packs', at a cost of nearly $1.00 per bid if you buy the smallest pack. They do, however, offer users the chance to win bid packs for less than the retail price in their 'Bid for Free' auctions. At this point you can't tell if you're at an online auction or a baseball game though because here we are with another catch: you can't participate in the 'Bid for Free' auctions unless you've 'bought' one of their pricy bid packs.
"But I have 3 free bids" you say? Yeah, well, those won't last long. If you've ever been to a live auction or even an online live auction, then you already know how it works. Bidding goes on until everyone decides to stop bidding, and in this game, you never know when they're going to stop.
Bidding on all items starts out at $0.00 and increments by $.01 with each bid. Right now I'm watching the bidding on a 64GB Ipod Touch which has a retail value of $395. It also has a 20 second timer, which I will explain in a moment. They do tell you that one recently sold for $2.80 and Beezid does try to offer you a strategy guide on how to bid so we'll work off of that and I'll let you know how this auction ends.
One of the first tips they give you is that the time of day is very important. Well right now it's 1:00 PM central time, so is that important? they say to look at the previous selling price and that will give you an idea of when to bid. It's at $2.57 now so should I bid? Should I wait? What do I do! Then, and I love this one, they tell you to have a bidding strategy; either bid early or bid late. Wow, I feel so vague.
$2.82 now, when should I bid?
People are sitting there watching this auction just like at any live auction, waiting to bid at the last second hoping to snipe the bid. This is where the timer comes into play. If someone makes a bid in the last second, the timer resets to 20 seconds and will keep doing this. This is actually a fair practice IMHO. It eliminates the last second bid sniping. If you're sitting there watching the timer though (another strategy tip from Beezid), you also have to hope you don't have a lot of lag between your computer and their server, or you may be looking at 5 seconds on the clock when the auction has actually ended.
$3.48 now and I don't know what I should do! Should I waste my bids? Wait and see what happens? Come back at 2:00 in the morning?
As that timer counts down to 1 second, you may submit your bid, but at that same moment you may have 5 other people who submit their bids milliseconds after you so you're immediately outbid. How dare they! the site's rigged! It's a scam! As long as you understand that multiple people are performing the same action at nearly the same time, you understand that it's not really any kind of a scam.
$4.73 and climbing...
And now come to find out, my 3 free bids have disappeared. I put one bid on a gift card and my other two are gone. Is this something else they don't tell you?
$5.49 and still going...
Let's take a math break. $5.49 means 549 bids. If everyone who bid bought their 30 bids for $27 pack, that's $.90 per bid. 549 bids times $.90 is $494. Beezid just make a good profit, and it's still not over. The bid is at $5.89 now. That's $530 for Beezid. Will this never end? The people who thought of this are absolute geniuses.
I've read around on the internet also on all the complaints about the site. One of the biggest is about the timer. Just read above about lag. It's the delay between your computer and Beezid's computers. It could be 2 seconds, it could be 5 or more, so what you're seeing on your computer could be a look back in time.
Bots? Shills? It's highly possible, but with as much money as they're making on each product, would it be a smart move for them to do this? They would have to be the dumbest geniuses in the world to take that chance, but that's not to say that it's not possible.
$6.70 = $603 for something that probably cost them $350. Yes, more math.
I'm sure you're getting tired of reading this but the auction's not over yet, and I promised I'd let you know how it turns out.
I'm not even going to go too much into the AutoBeezid and sniping functions. I'll just say don't even bother with them. With the amount of bidders you'd be better off playing the lottery. You might even have better odds. And so you don't have to find out the hard way, this function doesn't work on thriller auctions.
Alot of people claim that this is all a scam. Alot of those complaints seem to come because of the timer issue. However, Beezid seems to be pretty straight forward on everything that goes on on their site (no that's not a typo). There doesn't seem to be any hidden fees or such, but their fees seem to be pretty high, especially when you've got people sitting there doing a lot of buying their bid packs from the auctions. If I bought 1000 bids I could wipe someone's 30 bids out pretty quick and still get a great deal while making the company a good deal of money. Well sign me up and put me on the payroll!
Will this never end? $7.95 now. ($715)
I'm going to put their customer service to work now and call them about my bids disappearing. I'll be right back to let you know how that goes...
Well, strike three, you're out. It turns out that the three free bids they give you expire after 60 minutes. While I didn't see that anywhere, I'm sure it was probably there somewhere. The customer service rep was very helpful, though, in offering to give me 5 free bids upon my buying my first bid pack. Wasn't that thoughtful?
All in all, unless you have the time and money to spend on this site, i would personally recommend staying away from it and sticking with whichever online auction site you currently use. This is just a first step review though, and I also recommend that if you are interested in Beezid, do a little more research, check it out at 2 in the morning on every day of the week for each product they sell. I'm not going to be the one.
By the way...final price of the iPod...$13.27. At $.90 per bid that's $1,194.30 for Beezid spending $350. That's quite a sale.
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