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User Reviews
No Kratom At All
I didn't receive my package at all (after a month) and they don't answer my letters.
This is obviously a fake review as ethnobotanicals.com ships ALL packages the same day they are placed - a competitor is posting these fake 'bad reviews'
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They Tried To Scam Me
I placed my order with this website and received my package very quickly. The first thing I noticed after weighing the product is that it was 1.5 grams less than it should have been. I wasn't going to complain about the shortage as it wasn't a huge ordeal. The big problem was the poor quality of the product. I'll admit that I bought one of the cheaper grades of Kratom, but this stuff did absolutely nothing. I wonder if it was even real. I consumed over 6 grams of the Kratom at one time on an empty stomach and their product had ABSOLUTELY NONE OF THE PROMISED RESULTS. It was a complete and utter rip off. Some may suggest that I try the more expensive types, but if this type did absolutely nothing, then at best a better type would only do slightly more than nothing. I am convinced that the company is a scam, because they wouldn't even reply to my emails. I contacted them to let them know that their product wasn't any good and I would like to send what's left back for a refund. I also told them that they sent less weight than I paid for. It's unbelievable that they just completely ignored me. I waited 3 days and got no response. Eventually I filed a dispute through PayPal and only then did I finally get a refund, but still never even had the courtesy to respond to me. This is the worst customer service I've encountered in a long time. If they had've just communicated with me maybe things would've worked out better in their favor, instead they ignored me which in my mind proves it was a scam to begin with.
FAKE negative comment. These "review" sites that exist solely to profit off of posted reviews yet make absolutely ZERO effort to verify that the "reviewer" even ever made a purchase from the company in question, should be shut down completely.
Fake "customer." If this complaint was real, then the customer would have come back to describe how he or she is now satisfied because they were refunded due to being unsatisfied (which Pure Land would do on the rare occasion of receiving any complaint from a real, legit customer, which happens far less than one time per year on average over almost 20 years of our being in business).
We have records of any unsatisfied customer that was not refunded..and that totals to ZERO! Over the course of almost 20 YEARS, the SIX (count 'em) unsatisfied customers were ALL refunded in full, even when their complaints were off-base and not grounded in any kind of reality...we still refunded those six customers in full.
Out of thousands of satisfied customers, we have a customer satisfaction ratio that almost never occurs for any company in any business or any industry and we are proud of this fact. Competitors could find something else to do with their time than post these fake complaints every once in a while. They have a lot of time since they sit in Mom's basement wishing they had a real company that pays taxes and is successful, yet since they are getting no sales nor any satisfied customers, they post lies online about real, legitimate, and highly regarded companies like Pure Land. We will not let any of this slide and will address any fake review placed against us.
These "review sites" where "people" (read:competitor companies) are allowed to post any lies they wish to with absolutely no evidence are a thorn in the side of good businesses, but a thorn that WILL be addressed, and addressed thoroughly.
Pure Land is the original supplier of kratom and this is well known as well as the fact that we offer only the highest quality products. Every day we get compliments and accolades (a word beyond the comprehension of those who post the handful of fake reviews) from our ACTUAL customers.
Anyone who bothered to read this garbage "review," please do not let it scare you off from using Pure Land for your research needs.
The fact that these fakes come back to a 2 year old "review" that was fake to begin with and post a followup is quite simply disgusting, and should be illegal. These "review" sites that exist solely to profit off of posted reviews that make absolutely ZERO effort to verify that the "reviewer" even ever made a purchase from the company in question, should be shut down completely.
I also ordered 80x extract and 25 grams of Twilight forest super powder and neither of them were nearly as sufficient and potent as any other website I've ordered from (2 others) and also the store bought kratom I got today. From the research I conducted I can Clearly tell an ounce didn't even produce the results a regular 7 mere grams of regular maeng da from other websites produce. I also think I may have been shorted on quantity of my 80x extract also. I have sent them 2 emails today within 4 hours so I am giving them a full 24 hours to respond before I get any angrier or decide to call them.
This is a fake "bad review" written by a competitor that we know of. The supposed "customer" in the "fake review" never ordered from us, we do not even accept Paypal, we reply to all customer emails promptly, ship the same day customers order and we do NOT sell products for the purposes the fake reviewer states in the first place! If this fictional "customer" had been real then he or she would have purchased under fraudulent terms and gone against our terms of sale. What "promised results?" We do not promise results from this fictional "customer's" mode of misuse. We are the original kratom seller in the USA since 2002 with many satisfied customers and we sell the highest possible quality of kratom, but we do NOT and have never sold it for human consumption! This fake reviewer (competitor) always makes stupid mistakes in their fake reviews, making them obviously unrealistic, even impossible to believe. We are glad they are that stupid as anyone can see through their deceptions. It's just unfortunate that sites like this exist that allow anyone to go on and create a 100% fictional fake review.
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The Quality Of This Kratom Is Superb - I Have Trie
The quality of this kratom is superb - I have tried others with no success and now after trying Ethnobotanicals.com, the first supplier of the herb, I will not go anywhere else.
I have been ripped off so may times and it is so nice to find quality, consistency and the fastest shipping and turnaround times I have ever seen.
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Value For Money
This Was A Brilliant Choice For My Purchase Of Kra
this was a brilliant choice for my purchase of kratom herb - quality levels of their strains are without parallel - very much worth ordering internationally (as I am in the UK)
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