Britannia Building Society

Britannia Building Society

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Britannia Building Society

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Britannia Building Society
1.21 21 user reviews

Cash Point Facility


Customer Service


Internet Banking


Local Branch


Telephone Banking

User Reviews


Customer Service


Telephone Banking


Internet Banking


Local Branch


Cash Point Facility


Have completely lost trust in the co-operative bank. Nothing to do with the co-operative society anymore and managed by a non ethical hedge fund. Brittania is just one of it's side lines. Took out an investment bond and made £10.03pence interest three years. Tried to get money transferred back to my co-operative bank account on maturity but they keep on asking for more proof of identity? Does the cooperative bank not even trust themselves!!! I will be moving all my accounts to a truly ethical bank/building society. DO NOT TRUST THE CO-OPERATIVE BANK.


Waiting Time

Just spent over an hour waiting to talk to Britannia about my Isa. Need I say more a shambles


Customer Service


Telephone Banking


Internet Banking


Local Branch

Awful Service

Pulled out of savings and associate current account. 30 mins+ wait on phone to talk to an unhelpful set of 'advisors'seems to be the norm despite their apologies that 'at this time there is an abnormally high customer demand' More than likely. Irate customers trying to sort out thier accounts. There doesn't seem to be any coordination between phone 'advisors' and email operatives. Advice given by one team does not appear to be passed to the other, creating bank charges for me. Utter chaos. Awful service in my opinion.


Customer Service


Telephone Banking


Internet Banking

Worst Service Out Of Any British Finanicial Institution

Do not go near them. Put your money anywhere else. ISA matured 31 jul, completed forms in plenty time to change to a different company, now 4th August and it's still not there. They will tell you anything on the phone to get rid of you, including sniggering at you then saying they have a sore throat. On a different note, the amount of papaerwork they send is ridiculous. Gives you all the options but of course the form is designed to make you stay with them so not easy to transfer.


Losing Customers Money

Tried to make a payment by debit card into savings account. They have messed up the transaction. The money is no longer in my bank account and they say they haven't got it. Not helpful at all.


Hopeless Administation

Tried to open a 3 yr fixed rate bond, all forms were returned with a cheque and then nothing heard for 2 weeks. Phoned them and after a long hold got an unbelievable amount of buck passing and requests for information they already had on the application forms including the interest rate on the account which you would imagine they might know! After all of this they tried to give me a load of flannel about the backlog of forms and how they were working through them. When I pointed out that I had opened a similar bond with Tesco bank and it had all been completed in 2 days they became very defensive and said they could not discuss their procedures - as though I has asked!. Upshot was I lost all confidence in them and cancelled the transaction. Do not deal with Britannia or their partner Co-op, you will regret it. The only reason they get 1 star is that no stars is not an option


Customer Service


Telephone Banking

Lack Of Information

When I phoned to ask how I could add to my newly opened ISA into which I had transferred my Isa from another supplier, I was told I couldn't because the interest rate had changed. I had not been given any information about this and had only received a letter from them that day to say that my account was opened. I will now

have to open another isa with another supplier to save this years money. Very upset about the lack of service and will certainly never bank here again.


Customer Service


Telephone Banking


Internet Banking


Local Branch


Cash Point Facility

Try To Get Your Money Out Of Them - Good Luck!!

I needed to close 2 ISA accounts I had with them. I followed precisely their instructions for withdrawal. My letter to request return of my money was ignored for a week. They finally got in touch and told me they would charge me £20 to transfer the money to my bank account or I could have a cheque. They promised to send the cheque immediately. After a week nothing arrived, I called them, they claimed it had been sent - rubbish still nothing has arrived. As I need the money towards a house purchase it is now costing me money while I attempt to get what is mine out of Brittania. I will never use them again and nor should you!


Customer Service


Internet Banking

Fixed Rate Bond

I took out a one year fixed rate bond which matured on 04.08.14. I returned a completed form instructing Britannia to close the account and forward the funds to my First Direct current account. This form clearly stated that funds would be forwarded within one working day of receiving instructions and my completed form arrived at Britannia on 08.08.14. After two working days had passed my funds had not been forwarded so I rang Britannia and was told that the funds would not arrive for another two days as the bank had so many maturing bonds to deal with. Two further working days passed and still no funds so I rang again and was told this time that my money would not arrive until the end of the following week, approximately another ten days! When I pointed out that this did not comply with the one working day policy the advisor implied that it was my fault for not returning the form before the maturity date and other policies would now take precedence over mine. I pointed out that this was my money and how long does it take to close an account and transfer the money into an account, on top of which there were serious financial implications for me if I did not receive the money. The advisor just repeated that my instructions had not arrived until 08.08.14 and therefore I only had myself to blame and there was nothing more she could do apart from lodge an official complaint! What an appalling way to run a bank, steer clear of Britannia and its parent Company the Co-op Bank, there was nothing co-operative about this bAnk or its staff! Wish I had read some of the reviews before investing my money, I wouldn't touch it again with a barge pole!


Disgraceful Customer Service

I applied for a savings product, completing and posting the required paperwork together with the requested ID. Everything was checked and stamped by a local branch. Two weeks passed with no contact of any kind from the Britannia. I telephoned them for information, "We have returned your application together with your cheque sir", said the customer service, "because we require ID".

What nonsense! Everything had been qualified by the branch which they then admitted was true. I cancelled my application and requested the return of my ID and cheque, to date nothing has been returned to me. They had not been posted back to me when as I was told and I have not received them to date. So my cheque and ID are presumably floating around in the ether in what is known as THE BRITANNIA BUILDING SOCIETY/CO-OP BANK. If my ID and cheque are misused I will be pursuing them vigorously.

Consider carefully before your become involved with this company.

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