Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules

Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules

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Value For Money

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Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules

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Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules
4.25 6 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money


I love the coffe but have been trying to claim my rewards, no reply from kenco. I feel I have been cheated


Value For Money

Not Only Has The Jar Changed

since the introduction of the new shaped jar the product inside seems to have lost the great kenco taste that set it apart from the rest of the instant coffee brands


Value For Money

Kenco Great Coffee, Pity About The Company

I live through coffee. Full coffee. Morning, noon and night specially as a nightcap; when I drive on the motorway I cannot drink coffee because it makes feel drowsy.I have two coffee machines in the house.

Through the years I kept changing brands and types and types from the heights of Nescafe to the lowly own supermarkets labels but all made me hanker after that expresso taste that comes out of a coffee shop machine.

Then I found Kenco. Kenco was ther answer to asll my prayers. High quality, my kind of taste, the closest I could get to expresso from the house with the convenience of being at the end of a kettle.

I wrote to Kenco to express my delight. Silence

I wrote to Kenco to ask why was it not available in Spain. Silence

I wrote to Kenco to ask if it would eventually be available in Spain. Silence

I wrote to Kenco to ask why they ignored my emails requesting information. Silence

We know that companies make differently tasting products for different countries to help their sales so I decided to seek a second opinion in the form of my brother (decafeinated); I sent him a pack of decafeinated coffee. His reaction was much the same as mine: excellent coffee even on the decafeinated front.

Kraft, a global company with multitude of products, is the parent company of Kenco. I also wrote to them and I received the same reply as I had done from Kenco - zilch.

Are they too big to bother with the little people?

I avoid any Kraft products now, wish I could find a coffee to rival Kenco so that I could stop buying it. I live in hope.



Value For Money

Kenco Millicano Instant Coffee

Now I’m not much of a coffee drinker unless its filter coffee from a restaurant, however i was pleasantly surprised by this coffee! I was approached by a lady at my local supermarket Sainsbury’s she offered me to taste this coffee. The most unique thing about this coffee is how i fell in love with it in an instant! The aroma and taste is so similar to a filter coffee! It is great with milk or without milk for that instant boost to the system in the mornings! Wouldn't go a day without this coffee now. The only downside i suppose would be the price of this coffee - it is on the expensive side, but this has not deterred me from buying this coffee as it is well worth it!

Nole lady

Value For Money

I Was On A Trip To Both Ireland And Scotland And T

I was on a trip to both Ireland and Scotland and the hotels we stayed at had the Kenco instant coffee in our rooms. I really like the Decaffeinated. Has a great smooth taste, and I do not ordinarily like instant coffee, but this is really, really good.

I think that it is a wonderful full bodied coffee. I liked the decaf very much. In fact, as I am sending you this message from the US I am having a cup.

I would love to be able to purchase this coffee in the US.


Value For Money

Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules - Thos

Kenco Really Smooth Instant Coffee Granules - Those that know me, know I can be a fussy whatnot and like most caffeine addicts out there, I've got to have my fix and whilst I'm watching me figure, so sadly no chocolate eggies for me, but I do like my coffee, one thing I won't give up! I do like the occasional cup of special 'fresh' coffee but that's when I do the host with the most bit with visitors, but for me, I find the ease of Kenco's fine coffee granules the best.

You can make a smashing cuppa in the space of a few minutes, water in kettle, switch kettle on, bob's your uncle and fanny's your aunt, pour into cup! What could be simpler. I like a generous helping of coffee, so I have a good teaspoonfull and it brings me back into reality of a morning! Ahhhhhh Kenco (sorry Bisto for stealing your ad!)

My housemate unfortunately decided to go for a BOGOF last month and purchased Red Mountain, and it was like drinking gnats pee (not that I've had the pleasure ;0) it was vulgar, but we had to use it up, I had one cup and managed to palm the other jar off to a friend and tonight, I made sure that Kenco is bought!

So what is special about Kenco? Well it's got a rich taste and scrummy aroma and it warms the old cockles (well at my age I need something to warm me up!) There is no 'bitter' after-taste and the granules make a great tasting coffee. Swap me Kenco for any other coffee? I should cocoa!

As for the price? For a 100gram jar of the really smooth variety would set you back £2.12 in Tesco but it's worth every penny! After all, you get what you pay for, for coffee lovers from here to Timbuktu you'd be doing yourselves a disservice for not buying Kenco! The really smooth coffee and all from brown granules, magic, great, super, smashing!

You can't miss the jar, lovely bright red top (luverley!) and a red label or the green for decaff (urgh I wouldn't touch this, if you are going to have coffee, what's the point of not having the caffeine in it! D'oh)

And you can recycle the jars too! The jar, like me, is extremely versatile, you can use it as a money jar, mini-flower vase, or for storing sugar, salt you name it! The jars are so sweet and cute (call the doctors quick! Brian's in love with a bleeding jar!)

Personally, I think coffee is much tastier without the milk, and ideal for the dieters who are watching the calories. Although I'm sitting here with milk in mine and sweeteners! Coffee without sugar? Unsweetened coffee? Not on your Van Nelly mate!

Kenco is instant and it's the one for me! They boast a superior flavour, expertly roasted to capture the smooth coffee taste and rich aroma! You can email them too at [email protected] for coffee advice! (sure it's not the CA line - Caffeine's Anonymous!)

So anyone care for a coffee?

Oh and if you invite me over do make sure it's Kenco, or I'll likely split me shirt and turn into the incredible sulk!

Coffee break over time for work girls and boys ;0)

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