Mystery Shopping Frontline Focus International

Mystery Shopping Frontline Focus International

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Mystery Shopping Frontline Focus International

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Mystery Shopping Frontline Focus International
1.98 47 user reviews

User Reviews


The Truth About Ffi

This company thrives on not paying their shoppers. The company only hires friends and families to occupy their executive positions and will never hire the right person for the job. They don't pay shoppers in the Carribean or any underdeveloped countries claiming that the people will never take any legal action. They falsify reports at the end of the month to meet their requirements but will 'fire' shoppers when they do the same. Once you are fired, say goodbye to your money because you will never get paid.

Nothing professional about this company, it is just using people to do the work and barely pay them. But meanwhile all the executives are getting paid well off.

Do not hire this company if you are a corporation and do not work for them if you are a shopper.


Wanted To Give Them 3 Stars But










Beware, Don't Work For Them

I have worked for this company on and off for over three years mainly from the UK office. Payment was slow but it came through. Since the UK operation was moved to Canada it has become unbelievable. I have been sending emails back and forth to try and get paid for work done at the end of March and just been paid - July 2014. Since purchases are required to complete assignments this is not on. Shoppers are out of pocket and giving the company an interest free loan! Be warned, steer clear.


bbb only takes action when there is something very serious

you never get information from them as to how timely they are

or how friendly so not nearly all the information you need


I don't know why people don't contact the Toronto Better Business Bureau and file their complaints of which there are numerous and get this company shut down, If they can't help I'm sure they wll point you in the direction of the Local Trading Office


Don't Work For Them

I started working for them back in 2008 and everything was perfect.

I stopped in 2012 and was asked in January 2014 to start shopping again.

And I have not gotten paid as yet. It's incredible. Nobody can give you a answer about payment. So almost 6 months ago is shopped for pizza hut, kfc and quiznos and I have not been paid .

Don't work for them. You are wasting your time and money


3 1/2 Months A Bounced Cheque And It's In The Mail Lie!!!

I have been doing wine rack shops. Since November , I have received nov pay, but I received Decembers pay end of February, and it bounced. I was told last week it was in the mail! Nope not there! They owe me over $200! I don't think I will ever see it. It is the end of March and I am still waiting to be paid for December! I have completed jan, February and March shops! Not doing any more till I get paid"


Be Careful About Doing Work For Them

I worked for them years ago and when my daughter moved out and not being a great lover of pizzas I stopped doing anything until October when they approached me again. I thought I'd do a one off as they were short of someone for a local shop - Papa Johns. About 3 or 4 weeks after the shop I was told they wanted other photos as the side view of the pizza wasn't accepted by the company. Now I was very particular about the photos and they were as good as you could get.

At the time I hadn't realised the company only make payment 8-10 weeks after the shop which isn't acceptable and I had decided I wasn't going to do anything else for them, but the 10 weeks have now passed and I've received no money. I emailed a few days ago and as yet have received no response. Not happy to have spent out on a pizza which I didn't really want and not been paid.

I'll give them the benefit of the doubt for the moment, but this doesn't look good so far and I wouldn't touch them again or recommend them. The payment is not worth it, even if you receive it.

I have a family member who is a journalist - probably worth while doing an article on companies like this.


Years ago, I did a lot of work for them, but increasingly recognized that some of its staff are sketchy. One day one of the staff canceled a scheduled shop, in order to DO THE SHOP HIMSELF.

Regarding those pizza shops: The client itself is part of the problem. Papa John's (you already know who it is) has long had a reputation for being a nightmare to deal with, wanting photos which meet a VERY exacting standard, which they apparently analyze by computer. (Why, for God's sake?) But I did ONE shop for them, for a more respectable company than FF, and they paid me anyway.


i will like to support on the same with front line focus. there is this guy masood alam who contacted and i done almost 10shops for them but not paid still..

tell me if you have any such ideas will support definately.


I did eventually get paid but only after threatening to have an article written about them - not in a positive light. My sister happens to be in journalism. I also threatened to go to a local organisation in Canada which off hand I can't remember the name, which was mentioned on another forum and they take action on your behalf.

They actually overpaid me but I wasn't going to complain . As the previous poster said they query the standard of your photos and mine were perfect. Side views were queried as before.

Steer clear if you want to be paid. It's not about the money but the principle and why should you end up out of pocket. Mine was only for one visit as I had decided before I had the hassle that the wait time to be paid was too long.


I have had exactly the same experience! I was emailed in early January by someone called Brandon Day to ask if I could help them mystery shop a local Pizza shop. I had to buy the pizza and like the other reviewer, take photos and email these to them along with completing an online questionnaire. I did all this in good faith & again, like the other reviewer, I was asked to send more photos of the side view because 'they were not clear enough' In actually fact, the original ones were very clear in my opinion. After several weeks, I contacted them to ask when I could expect to be paid and how this would happen because they didn't have my bank details. Brandon eventually replied that I could either have the money paid into my bank or be sent a cheque. He then asked me to send more pictures of the said pizza because they needed them. I told him I'd deleted these. I hadn't but I wasn't going to do any more work for nothing! I opted for a cheque because by this point my suspicions were raised about them & I wasn't going to send them my bank details! This was almost 6 weeks ago & I haven't had a cheque yet. I emailed again last week to ask about this but haven't had any response from them at all. It isn't a lot of money I am owed but it's the principle of the thing. Do not do any work for them unless you are prepared to purchase something you don't really want, not get reimbursed for it & then work for nothing to give your feed back. A nice press article about them might be a good idea!


Pagan Cuando Quieren

que tal buenas tardes,escribo mi opinión sobre esta empresa pues,hace algún tiempo he venido realizando estas visitas a los locales de KFC y PIZZA HUT en Ecuador estamos finalizando octubre y aun no pagan julio, pero son muy exigentes en cuanto a los ingresos de sus reportes, hacen de los empleados lo que quieren, aveces responden los correos aveces no, y lo único que dicen es que hay que tener fe y paciencia mientras ellos exigen al máximo y se hacen ricos a costa de nosotros, y no me salgo aun de esto es por que espero mi dinero por que si me salgo no me lo pagaran nunca, les aconsejo lo piensen bien antes de invertir su dinero en algo que quizás nunca se lo regresen


Payment And Other Issues

I had completed Papa John's pizza assignments for this company when it had an office based in the UK last year and had a lapse for a while. This year the company is operating from Canada and I was contacted to do more work. However, I am regretting it as there are many issues with the jobs. Unclear instructions resulted initially making report errors, which was their mistake and having to redo jobs. Secondly you have to wait 8-10 weeks for your payment and there is no breakdown of what job you are being paid for. So if you do a lot of pizza jobs then you can easily lose track of what is owed as. I am going to stop working for this company, due to the above and staff are rude.


Avoid Frontline Focus

I have been mystery shopping for a long time and am quite experienced. I joined Frontline Focus about a year ago and heard nothing for a year. Last week I was offered a competitiors visit at Pizza Hut via email. I agreed to do this and was sent some guidelines by email. A lot of spelling mistakes and poorly laid out these were.I completed the visit and entered the data. Almost straight away I was told my images were no good. They require very specific photos that need to be exact. As I had eaten the pizza I could not do the photos again and was therefore told I would not be paid. Outrageous when I had had very little guidance. This is the first and only mystery shopping company I would not recommend. The staff are rude and ignorant. I just want to warn others so they dont lose money too.


I did some Papa Johns gigs in the UK, and always chose to complete the visit on a Tuesday when the shop had a 2 for 1 offer on. That way I got to eat a piping hot pizza, and I then left the other one to cut up, arrange and photograph to the exact specification after I'd finished eating. I found the instructions to be very clear, and they even offered sample photos of the required standard, which was close to professional images with good lighting, minimum shadowing and clear topping detail. I did get queried on one side view photo, which they claimed had too much shadow, but soon rectified that with photoshop. Truth is, you needed the help of Photoshop to reduce shadowing and enhance pictorial brightness. A point and shoot would not have done a good enough job in some lighting conditions. I agree that the job took far longer than the job was worth - £7.00 plus price of Pizza, what with hassles from delivery people not showing up on time and faffing around with all that cutting up and arranging with the price ticket next to the pizza. I also had a long wait for payment, and had to prompt several times, but did get my money eventually for all the work I carried out, I only carried out about 5 gigs for this company in total, one which was Haagan Das ice cream. Anne was OK, I thought, but when she asked me to put in more Pizza gigs I decided enough was already enough.


In Fact

Thanks all for your comments.

Tomorrow supposed to be my first mission with papajohnes to order one big size pizza ( alot of deatils they need plus special pictures )

and after your comments i decided not to participate in this.

i told my self it's ok i love fast food , but what they wany me to do with the pizza too much funny , i will not eat it after this modifications in the pizza :D

i think all of us need more income , it's better to learn new thing and work on it.


You would never have been paid for your mystery shop any given your extremely poor spelling and grammar. You don't write like you are originally from an English speaking company so I wouldn't recommend Mystery Shopping for you.

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Where can I find their contact numbers in the Philippines?


Does anybody know where I can find the contact details for the Ontario Better Business Bureau? I have a similar situation with Frontline Focus International and would like to pursue my situation. I live in another country and it is hard to find out this information. Thank you.


About FrontfocusInternational.

I also have conducted an assignment today for Papa John's delivery. I assigned it to myself about three weeks ago.

Today I entered my results and uploaded all my pictures. Then when I tried to submit the all lot I saw a message

" Your Session Expired!

Please go back to Login page to re-establish your session!"

I was redirected to my log in page but was not logged out. I click on my assignments and it was said that I don't have any assignment available. I could not find any trace of my work neither a phone number to call about it. Unbelievable that we cannot contact them. Any one would know any thing to help? because I have the feeling that I bought a pizza for myself today! and that is on me. I couldn't find any contact number in London UK. Do you know one? Thanks.


The only phone numbers appear to be in Canada. I suggest you email frontlinefocus, but be persistent as I doubt you will get a reply. If you do it is likely to be that their client didn’t accept your photos and will ask if you have any more. When I wrote I mentioned that I wanted confirmation of their Managing director/President and the CEO as I would be mentioning them in the claim and any journalistic report of negative feedback regarding their company. I was also going to approach the Ontario Better Business Bureau which deals with Consumer complaints.

Good luck

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