Frontier Airlines
Comfort on flight
Customer Service
Flight on time?
Frontier Airlines
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User Reviews
My Husband An I Just Paid $198 For One Way For Our
My husband an I just paid $198 for one way for our personal bags that completely fit in the measurement bin!!! What a deliberate misleading of requirements!!!!!!! I will never ever fly with them again I'm am a den member and I hold their credit card. Credit card canceled and never will I fly with them again!!!!! I would fly with them 8-10 times a year!!! Bye bye Frontier! This is how you treat loyal customers???? Not this custome!!!!!
Worst Customer Service
I think Frontier Airlines has the worst customer service of any airlines Ive dealt with. We took a flight from Sioux Falls, SD to Las Vegas, NV, then transferred onto a flight to Seattle, WA. The baggage attendant in Sioux Falls forgot to put a transfer tag on our baggage and it was left in Las Vegas. We contacted them the next day and they were able to locate the bags and send them to Seattle. Because of the expensive hunting gear that was in the bags, my wife had to take the day off of work to go retreive the bags from the airport because Frontier wont bring or ship them to your house like most other airlines will. When she did make it to the airport through the horrible Seattle traffic, it took a representative an hour and a half to be located to release the bags. I will never fly Frontier again.
Not My Favorite
Flew Frontier all due to the price. It was the cheapest. And we certainly flew cheap. The seats are horrible. They have no padding and you can not recline them. Taking the red eye sitting straight up is horrible. No sodas offered and not even a peanut given. You also have to pay for the seat you pick after you think you got a great price, that was an unexpected and disappointing surprise. Airport, both times checking our bags in, there was no one at the desk. Long lines all waiting just for someone to show up. Disappointing. I do understand i was looking for the best cost in flight but i could have flown Southwest, relaxed with a soda and cookie. Thats the way i will fly next. Sorry Frontier, I will not be back.
Worst Experience Ever!
We had a horrible experience flying frontier. Not only did we arrive 3 days later than our initial flight date but we were treated like cattle and were lied to several times about arrival and departure times. We ended up spending about 28 hours in the airport just to get from DTW to SLC (in addition having our flight canceled and then rebooked for 2 days later!). on our return we were yet again delayed (only by 2 hours this time, WOW!)when we got back to Detroit we had to wait over an hour for our luggage at the baggage claim (really unacceptable). I am pregnant and we had been on the red eye. I literally had to lay down on the ground at baggage claim as we were waiting because I simply could not stand any longer. We have flown with frontier several times over the years and the service has just gotten worse and worse. When we pay for a cheap frontier flight we expect the crappy plastic-like seats, no snacks or food, no leg room, no ice in our water - but we DO expect to get where we are going. The customer service agents were more than happy to refund our tickets if we wanted - how ridiculous - the $250 dollars I paid for the flights months ago would get me nowhere. As flights going out during this time were $600 and up. My husband and I are usually not picky consumers but this was the most horrible experience we have EVER experienced in an airport. We will no longer be flying frontier. We both fly about 3-4 times a year and we have both vowed that we will NEVER use frontier again.
Flatline Airlines
Will and Ro review news on the scene was headed to Las Vegas and arrived at the Columbus, Oh airport at 7:00 p.m. After checking in a lady walked up to us and said 'if your going to Vegas it's not leaving until 8:30. One hour later a Frontier Airlines staff member said the delay would be 9:30 another hour later staff reported 10:30. By 10:45 the staff announced we would be leaving at 11:05 and arriving to Vegas by 12:45. By 1:15 a.m. the next day the staff instructed us there was no crew. Only a pilot was presence and no stewardess. We were told to go to the ticket booth and retrieve your baggage and refund. After waiting in line for an additional hour and 1/2 to get our refund and 7 hours of sitting in the airport our last issue was who was coming to get us at 2:30 in the morning. Got a cab paid an additional $23.00 to get home. Due to the cancellation we lost our refund for our reservation fees. This was the worst experience and our last experience with Frontier save your dignity and refund everyone and just go out of business!
They Have Forgotten About Customer Service
I have been a frequent flyer of Frontier Airlines for many years. I enjoyed the TV in the backrests of the seats in front, and the great Customer Service. The TV's are gone along with the good customer service. I will no longer be a customer of theirs.
We got to the Seattle Airport from a cruise early, as we had a later flight. We went to the ticket counter to check our bags, and they wouldn't take them early. We came back later and there wasn't anyone at the ticket counter and a line was beginning to form. The line was wrapped around the corner by the time anyone came to the ticket counter. Everyone in line was frustrated.
We had to pay $72 over the ticket for baggage and to get seats. Water was all that was free on the flight.
From the time that we landed to the time that we got our baggage was 1 hour and 20 minutes.
I am done. I will be using another airline. They have lost a good customer, and I will be sure to tell everyone I know about my experience.
Buyer Beware!
Here is our story;
On August 7th, 2016 at 3:40 pm, my family of six was scheduled to fly home from Atlanta, GA to Salt Lake City, UT. We boarded the plane, taxied, sat on the runway for about an hour and then returned to the gate. As soon as we were unloaded from the plane I began calling the frontier customer service line (a outsourced call center in the middle east) to try to make it known that my husband is a physician who was expected to cover a unit of patients the following day. I also spoke to the manager at the desk in Atlanta who told me that she would make a note on my account but that nothing could be done until the flight was canceled. By 7 pm that night it was determined that the fuel gauge was not working and that the replacement part would not be in that night. Thus following, the flight was canceled. We were the first ones back in line at the reservation desk where we waited for another 45 minutes. We knew that there was a flight out on Delta that night around 10:30 that we could get my husband on if Frontier would be willing to accept responsibility for failing to get us home. Unfortunately, after waiting to speak to someone at the desk regarding rescheduling, we were simply handed a piece of paper with the options of canceling for a refund (leaving us stranded in Atlanta), calling a "customer service" line to reschedule (also a call center in the middle east with limited authority) with a $400 voucher or wait for a frontier flight to get home. As we spent the next two hours working through these options with the hundreds of other stranded customers, we found that through the Frontier customer service line, the flight on Delta that was advertised through Delta as a $687 would actually be jacked up in price and almost $1000/ticket. For our family of six, this option would have cost us about $3600 out of pocket. Booking a flight out through another airline the next day would have still cost us about $2000 out of pocket (after already paying $1100 to Frontier) for a one way flight. As this was just not a reasonable thing to ask any family to do, we inquired about when Frontier could get us home. The soonest flight they could get us home on was Thursday, August 11th- 4 days after the time we were scheduled to be home, resume work and schedules for our children. This would not be a reasonable solution for anyone! We spent the evening trying to be calm and work with what we have been given. We talked to the manager who called corporate and were once again told there was nothing to be done. After fraying tempers ended in airport police being call, we decided that our only feasible option was to rent a car at 10:00 pm, drive 27 hours straight home and get my husband to his patients as soon as possible.
On the long drive home, somewhere in Iowa, I once again called the Frontier customer service line to file a formal complaint. However, the outsourced call center was unwilling to take my complaint and simply wanted to issue me a ticket refund to quiet the situation. After spending 1 hour getting angrier and angrier (and assuring them that I still had 12 hours of long car ride to keep calling back), I was finally transferred to a manager in Denver, Co. Although he seem greatly indifferent to the stress his company had placed on my family, he did tell me that he would document my complaint and pass it on to the board. However, when I filled out a feedback form on 8/20 to follow up, I was told that no complaint was filed. I once again filed my complaint. Today I received the only answer I am to receive;
"The letter you received is one that our executive team authorizes to allow for other flight options that aren't generally available. Safety is Our Priority. As you can imagine, flight irregularities can be very challenging and I'm sorry you experienced what you did. I also know that you expect to get where you're going safely. It's never our intent to disappoint or inconvenience our passengers. If you have additional concerns related to our handling of our flight disruption, please review our Contract of Carriage. I am shocked that Frontier would have policies that would put people in this position. I am shocked that Frontier is able to employ people to be the punching bag at the airports for all of the stranded passengers. I am shocked that when tensions rose 7 hours after we were scheduled to depart, airport police were called to be used as Frontiers "bouncers". I am shocked that the only customer service available to passengers is a call center in the middle east with very limited authority and intense opposition to transferring you to a representative at the corporate offices. I am shocked that as you sit on endless hold with the customer service line, the hold message is prerecorded with static followed by a pause to make the caller think they have lost the signal and thus hang up. All of these practices seem shady and unethical.
From a consumer point of view, we feel we were victims to bait and switch advertising. We were given no reasonable promise of getting home. This is unfair business practices and buyers need to know up front what they are signing up for. Please feel free to share so others know what they are getting when they opt for the "cheap fares" of Frontier.
No Customer Service
Lost luggage when traveling with 8 month old twins. They do not have customer service for you to contact. They make up for it by "bringing" the luggage to wherever you are but that is about it. Frontier tries to get by with as little as possible. This company has cheap flights but it doesn't mean you can be irresponsible to not have a way to have your customers contact them.
Sleezy Airline
They advertise low prices but in reality there are a lot of hidden fees. 40 dollars for a carry on bag... that is ridiculous!!!
Ruff Plane Ride
I was flying back at night on Monday 2/22/16 from Vegas to St. Louis. The plane was very full and looked to be over booked no room to stretch out at all. We were packed in the plane like sardines. We drove around to the correct runway for literally 10 minutes it felt like we were going to drive the plane back to St. Louis. Finally we take off. It was a smooth take off but 5 minutes after we are in the sky the plane feels like it's falling for a least 10 maybe 15 seconds. As I'm sure anyone can relate when you r on a plane 15 seconds feels like a very long time. What upset me was the pilot never came on and said sorry about that looks like we hit a ruff patch of turbulence he said nothing. That's the first time I've every felt like the plane was falling from the sky everyone around me and myself included yelled out. It was very scary. I've flown quite a few times and I can honestly say that was the most frightening thing that's ever happened and the pilot was completely silent. The pilot should always keep the people on board informed and explain why things happen. He could have apologized and told we he was sorry about several seconds of complete and utter terror. It ruined the rest of the 3 hour flight. I couldn't wait to get off that plane.
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