ATN Aries MK 330 Warrior

ATN Aries MK 330 Warrior

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ATN Aries MK 330 Warrior

ATN Aries MK 330 Warrior
2.5 3 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Hi I Just Thought I Would Tell My Experience On T

hi i just thought i would tell my experience on the purchase of a A T N MK 258, i live in the uk and have been looking for a night scope for my air arm S410. so about 4 weeks ago i came across atn scopes. big company many products must be ok. so i purchased via internet and uk bank a MK 258,came via fedex, duty vat to still pay. looks good on arrival so read instructions, zero in and take night shooting. good so far many rats killed. next night after rabbits, assemble on rifle switch on, NOTHING no tube light, change battery, still nothing. abandon shoot. get home still no light. sent email to atn , no reply, sent another as yet to recieve. SO WHAT DO I DO, IS GUARANTEE OK IN UK, ANY ADVICE WELCOME, i put rating low so far, maybe should buy in uk i now think,


Hello, Just because it is ATN makes it better than

average. Sorry, but the majority of the parts used in

this MK258 is manufactured in Russia and maybe the

whole scope was too.

Send them another email. Ask them return ATN product number.

You will also have pay the shipping back to the US and from the US to the UK. First check for ATN distributor in England or Europe. They sell enough of their junk in the USA. I got

stacks of their binoculars, monocular and scopes. I can't buy the Russian Generation 1 image intensifier tubes. Also, I am fairly sure that this scope sold to ATN by another fly by night NV company here in the US. Sir, you can't believe who manufactures night vision devises through out the world.

The best night vision devises are manufactured in the USA, England (English Physicist discovered the first NV tube in 1930?), Germany,Belgium, France. But mostly are used by the Military.If you can find surplus NV scopes in England and

Europe that would be your best buy. Ask the (ATN) for you British Pounds back.

Here in the US look for Litton, Vard, Rayothon, PVS-made by Litton or Vard. ATN makes a PVS as AT-PVS ATN will also tell they have a generation 4 image intensifier tube, don't believe that.

Check out this web site:

I got stacks of their binoculars, monocular and scopes.

I can't buy the Russian Generation 1 image intensifier


Also, I am fairly sure that this scope sold to ATN by

another fly by night NV company here in the US. Sir,

you can't believe who manufactures night vision

devises through out the world. is one of two that are distributor for

Litton OMNI VII Pinacle 3+ litton image tubes and scopes.

Wish you luck Buddy. Richard Morris, Las Cruces, NM


i had the same thing happen to my ATN ARIES GUARDIAN MK 350 GEN 1 NIGHTVISION RIFLE SCOPE

i later found out that i was getting to much light into the scope and was ni good when i was near any source of lighting from the road or on a clear night

and as for the guarantee it should not matter where you live and where it came from


Value For Money

This Is In Response To Doghouse's Review. Yo Dog,

This is in response to DogHouse's review. Yo Dog, chill. Maybe you should have known what you'd be getting for $450-500. I'm not trying to excuse ATN for adverting one thing and delivering another, if this is indeed the case, but what did you expect at this price point? Be glad the MK330 is not some beer can like sights of yesteryear. This is a sight intended for a carbine. If you need something that you can see farther with, be prepared to shell out the $$$.

Dog House Firearms.

Value For Money

The Warrior Night Vision Rifle Scope Arrived In A

The Warrior night vision Rifle Scope arrived in a Pelican hardcase. These are $100.00. The price of the Warrior was $425.00. I would rather pay $100.00 less and have it arrive in a cardboard box. This gives you an idea of Aries' marketing efforts. You are paying for packaging and a neat looking scope. Inside is still the same old low-quality Russian intensifier. Advertised was a range of 150 to 200 yards/meters. 70 yards was the best I could see. I called ATN to inquire about performance and was told that any first gen night vision is only good for 60-70 yards. I called back angry and talked to a different sales rep and he claimed that if I could see more than 50 yards I was doing good. I returned the scope. I am angry that they use the practice of false advertising. Their first gen equipment is still the old garbage that they have been selling for the last 5 years, but now in a "NEW PACKAGE" to make you think that you are getting new and improved.


Yo Dog, chill. Maybe you should have known what you'd be getting for $450-500. I'm not trying to excuse ATN for adverting one thing and delivering another, if this is indeed the case, but what did you expect at this price point? Be glad the MK330 is not some beer can like sights of yesteryear. This is a sight intended for a carbine. If you need something that you can see farther with, be prepared to shell out the $$$.

tez 223

Diopol gen 1 stuff is better quality than ATN's stuff, I have ATN mo2-1 which has a much duller picture than d142 rifle scope gen 1. Resolution not as good either. Best stuff is true 1+ but very expensive??


Unfortunately I agree with your review. I do not understand how can ATN place products like these on the market. I tried 1st Gen ATN Aries 330 Warrior, 350C Guardian, MK 238, MK 258 and even 2nd Gen Aries 6800 Defender and don't recommend any of these products to anyone. However(for example), the ATN's Night Leopard Gen 1 is an affordable and really great monocular, have a great resolution and a very clear and bright image and almost no distortion on the edges. Maybe you should try the 1st Gen 390 Paladin, I never tried this one, but heard some good things about this NV sight. Dipol are also reasonable good NV products. Bye.

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