Airwalk Skateboard

Airwalk Skateboard

User reviews

Value For Money

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Airwalk Skateboard

Airwalk Skateboard
3.15 57 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money


I got this board not too long ago.

The bearings are good.

My board hasn't chipped yet.

I learnt how to ollie shuvit and popshuvit on it.

And the trucks are good.

It is easy to turn.

I would recommend this board.

Beginners to intermediate board.

What I don't like is:

You can clip pebbles easy.

Sometimes the bearings but that has stopped now.

Nothing else


Value For Money


Airwalk skateboards are amazing for beginners and pros at beginners level they are super fast and have a good grip and for pros it is still amazing this board won't chip !!!


They Suck

do a trick an it will brack


Value For Money


I got an AirWalk and I highly recommend the board too.


Value For Money

Really Good

I have had this board for a week now and it is actually really good. the trucks are good they turn really well, the wheels get good grip so you dont slide but when you want to slide it will slide, the griptape is okay but griptape is cheap so who cares, the concave is not really steep but its steeper than what i usually ride, and the only bad thing about this board is that the deck chips quite quickly. but i mean every board will chip, and you cant expect excellence out of a cheap board. overall a decent board, it was worth the money and i might keep the trucks for my next deck.


Value For Money

Been 11 Years

I used to skate when I was 17~18 and used a few different brands of deck...i used plan b, element, monster and also a couple blank decks I have a bit of knowledge of skating...anyway ive decided I want to lose some weight and get a bit choice is aggro inline skates...but I decided id get a skateboard whilst I wait to get my blades next week...more just for the laugh...anyway I picked up this board today for 22 pound and il be honest im pretty impressed...i was expecting a load of poop but didnt...i mean its not a great board by pro standards and its dumb to compare it to them...would you compare a ferrari to a fiesta?....but for the price I paid....good.....trucks are a little loose and will most likely need a fair bit of tightening up for a begginer....and yeah the grip tapes not going to last for forever...but all in all its ok...for a person who is just gettingf into skati.g or f your like me and just want a board to mess about on and keep it light...its fine...if your looking to skate all day everyday then yeah...spend a little more cash and get a pro board...but for a noob....get it....only if its on deal...dont spend 90 coz it aint worth that...30 at most...and to all those saying you cant ollie it and its too hard to up and get better at 30 and aint skated in 11 years and I was popping ollies a.nd 180s in 20 minutes...its not the board...its the does chip easy but so what?...its a skateboard not your mums best review my skates when I get them my round up for the airwalk skateboard...good buy fir noobs who may not stick with the sport and works fine...look at the price and expect what you pay for...but if your on a budget...enjoy...peace


Value For Money

I Got Air Walk And I Liked It

i like it it grips well turns well chips accosionaly but its like aboss @yoloswag


Value For Money

Awful, Plain Awful.

Airwalk Skateboards, where can I start; The griptape is terrible, and on mine that I had about 5 months back, it went completely smooth, and had the consistancy of electrical tape. The deck chips really easily, and they have barely any concave. The trucks are very weak, I broke mine just dropping off a bus curb. The wheels are very soft, which I must admit I liked, but I don't think they are actually urethane. The bearings are ABEC 5 and they are half decent.

I paid £31.99 for my Airwalk Skateboard, and I regret it. They supposedly retail at £90, but who in the world would spend that on this piece of absolute rubbish I do not know.

If I had known about the trucks, griptape and deck I would definately not have bought this.

My advice: steer well clear of Airwalk Skateboards and don't waste your money!


Ok But One Problem

I just bought a air walk cruiser and I'm only a beginner it is awesome so far but the weird thing is that my friend has one and he has had it for about a year and his is much faster than mine they are exactly identical same weight everything why is his faster help!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


he might have bones speed cream for his bearings


Dont Buy It Your Waisting Your Money

if you wanna get into skateing then save your money and get a legit board.

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Can I change my Airwalk ABEC 5 bearings? They spin but not that long and Im planning on buying bones... SO can I change them or?

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