Bic Mini Mal Surfboard
Value For Money
Bic Mini Mal Surfboard

User Reviews
Value For Money
Likely A Progeny Board
I have owned my bic Mini mal for a about five years. I've owned or surfed on enough other boards to give this rather ubiquitous surfboard a fair review. What first drew me to the bics was their durability. My first preowned surfboard suffered from multiple dinks and dings caused during transport to and from the beach/coast since my home was situated 200 miles inland. (keep in mind I'd spend the entire summer by the shore) Bic filled my need by providing a board that is suitable for highway transport. Custom fiberglass boards are meant to be treated gingerly. Bouncing around on roof rack for hours on end at high speed down a highway tends to compromise a board's integrity. So with that said, the Bic is as durable as a plastic rock, it can take a beating;however,that doesn't mean it is indestructible or immune to cosmetic maladies. Indeed, the bic is tough, but it is prone to pressure dimples and slight outer shell warping. Don't tie it down too tight, it will leave a mark or two. Again, this is a minor aesthetic issue, and if you are ridding a bic, then you likely are not too concerned about what others may think about your surfing abilities. At any rate, it isn't the board, it is the rider, right? If you are new to the sport or are only a marginal surfer then this board is worth considering.
Well as far as the ride goes, the board floats high enough off the water to allow for efficient paddling. It has a decent rocker, and it is easy to catch waves with and pop up on. It is easy to catch waves with, and because of its durability it is well suited for shore break. Now, I find that compared to similar boards, the Bic rides sluggishly through the surf. I think this is due to the board's weight. Its a heavy board for its size,and too heavy to allow the board to be very maneuverable, hence it is not as fun as the moniker "Fun board" suggests. Because of its float, it isn't as easy to duck dive with, but that isn't impossible. On the flip side of things, I have had a blast on the board. I've honed my skills as surfer with it to the point that I am now a competent short boarder. The 7'2" is a great teaching and transitional/loaner board. Give it to a friend, and one doesn't have to worry too much unless it hits them in the head. Overall, it is decent all around board. It is an integral part of my board quiver. Is it perfect? no, far from. However, I don't ever intend to sell it God willing. The value is in its longevity. It has proven to be a reliable board that has withstood the test of wipeouts and the weathering of sand and time. If I could improve the design, I'd prefer it to be lighter, other than that as the old cliche goes " it is what it is."
Value For Money
Ripped Off Good N Proper
ordered a bic mini mall for use on a certain beach wave as the wave was very wedgey.first session it took on water and every session since.shop i ordered it from in the uk said they didn,t leak.bollocks.steer clear of bic and ride a regular deck.
Amazing board! I am 14 am just started surfing. I got mine on sale for $445 (NZ Dollars) as i needed a cheap board. Made of a really hard plastic so doesent brake. I've dropped mine onto the concrete many times and nothing is wrong! It's a great size. We dont have a roof rack so we just shuv it into the back of our toyota estima and fit's great! Amazing board for a bwgginer and im sure it will last me many years to come!
Value For Money
I Have Been Surfing For 27 Years, I Have Never Rid
i have been surfing for 27 years, i have never ridden such a versatile board ever extremly durable,i have smashed it against rocks,not a scratch.Never have to buy another board again.highly recommend one.thanks bic....charlie mcnarly....
Value For Money
These Are Superb Boards To Start Out On, Especiall
These are superb boards to start out on, especially if you are tall (Over 5ft 10 or a bit of a chunky chicken like my good self!
I am a female surfer weighing in at 14 stone and this board is stunning! Being a Bic Mini Mal it is neither too big nor too small, but thick and boyant enough to make learning fun and not a chore and as you and your style improve you will still only need this board!
Highly recommended. Big, boyant, sensibly priced and bomb proof! Love it!
Value For Money
Great Board! Got A Brilliant Deal At Www.kingofwat
Great board! Got a brilliant deal at www.kingofwatersports.com and only paid ' 280 for a board that will last uncountable years! I'd fully recommend this Bic Mini Mal Surfboard to any beginner (or intermediate!) surfer!
Value For Money
I Learned On This Type Of Board 10 Years Ago And H
I learned on this type of board 10 years ago and have since gone through two poly boards due to rocks and carelessness. I am looking to get another one of these even though I know how to surf there easy to travel with, store and in the NE the waves don't get big that often so its' nice to have something that will catch knee high's when you want to.
Value For Money
Great Value And Quality Board. Its Quite Cheap And
Great value and quality board. Its quite cheap and not as sad as looking to learn on a soft board
Value For Money
This Board's Design Is A Long Lasting Classic, You
This board's design is a long lasting classic, you can always sell these second had for not much less that you buy them for.
Value For Money
So I Got This Bic Mini Mal Board Handed Down To Me
So I got this Bic Mini Mal board handed down to me when I wanted to start surfing from my brother, he learned to surf it and I was up on my feet on the first time I was in the water. I knew that it would be easiest for me to start in the white water. I just held onto the rails until the wave picked me up. I started by riding it like a bodyboard, then on my knees before I struggled to my feet. I know that when my brother brought the board the shop assistant said that it was the best for money and for a beginner. In my own view whilst I was learning to surf I battered it around but even now it looks new. This is the board to get when learning to surf, there's no point in getting a small shortboard as you'll stand no chance in even catching a wave. Good luck surfing and most of all have FUN!!!
I found this review helpful because...looking for board to take to cornwall for my daughter ,this sounds perfect
I have a Bic 7'10 MiniMal, my first board, and it rocks. Like you say, it's solid, stable, and excellent for beginners. My girlfriend has a 7'10 NSP, and the Bic performs just as well, and the build quality is almost the same. (Although I reckon the Bic looks cooler!)
I'm looking for a board around 7'3" now, that I can steer a bit more (you can steer the 7'10 a bit, to run it along the face of a wave, but it's a big board to move around) and I may well get another Bic, although I have an urge to try something else, perhaps a HawaianSled, cos I dig the wooden veneer!
I'll keep the Bic for my quiver though, for messy or smaller days, it's a must have I reckon. See you around, keep an eye out for a Snake Plissken lookalike on a Bic!
Great review, thanks, now i know which board to get to start surfing. xxx
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