Air Jamaica
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Air Jamaica

User Reviews
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Worst Experience Ever!!! Long Story Short, We Sat
Worst experience EVER!!! Long story short, we sat in JFK airport for 13 hours, and then another hour and a half on the plane before take-off because they had no food or drinks on board yet. Lost a whole day of my vacation, so that convenient early departure time was completely pointless, and to top it off, I am trying to get compensation, and they all keep telling me, write an email, you will hear back within 60 business days. The customer service SUCKS. Fly JetBlue if you can, it is well worth the extra money. I'm sure this terrible experience doesn't happen everyday with this airline, and I know things happen, but I swear I will never ever fly Air Jamaica again.
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My Husband And I Have Flown Air Jamaica Before Wit
My husband and I have flown Air Jamaica before with no issues, but this time was a way different experience. Getting to our destination was fine. Our return flight was completely cancelled. The only way we found out was when our emergency contact was called. Luckily, we turned on our cell phones to get the text from our contact that the flight was cancelled two days before our departure. We had to call Air Jamaica at our resort and wait on hold for 40 minutes to figure out how to get home. They gave us a connector flight to Florida and then a direct flight to Philadelphia using US Air. We ended up missing our connector flight due to the Air Jamaica's late plane and getting through customs in Ft. Lauderdale. We then had to take a flight from Florida to Charlotte after waiting 5 hours to get out of Florida. In total, we took 3 planes in one day, starting our day at 5:00 AM till 2:00 AM the following day! This was very inconvenient and we will not fly this airline ever again! We missed a whole day of our vacation because of it! We did love this airline because they directly fly us out of Philly to Montego Bay. Now, we have a bad taste in our mouth. This was the worst travel experience ever! We get it, things happen, but this was inexcusable! Canceling an entire flight is just ridiculous!
I found this review very helpful because...We been unlucky next day. The flight to Philadelphia was cancelled the next day on May,11 as well.
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Value For Money
This Is My First Time On An Air Jamaica Flight And
This is my first time on an Air Jamaica flight and it will be my last; 2 hrs or more waiting in check line, while staff act rude and talk to each other; Flight delayed for no reason. I went on the thursday didnt get my baggage when I arrived at the airport, they never called and said when the bag arrive, went to the airport again on the tuesday to see if my bags arrived; had to wait outside in the sun for over two hours or so before I get to go in and get my luggage. This just messed up my whole Christmas holiday. I wanted to use them since am Jamaican and I kind of want to support them. Someone need to buy that company and hired new staff. I cant believe an airline could really treat customer that way seriously.
Flight on time?
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Quality of food
Value For Money
Stay Way From Air Jamaica . Supervisor White Base
Stay way from Air Jamaica . Supervisor White base in the Kingston Jamaica airport has no manners.We ask her for her full name and she removed her name tag. This airline gives you the ran around. The only think they care about is money not people. Go Jetblue or AA
Flight on time?
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Quality of food
Value For Money
The Worst Flying Experience Ive Ever Had. We Waite
the worst flying experience ive ever had. we waited in line for about 1 and a half hours to check in. once we got to the counter we were told that our flight was cancelled and that the next flight was the next day. the employees were not helpful and kept laughing because the people waiting on the line were angry and screaming. i will never flight air jamaica ever again and i advise other people that are thinking about using this airline not to because you will be dissapointed. i didnt make my flight and had to pay for hotls and a car that i never used.
Flight on time?
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Value For Money
This Was One Of The Worst Flight Experiences Of Ou
This was one of the worst flight experiences of our lives. The flight into Jamaica was, granted, delayed by only a few minutes, but there was no good reason for it. The crew just sauntered in barely 20 minutes before takeoff. Completely ludicrous. The plane was cramped and dirty - my window had face oil on it. Really gross. =( The seats are not comfortable at all (we both are used to flying economy, and these seats were far less roomy than a typical Southwest flight). The snacks are really limited and honestly, kind of gross - banana chips or coconut crisps are your only options. No thanks. Also, we were told time and again that they would hang up my wedding dress for me - instead I had to stuff it in the overhead compartment.
Now for the flight back. What a nightmare. The check in process took ages, and there was no visible reason for it. Everyone in line was really agitated. They had these little luggage tags they wanted you to fill out and instead of handing them out to the long line of waiting people to save time you had to do it when you got up to the front of the line. They then told us that our flight was delayed by two hours - no reason given. We were supposed to board our plane at 6:25pm. That time came and went, and FINALLY the crew sauntered in. At this point we were told we would begin boarding, except for reasons beyond our comprehension we had to go through a second security check with them rifling through our carry-on bags and frisking us. No reason was given for this at all and of course it held things up even further. On top of that, the staff was extremely rude. One lady was yelling at us not to board the plane until our row was called while another lady (the one with the microphone, mind you) was calling our row number. The flight finally did get off the ground (we were wondering there for a while) but we ended up landing in Baltimore 2.5 hours after our scheduled time. No reason for the delay was even given to us. We don't fly terribly often, but both of us agreed that this was by far the worst experience we had ever had.
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Value For Money
My Husband Has A Very Expensive Electric Wheelchai
My husband has a very expensive electric wheelchair, the airline dropped the chair 10-15 ft to the ground while unloading it. They were told how to do it and refused to listen. the chair was totally ruined. My husband was put into a manual chair to get off the plane and then we fought with the airlines for an hour because they were not going to let him take the manual chair, they eventually stole one from another airline to transfer him into. It has been over a year now and we still have not rec'd reimbursement for his chair. Wheelchairs for most are not assistive devices they are there legs! The only way they can get around, it was unbelievable that the airline expected him to what be transferred to a chair in the airport and just stay there till ???? it was 4 a.m. I'm fighting this and taking it as far as i can, it was a terrible experience and as much as we loved jamaica will never fly air jamaica again!
Flight on time?
Customer Service
Comfort on flight
Quality of food
Value For Money
The Flight Attendants Were Professional And Curtio
The flight attendants were professional and curtious. They were very friendly and willing to help when asked. The fights both going and coming left only a few minutes late, but arrived at destination on time. Luggage came thu without a problem and in good shape. The only thing to consider is the seats in coach are very cramped, so if you have long legs.....get an isle seat!
Quality of food
Our Direct Flight Turned Into A 1 Hour Lay Over Wi
Our direct flight turned into a 1 hour lay over without notice, to pick up more passengers on an already dirty, packed plane. On our return flight when we arrived at the airport they told us they had cancelled our flight to our airport but we could fly to a different state and we could take a 3.5 hour bus ride back to our airport where our vehicle was parked. A representative met us at the bus and offered email addresses to contact Air Jamaica for refunds but they never replied after our numerous attempts to contact them. There was also a fight between 2 passengers that lasted the entire flight home and became physical by the time the plane landed. The attendants would only keep warning the parties that they would get the captain if they didn't settle down which they didn't.
Customer Service
Comfort on flight
Quality of food
Value For Money
Despite Reading A Slew Of Negative Online Reviews,
Despite reading a slew of negative online reviews, I decided to give Air Jamaica a try because the fare was reasonable and the schedule fit like a glove. While it wasn't the worst flight experience I've ever had, it left a poor first impression and I will think twice before flying them again. The first leg, flight 74 non-stop from LAX to Montego Bay on 11/21/08, left 45 minutes late because the crew was so slow cleaning the cabin. It was almost comical: they announced 30 minutes before the scheduled departure time that they were about to begin boarding, and by departure time we were all still standing there waiting to board and listening to our third or fourth "We're sorry for the delay but the crew is still in the process of cleaning the cabin" announcement. Naturally the flight arrived late to Jamaica as a consequence. The onboard service was below average: the flight attendants were not mean or rude, but they seemed indifferent to the passengers and unenthused about their jobs. So while the flight to MBJ wasn't without problems, it wasn't anything I couldn't forgive. However, the flight back to LAX (flight 75 on 11/29/08) was a nightmare and likely sealed my fate as a "one-and-done" Air Jamaica customer. We arrived at the airport 3 hours early, and it's a good thing, because we spent a ridiculous 1 hour, 45 minutes in the ticket line! I don't know if they didn't have enough check-in people or the ones they had were too slow, but if we'd arrived 2 hours early as the airline industry recommends for international flights, we'd likely have missed our flight. We had the same problem with late boarding that we'd incurred at LAX, they announced they were about to begin boarding and then it took 20 minutes to actually begin. Then we get on the plane and they told us our non-stop flight had been changed to include a stop in Miami. This was shocking. We arrived about an hour-and-a-half late because of the Miami stop. Not only was that a major inconvenience for us, but as the plane was immediately returning to MBJ on a red-eye, a huge inconvenience for the passengers of that flight as well. If there were positives, they didn't lose our luggage, they didn't cancel our flight , they served free champagne in coach, the meals were free (unlike some carriers that have begun charging) and were actually not bad for airline food. But overall it was a difficult and disappointing experience, especially on the return flight. At best, I will think twice before flying Air Jamaica again --at worst, I won't fly them again.
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