Greasy Palm www.greasypalm.co.uk
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Greasy Palm www.greasypalm.co.uk

User Reviews
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Diabolical Service Which Should Be Shut Down
This outfit are hopeless and I would strongly advise you avoid them. Cashack is paid months late and I have reported them to trading standards. It's unclear if the company is still going and it's not a chance I would take. The are other reputable cash back sites out there which deserve your custom, these clowns do not.
I have the same problems. Been waiting well over 2 months for Amazon vouchers. No response whatsoever from their so called help desk. Their site still says next payment run is 1 February. No one appears to be working there. Use at your peril.
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Do Not Use Them !!
Don't click on ANYTHING, you will NOT get paid - how they have the nerve to carry on updating their site into 2016 is unbelievable.
All email contact will be ignored, and all your earnings they will keep !
You have been warned !
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Tin Pot Outfit That Keeps Your Money
Well I have been with GreasyPalm several Years and it's been patchy re cash back on and off but this last 12 months it's like getting blood from a stone.
You chase your cash back to be told wait 90 days, that comes and goes and you chase and chase only to be ignored, it then turns out they day they haven't been paid, but when you contact the company that your are waiting for your cash back from they provide you with the payment details and low and behold, " oh yes we've been paid after all " greasy palm say.
My guess is they keep it in the hope you won't chase them I've read on here watchdog are making a program I'm waiting for over £130 cash back and think I might give the team a bell as let's face I these people need shutting down or put on national TV and shamed oh and by the way here's the bosses email address if you have any problems bombard him with emails it works you get your money.
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Never Using Again!
Used to find them good, however the past few transactions have been hell and after waiting 6 months, yes 6 months! going through countless waste of time report messages only to end up with them saying that they wont be giving me my money after spending purely just for the cashback, I now wont be using ever again.
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Good Site Gone Bad
I've been a member of greasy palm since the beginning and over the last year or so the site has gone downhill, to the point where I refuse to use them any more.
They lure you into offers with an attractive 'VIP bonus' (i.e. an extra £10 on top of your cash back) and then reverse the VIP bonus, even though the merchant has paid. The help desk is a frustrating, never ending loop of standard replies that don't answer your query. In one case they kept replying that the merchant had declined my transaction even though I had been paid already. This pattern of fobbing off and 6 month delays is one I recognise, as a site going down the pan.
I've spent and received hundreds through greasy palm over the years and whilst they used to be my first choice, I can say with conviction that I will never again spend another penny through their site.
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Very Poor
Everything from the website experience to the customer service is very poor. I work in affiliate marketing so know how the system works, so I can assure you that these guys are rubbish. I would recommend you go to Quidco or Topcashback.
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Don't Expect Any Cashback From Them Nor Help.
They are by far the worst cashback site I have used, I am still waiting for cashback payments from 10 months ago, it's a waste of time filing a missing payment ticket with them, they just put you in a queue for months on end and when they do eventual reply they fob you off with a standardised message :
"Message: Hello,
I would just like to let you know that we are still investigating your issue.
We apologise that it has been a while since our last correspondence, but we are keen to stress you are being tended to and will contact you again, when we have resolved your issue.
Once again we are sorry for the delay in solving the matter." That was over six months ago and they have still not resolved the matter, I sent them a reminder, six weeks ago and still no reply. i will never use them again!
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Doesn't Honour Big Payouts
I have been with Greasypalm for several years now and twice received small payouts. However, two years ago I was enticed to take out an over 50s life policy with LV because of a cash incentive...£115 cashback plus a bonus of another £50 for doing it by a certain deadline with a VIP code. The trick was that you wouldn't get paid until you had held and paid for the policy for 9 months.
So I waited 9 months, then started to chase the cashback. At first I was told that it was too early and I had to wait for up to 120 days AFTER I was eligible for LV to validate my claim. I checked periodically but nothing had happened. After 120 days had elapsed, I chased it up again and got a response from Greasypalm telling me it was too late to chase my payment and I had missed the deadline!
I only took this particular policy because of the cashback incentives and would still like my £165, but I guess I'm whistling in the wind. I have written to GP at their head office twice and never even had the courtesy of a reply.
This company is not to be trusted. They just want the commissions they make from retailers when they send customers their way.
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Paid 6 Months Late But Only After Contacting The Retailer
Greasypalm used to be good but this last year Cashback payments have either been reversed or late, it took me 9 months to get Cashback for switching my energy provider, after the mandatory 3 month wait I contacted them to be told that my energy provider still hadn't paid them and to wait a month or tie after 6 months from my switch date I contacted then again only to be told the sane story, after this I contacted my provider only to be told that they had been paid a month after my switch, with this information I contacted Greasypalm again only to be told the same thing, after advising them I had spoken to the chief executives complaints dept of my energy provider and the accounts dept my Cashback was miraculously found and added to my account I still had to wait a further 30 days before they paid me even though they had had the money 8 months, I've also experienced the same problem with other retailers now I've heard BBC Watchdog are making a program about them I may just contact them as these people need to be taken to book
Rip Off Merchants,
greasypalm used to be good until about a year or so ago.
Since then they make big claims, and none of the merchants pay, or the transactions are reversed. Even William Hill reversed a big transaction.
Then they have some merchants who say they will give cahsback for filling out a form, but it never happens.
So I have stopped making any purchases with them, and I stick to topcashback
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