West 1 Promotions www.west1promotions.co.uk
Value For Money
West 1 Promotions www.west1promotions.co.uk
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User Reviews
I Went Along To The Hotel In Plymouth, They Took A
I went along to the hotel in Plymouth, they took a couple photos and asked a few questions then took my money and said you will now be put through to Regaredz Models so then we had to pay another 150 pound but after that i tried to ring them they said they didn't know who i was so i rang west 1 promotions and they said i must have the wrong number so they said they would get them to ring me back so i waited and nothing so i rang them back but never got an answer what can i do?
Value For Money
I Have Never Heard A Word From Them And That Was 2
I have never heard a word from them and that was 2 years ago and hope that other people don't fall into the same trap as I did. I do not recommend West 1 Promotions.
I Have Just Signed Up With West 1 Promotions
I have just signed up with West 1 Promotions who made my daughter believe she had stardom waiting for her, I have one very devastated 15 yr old, poor thing...I would be very interested in how you got on with CAB etc as I fully intend to pursue this, I have already contacted the local newspaper and the Hotel. There was also an expose on the local news tonight (bit late for us unfortunately!).
I think it is our duty to make sure these people are stopped before anyone else's child is left heartbroken and any more parents have to pick up the pieces. Xx
Reading All These Comments I Feel Unsure Now I Pai
Reading all these comments I feel unsure now I paid £189 for my daughter, was all flustered as well as was waiting in a stuffy hotel for 3 hours, asked was there any additional fees to pay was told no the agent will just take a commission from any of your child's earnings, got a call to say Hidden talent want my little girl on their books for another £149.50, from reading all this looks like the agency they forward your details to are the same people running West 1, checked out with CAB and CC Provider trying to obtain a refund as Misrepresentation.
Will let you all know.
I Too Have Been Subject To West 1's Promotions Pro
I too have been subject to West 1's Promotions promise of stardom for my 2 children, 1 and 12, I went along to a very popular hotel, after seeing the ad in my local paper. We were seen quite quickly, both my children had a polariod done, then a quick interview, which is when I was told that yes, they were both model material, so that in mind I would have to pay £189.00 for each child, for this they would receive a portfolio, and a guaranteed place with an agency within 3 months. I received the portfolio, and an agency offer on the same day, but (here's the catch) the agency also wanted £149.50 for each child to be included in their books for 3 years. I am very sceptical at this stage, and I'm not quite sure what to do, I think more research needs to be done by us as parents
Thanks for the valuable info, I have been bombarded with phone calls from hidden talent, telling me that as soon as I send them the £150, my kids will get their first job, as work is already lined up.....so when I asked what kind of work, I was told they couldn't tell me unless I paid to be on the books. I am steering clear, and have learned a hard lesson.
I have 4 words for you, if it's not too late - DO NOT DO IT!!!
I have a 5 year old daughter who has had a photo shoot with a company called Models Unlimited.
Also told the same rubbish that you have been told.
After, I got suspicious, I decided to check out their website and found a horrifying truth.
Models Unlimited were once called West 1 Promotions, and Model Management UK, and West 1 castings, and so on and so on.Have a look at this website;
The company that asked for a further £150, were they called Rondevous or Regardez??
The directors behind these companies that call you up are behind West 1 as well.
I am more worried about what they are doing with the photos of my daughter, more than the £190 that I've inevitably lost.
Value For Money
I Also Paid The Money To West 1 Promotions, And Ev
I also paid the money to West 1 Promotions, and everything that has happened to everyone else has happened to me also! I am totally in disgust at them playing with children's emotions. They fooled us hook line and sinker!! What made me believe them was it was advertised in my local paper, and auditions were held in a very popular hotel.
West 1 (promotions) Are At The Same Address, Have
West 1 (Promotions) are at the same address, have the same managers & staff as an agency called 'Hidden Faces. West 1 for £179, put you in touch with an agency called Regardez who charge you a further £117.50, making a total fee of of £296.50!
Regardez are at the same address as an agency called Rondevous. Now Rondevous offer the same 'service' as West 1. Rondevous charges £180 to find you an agency called Hidden Faces, who charge you £149.50, making a total fee of £329.50. Hidden Faces have the same managers, staff and are at the same address as West 1...
So you have two lots of agencies, passing applicants between themselves; and making loads of money - out of the applicants they pass on.
Rondevous and West 1 do not offer to find you - any work whatsoever, all they do is pass you on to someone else who will charge another fee.
Another of the agencies, Studio 1 Promotions, this agency has rang applicants with the offer of actual work opportunities; but only if they pay £49 up-front. But, once they pay the fee the work opportunity evaporates...
There is an - Agency Help Line - to help anyone who has paid fees to such agencies, log on to:
For the facts - and Advertising Standards Authority Adjudications against some of the above agencies.
There are five BBC local radio interviews to listen to on this subject also.
A question in the House of Commons on 4th May, on this subject, can also be listened in to, on this website...
All the best,
I have had the exact same experience where I was told HMV and DFS wanted me for TV ads, this work mysteriously disappeared as did the 'Miss Model of Brighton' competition which I have already payed for tickets for. I was stupid enough to fall for it and I'm now I'm down £228 (£179 to West 1 and £49 to studio 1 promotions), I'm a student and that is a lot of money for me. Why is this allowed to happen?!
Studio 1 Promotions have a history of doing this...
THe DTI Employment Agency Standards have been made aware of several such cases; yet appear to have done nothing so far.
Please e-mail me if you wish me to try and help you, at: [email protected]
All the best,
Clive Hurst
I have just been "signed" to Regardez and Studio 1 throught West 1 Promotions. Studio 1 told me that Dominoes Pizza and HMV were interested in taking me on for some comercials work. After paying the registration fee of £49 (plus £179 for West 1 to nip into the office next door and get someone from Studio 1 to ring me) I heard no more. Whenever I phone the agency, the line is engaged and goes through to an answer phone whereupon leaving several messages you can guarantee that someone will not return your call.
All respect to these people, they really skinned me; it's a sly business that uses people's vanity to make mega bucks. Immoral? Maybe. Devious? Definately.
Gemma, Lancashire
We Had To Fill In A West 1 Promotions Form For Our
We had to fill in a West 1 Promotions form for our details (.e.g hair colour, eye colour, address etc). We then waited for at least 3 hours but we were the lucky ones, others waited a lot longer. When we finally got our interviews. We had a picture taken and were told that we could make it to being models. The woman who interviewed us was very uneasy and edgey when my mother asked her questions about the agency. She was also very pushy and used phrases like, you could change your daughters life for the better and was implying that they didn't want people who weren't fully suportive. She then rushed my mother into paying out £179 without fully reading the terms and conditions. Hannah and I then had our photos taken and before we knew it everything was over.
6 weeks later we had a letter with my pictures and information. We also had a letter asking for another £100 on top of that to pay the agency which accepted me. When Hannah found out that it was a scam her mother phoned up to cancel her contract but they said it was too late.
For the people who spent £179 on this modelling agency you're not alone. It was in such a way that it actually felt like showbiz. But for the people who have heard about this agency from a friend, the newspaper, internet etc. from my experience I would advise you to keep your money and go to a professional photographer have your pictures taken there and then send them to modelling agencies.
Don't be tricked. It's not worth your money.
I reported this company to Trading Standards. THis company refer to another agency called REGARDEZ, (DO NOT PAY THEM ANYTHING).
They are still trying to get money and have now referred to yet another company called STUDIO 1... who the hell are they????
After Attending A Casting Where I Was Prompted To
After attending a casting where I was prompted to pay the good old £180 to join West 1 Promotions, I have just received a phone call asking if I'd like to join for £100 and get the same benefits as everyone else.
So there we have it!
Dont give them any money!
Back in October 2002 I attended a West 1 Promotions hotel event, and I too had a similar experience c/o B&M management services whose sister company was Regardez. I lost £500 to B&M and the three other agencies I was 'accepted' by! I did eventually earn £185 through one job with Regardez and one job with Models Direct. Media Modelling & Casting Agency still haven't given me anything in three years. I have been through the DTI & Trading standards but to no avail.
Alba models information are good for advice and they keep a record of complaints and news cutting etc.
We Saw The West 1 Promotion For Work In Modelling,
We saw the West 1 promotion for work in modelling, catwalk, catalogue work, and TV extra work etc. advertised in a local paper. We went along to be told that we would receive a free photo shoot and test shot. My daughter and I waited 2 hours to be interviewed by a talent agent. My daughter had a Polaroid photo taken against a normal wall, and was then told she had potential to be a top model. In return for this 1 minute advice, we were told that if I wanted to pursue this career for her we had to pay £179, which included 6 'free' photographs, admin charges, and for her details to be sent to a modelling agency! I was horrified.
Hi everyone,
I was also conned by West 1 promotions, but I'd say all in all my experiences with agencies has'nt been great thus far anyhow, so no change there then. Like everyone, I really wanted to believe that West 1 would help or at least open the door of opportunity to me. My story with West 1 is depressingly familiar and I found my ad in a reputable paper. I am currently assisting the DTI in getting some measure of justice for everyone who's has been duped so I'll choose words about those west 1 people carefuly. Though I stlll think Regardez sounds like a cheap mail order catalogue service.
I would say that the most important thing is to remain positive in spite of whats happened. There's no reason why you should'nt realise your dream. Just don't let West 1, Regardez and whom ever pull you down or hurt you so much that you give up. They're not worth it, but you are.
I get the idea that show biz is full of sharks as well as angels. I suspect you have to step over a few crooks till you get to your destination. So be aware and keep on moving.
Alex V
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