Homestar Runner www.homestarrunner.com
Value For Money
Homestar Runner www.homestarrunner.com

User Reviews
Value For Money
I Got To This Site About 7 Or 8 Months Earlier....
I got to this site about 7 or 8 months earlier.....
Frankly speaking I was really very very impressed by the cartoons it had on it ...
I enjoyed every bit of it and recommended to all my colleague friends for having extra fun with cartoons...
But slowly I got a little bit bored by those cartoons as they were being created ery rapidly.
Now also I like it but not the way I use to like it 5 or 6 months earlier..
My interest has really got down.
Value For Money
Around 2003 I Loved Homestar Runner. While There W
Around 2003 I loved Homestar Runner. While there were only a few cartoons on the website, most of them were very funny. Each cartoon was a unique piece of creativity and surprise.
Then - around 2004 - the creators decided to make a series out of it, with one new carton per week (actually, there was not a cartoon every week, but at least all two weeks or so). So they started throwing out new cartoons faster, then they had new ideas coming in. Homestar Runner became repetitive and very boring. Soon they arrives at an average of less than one new idea per cartoon. Their creative burnout has become obvious.
The creators would have been advised better in publishing less cartoons, but better ones. But they have chosen quantity instead of quality.
If it wasn't for the few really good cartoons (most of those from the first years), i would have given one point only. So, as an appreciation for their glorious beginning still 2 points.
Value For Money
Love The Homestar Runner Website! It's Updated Nea
Love the Homestar Runner website! It's updated nearly every week and the cartoons are hilarious! The storylines are fun and there are cartoons of all sizes and settings to suit everyone's interests. Also, the sbemails offer good advice about all sorts of topics. I just love how they have made over five hundred cartoons in over ten years.The characters are so loveable! And how everythign has come off the same cartoon. Teen Girl Squad is actually a creation of Strong Bad from one of his emails! Just like the crazy main chracter of Homsar. Also, they are always making references to the real world or to their own! Just awesome!
Value For Money
Homestar Runner Cracks Me Up. Sbemail Is Awesome,
Homestar runner cracks me up. Sbemail is awesome, with amusing characters all around .Usually, in cartoons, when the repeat gags it gets old, but in homestar runner, how it repeats gags make it funny. It's insane, crazy. Also, no advertisements! They get there money from the store. However, a few problems lay: There are many main pages, but they become hard to navigate.
And no big toons since 2006. Only sbemail, teen girl squad, Shorts and other stuff, but still, you need to visit.
Value For Money
Homestar Runner In My Opinion Is A Very Witty And
Homestar Runner in my opinion is a very witty and well written site. It has lots of content that makes it one of the best Humour websites as far as I am concerned. I will recommend www.homestarrunner.com to anyone who reads this review as I bet it will make you laugh!
Value For Money
Probably At Least Once In Your Life (if You're In
Probably at least once in your life (if you're in between the ages of 8 and 30 at least) you've probably heard about some web site known as Homestar Runner. When the person explains about how it's about an armless stupid jock whitey and a violence obsessed masked boxing-glove-wearing short guy that never wears a shirt, you probably thought, "What they heck?" But I'm here to tell that Homestar Runner was a god among urls in it's time.
I'll be the first to admit, Homestar Runner has really slowed down recently. It's not nearly as funny, and the toons are getting slower and slower releases, to the point where now they have a Strong Bad email out every month or so, and that's if they aren't working on another toon. But who can blame them? Putting out brilliant toon after brilliant toon gets hard after a while. They've started running out of ideas.
No matter though, the old stuff twangs at those funny bone strings like no other can do. The magic happens in a little county in the USA. Occupants? Only a couple of really weird but funny cartoon characters. Chiefly among them are the aforementioned Homestar Runner and Strong Bad. But there's also the bubbly balloon like Pompom. The ultra left wing (or I'm assuming) humanitarian, vegetarian, dating-Homestar-itarian, animal rights activist Marzipan. The literally blue, sleazy vendor Bubbs, and last on the list but certainly not the least, the southern, English garbling, optimistic, even occasionally rapping and break dancing Coach Z.
The main source of toons on this site are when people send real emails to the producers and they have their er lovable Strong Bad receive and answer them. Questions range from "How do you type with boxing gloves on?" to "I'm in a metal band and we need help with lyrics!" Granted the last one wasn't a question, but I think he let it slide. At the start the questions were answered in a typical email format. Strong Bad would read the question, type and dictate his answer and that was it. Slowly though, they advanced into him actually "launching" into a toon to examine or find his answer in the "real" world. One asked for Strong Bad to draw him a dragon. And so the most famous Strong Bad email AND toon was born. TROGDOR!!! This was truly Homestar Runner at its peak.
Humor on this site can be found in many different ways. Many of them are aiming at the customs of the good ol' US of A, such as the garage sale email. Some is just blatant slapstick ("Strong Bad will you kick me?" "I can do it I will do it nine time!") The last category is the "dumb" (in a good way) approach, such as Homestar setting Strong Sad up on a date with a wall, while wearing glasses covered in yellow paint. But whatever it is, Homestar Runner can always get you a good laugh.
Homestar in its day was lovable, laughable, and enjoyable. I just hope it can go back to those times and get out of the present doldrums.
Value For Money
Homestar Runner (www.homestarrunner.com) Has Games
Homestar Runner (www.homestarrunner.com) has games that are fun to play. There are downloads and some shopping and other things, a lot of other things, too much of other things to say about this site - it rox my sox!
Value For Money
What Can I Say About Homestar Runner Www.homestarr
What can I say about Homestar Runner www.homestarrunner.com? Strong Bad, Homestarrunner, Marzipan, Pom Pom, Coach Z, Bubs, The Cheat, Strong Mad, Strong Sad, Homsar, The stick, Tandy 400, Compy 386, Lappy 486. THEY ALL ROCK!!! GO WWW.HOMESTARRUNNER.COM.
Hooooooome staaaaaaaaar run....run....
Value For Money
Where Do I Start??? This Is Some Funny Stuff. Afte
Where do I start??? This is some funny stuff. After Weebls-stuff.com this is the best flash site on the net! The hilarious Strong Bad e-mails are a definite highlight as Strong Bad answers them with quick wit (and often saracsm) aswell as the little easter-eggs at the end. Then there is the new 'Peasant's Quest' phenomenon which now includes a fantastically filmed movie trailer aswell as the impossible game of the same name. Some memorable quotes include: 'I'mmmmmmmm the captain of the gravy train' - Homsar 'Everything is fine' - System Report Sign 'I know where Perducci is...he is....in.....Istanbul' - Homestar
'Stave it off 1 2 3 and now we can count to three!' - Kids Programme. The randomness!!
Value For Money
Homestar Runner - Best Cartoon Site. Ever. I Love
Homestar Runner - Best cartoon site. EVER. I love this site it's the best. Strong Bad cracks me up with his E-mails, Homestar makes me laugh with his crazy lisp. "Hey there, Stwong Bad!" You can come across easter eggs in nearly every cartoon. Some can be a simple scene that can make you laugh to death to crazy antics by the Homestar Runner cast. Overall it's the best. No profanity except the ocasional "c**p". Great for everyone.
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