MyMusic Inc www.mymusicinc.com
Ease of Use
Quantity Of Music
Value For Money
MyMusic Inc www.mymusicinc.com

User Reviews
I Got An Unauthorized Charge On My Credit Card Fro
I got an unauthorized charge on my credit card from mymusicinc. for $19.88. I sent them several emails and called the phone number that was on my credit card. The charge said it was to MP3Rocket, but the MP3Rocket phone number (which I had just cancelled my services to) said they were not affiliated with Mymusicinc. The phone number that I called asked me to leave my name and phone number. Naturally they did not return my call. Luckily I have a easy-going credit card that gave me credit for this charge.
Firstly, I Think It Rips Off P2p Programs That You
Firstly, I think it rips off p2p programs that you already have, and makes you pay for it. Secondly, if you try logging with any username/password combination, you'll get in - no need to sign up and pay. Do not recommend MyMusic Inc.
Value For Money
Quantity Of Music
Ease of Use
I Already Had Limewire When I Bought Mymusic, Beca
I already had Limewire when I bought MyMusic, because I wanted something better, only to find out they're both the same. When I bought MyMusic their ad included a MONEY BACK GUARANTEE. I asked for my money back. They agreed provided I supplied them with some information that they already had anyway, such as my order Number. After a month of tooing and froing, they emailed me saying my money was already refunded to my credit card and to expect to see it in my next statement or two. Guess what? THE MONEY NEVER CAME. I will now be taking the matter further!
Ease of Use
They Do Not Deliver Product As Promised. They Gave
They do not deliver product as promised. They gave me a product that I could get for free. They have almost no music on their web site, while they promised a huge selection. They said they would refund my money, which is not the case. STAY AWAY FROM THAT WEB SITE OR YOU WILL BE SORRY !!!!
It Just Tells You That The Website Contains Tons O
It just tells you that the website contains tons of free music and movies and make you pay for it offering different subscription plans, 1 yr. 2 yr. and lifetime.... After you pay, they tell you "Ok, go ahead and download Limewire, Kazaa, Xfactor.... and start downloading stuff !!! Like you didn't know you could do that on your own... Even worse, why would they say you could join for 1 yr ($17.94) or 2 ($29.99) ???? Once you download the (already free) softwares , they are Yours !!!!
Value For Money
Quantity Of Music
Ease of Use
My Music Inc Is My Favorite For All The Music Down
My Music Inc is my favorite for all the music download provides out there. It's one of the original and highest volume providers of music download online services. That's why it receive good reviews on the Internet like the new review site at http://www.new-review.com.
If You Already Have A P2p Program (limewire, Kazaa
If you already have a P2P program (Limewire, Kazaa, napster, etc) Then you don't need this SUBSCRIPTION service. They interface their program with yours and do not have any music or video on their site. You still peer to peer file share like you did before. You just pay them to "help" you do what you can do yourself. You get no legal licensed downloads from them. I would not recommend this site to anyone - it's a rip off.
I Sent An Email To My Music Inc Asking How Their
I sent an email to My Music Inc asking how their service differed from FREE peer to peer programs like LimeWire and Morpheus. A few days later I received a response telling me that I should just try it. If I had trouble, they had great tech support.
Days later? They didn't answer my question either, did they? Hummmm. I'm not going to give them any of MY money!
My Ratings Need To Be Taken With A Pinch Of Salt B
My ratings need to be taken with a pinch of salt because I was not in the end willing to sign up to My Music.
Why not?
Well, at the beginning I was invited to do a One To One web dialogue with 'Lisa' asking any questions I wanted about the site before committing.
It happens I'm mainly, but not exclusively, interested in their classical range. I asked a number of questions along the lines of - tell me about your classical collection. Are they mp3s? What format. wav, midi, or what?
To all this, I got zilch information except, we've got 12 million songs, do you want to sign up?
At least in a shop, you can see what you're buying
My experience, exactly. Lots of promises, but when I read the agreement that they proposed, I could find neither any description of what they were to provide, nor a clear statement of what the cost might be.
I Was Not Actually Able To Use The My Music Music
I was not actually able to use the My Music music download program, so I can't really comment on that process.
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