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Value For Money

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0.72 81 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Customer Service From The Bottom Drawer

Oneandone customer service is probably the worst I have come across - in any field, let alone web hosting. Invoices arrive after their billing date and price rises happen without notification. The response of Oneandone customer service has always been to be insulting and explain how I, as a customer, have been negligent. Indeed, customer service is a misnomer as far as Oneandone goes. I have remained loyal to Oneandone for thirteen years, but today they lost me as a customer. The package that I have used has not had too many problems, but that is as positive as I can be about this company.


Value For Money


I have hosted several websites with 1&1 over many years and, over the last two, have experienced a marked decline in standards. Their support people are in Jakarta and it is rare to speak to the same one twice, or for any of them to take personal control of an issue. I am confident that many simply fob you off with comments such as 'I will escalate this issue', which invariably means that you put the phone down and nothing happens.

There are too many hopeless examples of their ineptitude to mention here but one broke the camel's back, when all of my sites disappeared for five full days. At that point I moved elsewhere, which was a costly and time consuming exercise but means now that I get real support, usually within minutes instead of days, as was the case with 1&1.

If you're tempted by their whizzo promotional stuff, take a step back and imagine what it's like to be completely alone when things go wrong. That's how it is, believe me. They are impersonal, appear to care little about customer service and frequently answer questions that you didn't ask just to tick the box showing that they responded. It really is like banging your head against a wall - don't bother is my advice.


Value For Money

1and1 - Is This Legalised Robbery?

As so many others have done I made the mistake of trying the free trial. I went for the basic web package but then found it wasn't, suitable so I upgraded to the next one up. Meanwhile my emails died as it was so difficult to setup that everything went pear shape. I gave in with their lack of technical assistance and cancelled within 1 day the free trials. I phoned them, I emailed them sent an email to the complaints department. They of course never responded.

Low and behold I am now being charged for a full contract for a service that was cancelled. They ignore everything and only want the money. I know when I cancel my direct debits they will send the amount to their collection agency who are just as crooked. Well this time they can blacklist me. I am not going to be ripped of any more by these thieving gits. I will see them in court. I will complain to every watch body and organisation.

We have to take a stand. Bring it on!


Value For Money

Charged Me For A Free Trial

Awful (non-existing customer service).

Nobody accountable.

Offer free trial, then try to charge me over £500.

Sent my "debt" to collection agency.

Why n ot read the full, and ongoing story here:


Not the best of service. I like your blog logging all the contact with one and one and like you say the dates just didn't allow for 14 days to cancel.

I don't think they would have a leg to stand on if they tried to pursue through the courts.

Try a decent host.

Best Wishes



Value For Money

Avoid 1&1 Like The Plague....

I have never encountered customer support more frustrating or moronic than 1&1's. I've spent the past few days engaging with customer support over what should be a very simple task. The only responses I've been receiving are links to FAQ sections and what look like canned emails with my name inserted at the top.

No matter how clear I have made it for these people, they still don't read or try to understand the problem. They are unbelievably vexing.

On another point, their admin area is extremely fiddly and stupidly slow to navigate through. Although their prices are fairly low, the stress caused by a) using their website and b) dealing with their staff, far outweighs any saving made.

I am currently in the process of moving EVERYTHING away from 1&1 to another registrar at greater expense.


Value For Money

Don't Touch Them Unless You Want To Waste A Lot Of Time And Energy

Got fed up with the poor service and support (always overseas call centres sometimes good often bad) and couldn't provide some basic features I needed for my new website. I wanted to migrate and ignored my requests repeatedly, then suspended service and only when I went to nominet were they released. Pain in the butt to deal with.


Value For Money

Shop Around, Anywhere Else In Fact

Sorry but the only people I think who review 1&1 with 5 stars should go back to their day job. I have worked in the IT industry for over 12 years and have several hosting providers in place and running. Oneandone (UK) rate themselves as the best for customer service and pricing, I rate them incredibly low and am still in constant discussion as they try to put things right.

It has taken me 2 years to finally get 1&1 to switch my business package (20Mb webspace & 2 MySQL databases for £242 per year) to just a domain name package (one .Com @ £8 a year). They kept saying just use our custom web panel to do this. It never worked and when I'd write in they'd ignore me for several weeks and then reply with the same suggestion. My other providers use various methods to communicate with their customers especially online chat features which have always won me over.

They have since revamped their interface and just when I was about to leave and arrange to sue for undelivered services, they have finally fixed the problem. 2 years of torment is not nothing. It is unacceptable how they treat their customers and I highly suspect any positive comments to be biased.


Value For Money

" Cloud Hosting ? It Seems Like Everyone Is Talkin

" Cloud Hosting ? It seems like everyone is talking about the wonder of cloud hosting. hosting provider Introduced Cloud Hosting. great service and support.It is very happy to work with such a strong proponent like now my site is working clearly. "


Value For Money

Unlimitedgb Is Incredible To Us..i Honestly

Unlimitedgb is incredible to us..I honestly thought that I would never be able to afford my own site. It is always a little scary ordering over the web hosting companies like ONEANDONE, but I am so glad that I took a chance on!"


Value For Money

We Are A Web Design Company In The Uk (we Also Sel

We are a web design company in the UK (we also sell phone numbers) and our hosted servdr with Oneandone internet was due to go down for some planned maintenance last night. 7 Hours after it should have been fixed we are still without internet. When i speak to their customer service team(if you can call them that!) we get nowhere at all. NO SLA, no sorry just we are working on it.

I have even tried to escalate the issue but they have no managers!!!! I have tried to speak to the chairmans office and asked for a Director by name but no joy.

I would never - EVER recommend this hosting company even to my worst enimy!

If you ever have a problem with them good luck in getting it fixed. Oh any you will spend hours on their 0871 number costing you about 10p per minute.

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