Multimap www.multimap.com
Accuracy of Route Planning
Ease of Use
Multimap www.multimap.com

User Reviews
Accuracy of Route Planning
Ease of Use
What Happened To Multimap
This was a really useful site, easy to use and accurate. Since the takeover it has become completely useless, just another vehicle for corporate ads.
What a shame!
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
I Used Multimap Frequently But Since It Has Change
I used multimap frequently but since it has changed it is not far of useless. Google is the standard and if it had OS access then you can forget Multimap/Bing/Bling. It deserves no Stars
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
Multimap Was A Useful Service. Now It's Bing, Or
Multimap was a useful service. Now it's Bing, or should that be Bling, it doesn't work. Another case of Microsoft buying something and then lowering it to their level. Use Google or Mappy would be my recommendation.
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
The Site Is Okay Though Now Microsoft Owned Has Go
The site is okay though now microsoft owned has got worse, the support and map data is very poor.
I have used some business websites who use them for their maps and it's all very basic for both multimap and bing I'm afraid.
The mobile Locator is weak compared to stronger players like ViaMichelin (who I have just discovered)
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
Being A Regular Business Traveller, Finding Where
Being a regular business traveller, finding where i need to go quickly and accurately is important and once upon I used Multimap, but now I use viamichelin as the map prints clearer and the accuracy is far superior.
For European travel the coverage is much better too even in hard to find placed like Ireland where they do not have postcodes.
Google, streetmap and other mapping suppliers have jumped on board but they are even worse. I will stick to viamichelin.co.uk and really have issues with Multimap especially since their site keeps getting hacked !!
Multimap are not very good and often have poor reviews and geocoding is not that great apparently as I looked into their content a while back
Multimap Is Not Clear Didn't Give The Info I Ask
Multimap is not clear didn't give the info I asked for
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
Although Multimap Is Good, It Seems To Lack Good D
Although Multimap is good, it seems to lack good detail and often the distance between locations is incorrect as doe not take into account Water e,g, from Essex to kent as you have to go over the dartford tunnel (the cost of this toll is not mentioned).
The accuracy of each location if often not good
Many people I know would rather use other better mapping providers.
Not the best provider but fairly well known. They have now been bought by microsoft and I think will lose some of the magic they once had.
Many people will lose their jobs over this.
Ease of Use
Accuracy of Route Planning
I Regularly Use Multimap When I Am Planning My Jou
I regularly use Multimap when I am planning my journeys either in the UK or abroad. It is really useful and accurate. It offers both maps and a route planner. Great for finding out how far your accommodation is in relation to the airport. There are other facilities on the site but I just stick to the maps and directions.
When I Come To Using Internet Map Sites For Me It'
When I come to using internet map sites for me it's a straight choice between Multimap and Streetmap. For me Multimap just shades it. Always finds where you are looking for and gives a good map. Only down point is when you copy and paste the map it removes the red circle that highlights your destination, but I guess that's a copyright thing. You can also use it for America, Europe and Australia.
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