Kingston Communications www.karoo.co.uk
Value For Money
Kingston Communications www.karoo.co.uk

User Reviews
Value For Money
We Wish That We Had Never Had The Lightstream Inst
We wish that we had never had the lightstream installed. The engineers made a complete hash of the installation & after having a "free" call out, we had to pay for a booster box. This did not improve the system one jolt and we are still unable to get a decent signal anywhere in the house apart from where the router is. However we are offered our neighbours systems all over our house!! We pay a fortune for the system & when I complained yet again, they will not sent an engineer out unless we pay about £125. It's a complete shambles & the customer service is non existent.
Value For Money
Never Experienced An Isp This Bad!
This company is f'd if any competition ever enter Hull.
Value For Money
Just Worst Isp
Don't go for it!!! It's a rip off for non existing services. Also do not upgrade. As the speed will get to the minimum anyway, the only thing you will get is the high bill anyway.
Value For Money
Totally Rubbish Product And Service For A Rip Off Price.
My daughter has moved to hull to attend the university there , so i have subscribed KCOM broadband who have the monopoly in this area and they make good use of this as they charged extortionate price for a very substandard product and service.
Surely this must be against the competition laws.
I will never again complain about Virgin or BT.
Its shame i could give them a minus rating.
I feel sorry for their employees who are polite and understand what garbage of a product they have and to get anything sorted you have waits of up to 1 hr to get through this is not a one off occasion as we know as we call regularly.
Value For Money
Terrible, Daylight Robbery. It's Like Going Back In Time.
2.62 Mb/s connections speed at the moment. I had a quicker connection back in the nineties, this is absurd. I'm at my partners house in Hull tonight but I live in South Yorkshire. I pay £20 per month for a 152 Mb/s connection and get a constant minimum of 100 Mb/s. When are KC going to stop robbing the public of their money by selling them what is clearly a terrible and out of date service. I'm on the phone to them now to complain, I started in the queue for support at position 4815 minutes into the call and I'n only at position 36. Why on earth do my fellow Hullites put up with this ! I called them last night at 17:50 and the support team had all gone home. 17:50 on a saturday night and they just walk out of the office. THIS is what you are all paying for.
Value For Money
very poor speeds, usual verbal diarrhoea from customer service saying its router when the hardware I have is latest, read a few articles online about how poor it is and the extreme denial some of the "higher" staff about these reviews, they're legit..
KC is terrible and the reviews glowingly speak from experience as I have, unfortunately there isn't any competition, convenient for them isn't it? they're parasites and they're getting away with these poor services for hard earned money Hull really is a deprived area always on the end poo end of the stick, flip side the people here are great, can't say the same for KCs pr though.. always verbal diarrhoea
Value For Money
Absolute Joke
What a load of rubbish....0.8 to 1.2mbs download speed at £40p/m.hello!!!!!!!!
Rang up to get the usual bull about how they can't guarantee wireless speeds,well I'm sorry but it's all wireless nowdays but netherless I plugged in the ethernet cable as requested to get a proper reading,1.2mbs.Absolute garbage.
Then told to try changing the router channel...went from 1 to 6 to 11 and then every other number.Still garage.
'Oh well your router is quote old now'....hello it's the one you sullied.
Get better speeds from 3g and 4g.
Total rip off
Value For Money
Have Always Had Good Service
I find the reviews here very perplexing, in fact I doubt the legitimacy of many of them. .with the ADSL connection I always had good enough speeds for all the downloads necessary. With lightstream I have great speed at a great price. Remember when comparing prices make sure you are comparing like with like on speed and add ins such as line rental.
Value For Money
Took For Fools
We are been completely ripped off in hull as the Internet service is rubbish,couldn't watch a film at weekend because of the buffering,waste of money,need to get other providers.
Value For Money
Want My Money Back
Internet speeds of 0.12 download or less .. told it's going to take FOUR WEEKS to just move from one exchange to the other. I pay £50 a month for this rubbish. My patents have just as disgusting service as I do, except I think due to their age (they are 70) they are told it's their router to blame and so they need to pay to get a new router) Having che led it with mine .... it was NOT the router at all!
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