UK Chatterbox

UK Chatterbox

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UK Chatterbox

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UK Chatterbox
2.76 76 user reviews

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User Reviews


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Become A Sheep

Could be a great site. Sadly the owner isn't running it. The leaders and sheep are. They choose who stays and who goes. If you don't mould yourself to agree with you're out. They literally gang up and make you feel bad. You either retaliate and you get banned or you just leave as not welcome. Women in 50s-60s are vile and the ones in 30s-40s are the sheep. Then even worse there are men who are old who actually start aswell with the rest of the clique.

This is on main can't talk about the ones who talk private as you get abuse if you ask if anyone wants to talk private. The old women start assuming you want something other than chat. The way I have witnessed the abuse given to other women is really bad by the women. I hope the owner gets paid well by these types as they are choosing who stays and who goes from it.


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Great But Careful Who You Meet.

I joined ukcb as it was a student chat someone had shared a link with me on my course and it was great, I loved it and met many wonderful people on there. A couple I met in real life and I have some lush memories, especially meeting sk8erboy (gorgeous guy and personality) and some others, but meeting poptones was a decision that I wished I didn’t make. He was nice for five mins and at first so nervous I felt sorry for him (until booze chugging started). I couldn’t quite make out what was going on back then… but he turned out to be a completely false person in real life, quite a nasty misogynistic guy with really abusive things to say and unfortunately do. I was warned about many a time by different users, but I did not listen and still went ahead to meet him. He had multiple personality accounts on the site, and used them to gain information that he thought he couldn’t get as ‘poptones’. If anyone is out there and was hurt by this man, I am posting this info strictly so that you know that you are not alone. Moderators we’re always very good and there were some highly funny times on the forums on nights when I couldn’t afford to go out as a student, all the girls lady genie ambercat leejun junny and many more were a laugh and a half. I was studying towards my later in life goal of being a therapist, and sometimes used skills that I was learning with people on the chat when they were having hard times, I do hope that everybody is doing well. UKCB was great, it was a lawyer spot before social media that I am glad that I caught because it was a lot of fun. To all I knew at UKCB, wishing you the best of absolutely everything in life. Look after yourselves.


That’s lovely spot not lawyer spot !!


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In all honesty I always expected UKCB to be resurrected, it had a large following and could have been a commercial goldmine.. or maybe tin mine with advertising revenue. It needed more prawn (think about it), especially involving sheep for the welsh, martian prawn (hmmm) for the Scotts and maybe an undertaker for those who just sat in the online list and never posted. Better still they could have had a sales forum for Filipino brides that could also offer short term leases for the over 65s. But no... it went away.. like Woolworths, the other entity that failed to sell women to perverts.. Over 65s are rich, Filipino girls are 3 for a fiver... Just no vision.. Cheerio..


UKCB is Newly opened, and back to reunite all from UKCB and UKC


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Poorly Managed Site

UkChatterbox used to be a fantastic site. Lots of people signed in at the same time, and plenty of 'popular' rooms to go and get involved in.

However, at some point (around the start of 2015), the moderators started really losing their impartiality, especially in the two most popular rooms.

A growing 'clique' of 'regular chatters' started being able to dictate what was allowed to be discussed. If they didn't like it, they'd attack the person trying to make conversation, to the point where the person being attacked would get a ban for trying to defend themselves.

When queried, I was simply told it's easier to ban one person, than ban the 'group', and that as 'regulars' they were offered more leeway in their overall sense of 'chat'.

I didn't agree with this, and tried to get it changed. However, my actions didn't go unnoticed by the 'clique' and several fraudulent claims were made about my character and rationale for seeking chat. This got to the point where people were actively avoiding chatting to me, in order to not associate themselves with someone the 'clique' didn't like.

Eventually, after months of complaining, the 'clique' members were given a warning for their actions, but it didn't stop them. They just made complaints themselves about being persecuted.

In the end, one of the moderators left, and it got worse and worse. Anyone who didn't go along with the 'clique' mentality were continually attacked, or slagged off when they weren't in chat. It got to the point where 95% of the conversation was dedicated to discussing people not in the 'room' at the time, and what would happen when he/she came in!

I ended up receiving a permanent ban after I apparently 'offended' a moderator. No warning, just had my account deleted.


Bad Service

been waiting all day to chat on the site kept getting the message will be back on in a few hours waited and tried again still the same response tried again 4 hours later and still same message tried one more time at 9pm still the same message not the first time this has happened why dont they buck up their ideas


hello how are you my name is Sharon and I will like to know more about you if you don't mind we can chat on Google chat my I'd sharonmullings0763 @ g m a i l. c o m


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Not Bad, But...

Quite interesting to read what happened to UK Chatterbox (UKCB), so UK Chatters, you could say has replaced it.

The website crashes on a regular basis and I never seem to know why. It seems that many people have the same problem. Could be Windows, Flash Player (I've used Internet Explorer and Google Chrome). But the website was fine with Windows 7, but not with Windows 8.1. Could it be that? I've no idea. UKCB didn't crash much, so why UK Chatters crashes a lot is anyone's guess.

In the chatrooms, you can ignore people, so that they can't private message (PM) you, which is a good option. You can add people to your block list from your profile, but you can only do that if you view their probile. But, if someone has set their profile to private, there is no way of adding them to your blocklist, not even the option to type in their username.

Other than that, it's a great chatsite. It's more profile based than UKCB. It attracts different classes of people, most of which are odd, but that's probably the case with every chatsite there's ever been. What I always find odd about chatsites is that most people who're logged on (in the rooms), they don't chat. And the ones that do chat, most turn out to be odd or stop chatting.


But UKChatters isn't UKCB so not sure why it gets the ratings(?), as Darylski says it's propriety (paid-for) software, the owners and admin have no more technical know-how than UKCB's did.


But UKChatters isn't UKCB so not sure why it gets the ratings(?), as Darylski says it's propriety (paid-for) software, the owners and admin have no more technical know-how than UKCB's did.


This is a crappy site and the profiles were purchased en-masse as part of the chatroom software package - Google it yourself, many chat software providers offer you fake profiles as part of the bundle.

One of the co-owners set up a forum to go with the site, and then made a post about a certain religion, defending attacks on it. Then he quite blatantly logged in as another person, responding to that post with URLs from hate-websites opposing that religion. And he has lots of little girls on his profile as "friends".


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ملتقى ابناء بلدة الطيبة

بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم

بعد الصلاة و السلام على سيدنا محمد

نبداء في ان شاء الله في هذا التطبيق للتجربة

غرفة تجريبية لأعضاء ملتقى بلدة الطيبة نتمنى ان تحتضن المسؤولين و الشباب الناشط بالداخل و الخارج لتنسيق امور بلدتنا من امور رعاية الاطفال و المواد الغذائية والمواد الطبية و الجرحة و امور المشفى الميداني في البلدة

alslam alykum o rhmat allh o brkatu

now have the is room test for my son valyg

in said syria o out my blade


Gone For Good

I think it is fair to say that UKChatterbox has gone for good. The main guy who owned it lost interest years ago and was mostly busy with other things. OK the team could solve small problems but not big ones.

The team of staff were dedicated volunteers and the majority of them tried their very best to make it a nice place to be. The forums were great, the chat rooms were a nightmare, but we tried.

Then one day an oiky and malcontented geek used his secret powers to try and destroy the site. Against the odds he succeeded. He is now in prison.

I am Dragon.



I used to frequent that room too...have always wondered what had become of the place :), had met some really nice people on there.

Both yourself and ladygenie ring a bell..

I used it around 15 years ago..people that used to be regulars there were cobra...timestretch...i do believe yourself, dragon :) i think was mod...

Be great to reconnect with some of them.

I am Mistyblue



just finished reading your review of uk chatterbox. I used to frequent it alot back in the day, had met some nice people actually. It would be good to reconnect with some of them but where to start is the problem.

As a rough guess, I used it around 15 years ago....

I am Mistyblue


UKCB is Newly opened, and back to reunite all from UKCB and UKC


No one went to prison, just reaffirming :)


No one went to prison, k?


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If Only It Had Some More Tlc.

Great site to chat and pass time when it was up, made plenty of friends there, and was staff there.

It could've done with a much more active interest from the original founders, who just seemed to pass the running onto "network/operations managers" who had no idea of the internet, technical aspects of running sites or IRC, and whose purpose just seemed to be to keep it running.

They did this, the only problem was it was running for nearly 10 years with very little changes to the websites code itself, the server it was based on was never improved even though the amount of registered users went from 400 to 2 million. Clearly there was still not much more than 2000 on at peak-times, but that's a pretty hefty database size.

The moderation was based around a good training program, but all too-often, staff deviated, creating inconsistency, pissed-off users and just an increasing number of trouble-makers.

The attitude towards moderating was never really updated to keep up with how people were using the internet differently, just look at recent news stories featuring Twitter and Ask.FM for an idea of what I'm referring to.

As for the various reports of it's resurrection, they're all rubbish, as proved, I'm curious as to whether that's even the real Stevie1978, or just spicy picking a nickname that was well known for being one of the weak-links that allowed people to get on as a staff username in the first place.

As for the renewal of the domains, that means sod all, the Amlani brothers used to make a living out of just buying domains and sitting on them, so ofc they're not going to let them expire, and 2/3 years ago they were renewed over a week late. I suspect Blaster since set them to auto-rewew (yawn).

I never wanted UKCB to stop running, and I never set-out to "replace" it, a site that looks, feels and provides exactly what UKCB did is just around the corner, barring a bit more time and a video of lady_genie eating some humble pie after the lame attempt at bullying and acting like she knew anything at the time, back-fired.


Fyi I had checked last year on Whois and know when the registration runs out.

But it doesn't matter anyway because any new site or any new UKCBs will have a long way to go to live up to the original UKCBs appeal, you forget that many ppl used UKCB for a long time and made a lot of friends over the years and had many good laughs on there.

No other site will ever have that appeal or familiarity as UKCB had, no matter how modern a new site is.

I'm not as stupid as you so arrogantly say Lethality, you think that because you're a coder it makes you superior to others, no it does'nt...the thing you lack is understanding ppl and why they use chat sites and forums.

As for me, I provided a safe haven but I'm in no position to run a site as I'm now disabled but my site will stay for as long as needed for finding and reuniting lost online friends, if it works...good, if it does' worries, life goes on.



It was a dummy site...firstly it was never a chat site, there weren't ever rooms and it didn't have any of UKCB's existing features from what I remember, it was a demo of some new stuff, user/picture comments, better quiz system, etc. as for ukcb's domains, don't be stupid, unlike you I've checked the domain renewals previously and know they wont be available any time soon, just so no one else can grab them.


I was "in" with admin?? lol! not at all, I had my fair share of suspensions and restrictions so get your facts right ;)

UKCB-EXTRA was a site you were constructing so don't pretend it was a dummy site for you to show fluentcode of flaws with the real ukcb, you used that same excuse for hacking into ukcb.

You're very arrogant lethality, it shows in your comments and your name calling, and as for the new ukcb you have mentioned it before on here and no doubt you are the one constructing it...going to go for the ukcb name and domain are you??

That will be the triumph you've been wanting at last...

Good luck on that one!


No I'm not you dumbarse, he was admin the same time I was a mod. His name escapes me, but for someone who claims to know so much, and be "in" with the administrators, you really should know that.

Do you even know what ukcb-extra was? it was never a launched site, it was a proof of concept I used to show fluentcode some stuff, so of course it was the same theme, but it was with newer html and css :\


No I'm not you dumbarse, he was admin the same time I was a mod. His name escapes me, but for someone who claims to know so much, and be "in" with the administrators, you really should know that.

Do you even know what ukcb-extra was? it was never a launched site, it was a proof of concept I used to show fluentcode some stuff, so of course it was the same theme, but it was with newer html and css :\


They Kept Your Pics ;)

i was on this site years ago,was curious as to whether it was still up and running.After googling,i found a video which shows how the site admins kept all the pics people uploaded. Many of them unsuitable for profile pics (pornographic?) the user was lead to believe that the pics weren't accepted.They were,however,kept.Bit naughty that?


lol was that meant to be some smug challenge to the OP? Here's the link unsurprising that I know it, because as you probably know by now, it was me who found AND reported it asap to fluentcode, but we've already argued about this (zzzzzz)


I want to see it too , not that I want to see dutty pics but the Link that proves that the Mods were dutty


Really? Share the link then :-)

L3TH4L1TY Not just pornographic but some would've undoubtedly been illegal.

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