Attractive Partners Pre 2013

Attractive Partners Pre 2013

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Attractive Partners Pre 2013

Attractive Partners Pre 2013
1.5 24 user reviews

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I Joined This Organisation When I Lived In West Wa

I joined this organisation when I lived in West Wales. I was assured by them that finding matches for me would not be a problem.

I never received any matches and asked for a refund, which, if my memory serves me correctly, was part of the deal. I was told that no-one was interested in me because of the remoteness of where I lived and because " you are only 5'5" ". That did wonders for my ego! Needless to say no refund was forthcoming.

These people obviously have no conscience, preying on the hopes of lonely people.


I didn't join them. However they do have some details on me. Name, age, town where I live. Should I be concerned?


Value For Money

Steer Well Clear

This company appears to be okay, have industry accreditation and are linked with the SPICE organisation. Don't be fooled by this, you might as well light a fire and burn your money. They send you profiles who are completely unsuitable and make sure they only send them infrequently so you go for months with nothing while your membership period ticks away. You are lured in with talk of potential people they have on your books, I really should have thought about why I got so many missed calls from them after I had contacted to express interest - stupid me! I really wish that I had seen the other reviews on the internet before wasting my money. Stay away from this company.


I didn't join them. However they do have some details on me. Name, age, town where I live. Should I be concerned?


I fully endorse your commends. I signed up two years ago, when Attractive Partners was not owned by Search Mate. The owner of Search Mate took over all clients. I complained to the owner and to this day have not received a single introduction. After my initial complaint to them, I was not once contacted for introductions or anything else. Throughout two years of membership I did not receive a single introduction.



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What A Surprise!!!!!!

I would like to congratulate "Baabs" for taking this matter further. I note that you will respond to the contact person listed. We have already pursued this company through the courts and WON. At the end of the hearing the Director, Christopher Charlton, stated that the company had no assets. We never got any money from them, despite the fact that we were awarded costs as well. How can the laws of this country allow these people to set up business after business, run them down, and ultimately they are not liable to pay people. We all paid a substantial amount to become members after them being 'masters at marketing' and two years on you find yourself waiting for a service that never materialises. They are well known to the local bailiffs who are powerless to do anything at the end of the day.

These directors are 'laughing' all the way to the bank because ultimately they know they will not have to pay up. Companies House state that Attractive Partners are still active and they submit their annual accounts which are up to date.

We will help all we can so that other members do not fall victims of these companies.


I didn't join them. However they do have some details on me. Name, age, town where I live. Should I be concerned?


Waste Of Time And Money

I am totally astounded by the behaviour Attractive Partners. I joined them just over a year ago. Initially they were very keen, responsive and helpful. Their website and literature seemed very profesional and our phone conversations seemed reassuring. They were even recommended to me by an aquaintance!

Once I had joined, I was offered one introduction with a totally unsuitable person. We never me, only spoke on the phone. Apparently, my membership was then put 'on hold' following that and I have heard nothing from them since.

Attractive Partners never even informed me that they were being taken over by another company, 'Searchmates'.

I have subsequently moved house and only realised the situation when I tried to phone Attractive Partners to inform them of my new address etc.

I'm reluctant to pursue any further introduction activity and would certainly never subscribe to an introduction agency ever again. They were a total waste of time and a complete rip off. I'm disgusted by the way I've been treated and fuming that I've lost so much money. Just don't go there!


In reply to Baarmee's response to LadyFoxtrot's Review below, this is exactly what we feared would happen. I am one of the ladies who took Attractive Partners to court last December. It is scandalous and unbelievable that these people get away with it - and our money. Even the Warwickshire Bailiff was unable to stop them. Happy to discuss your options


Ii joined Searchmate and have had the worst service ever from em and just come across a common theme that the current family who own Searchmate have had in the industry through attractive partners. I too am pursuing is through trading standards and potentially the courts. They are deceitful unethical individuals and should never be allowed to set up in business.... Just as the press go on about what the corporates are not doing to support SME businesses, and the damn politicians get on the bandwagon that banks need to do more to support SME's why don't individuals get a voice to support them from being ripped off by individuals.


I have just left a review and, like you, am astounded by the behaviour of both Atrractive Partners and Searchmate....if more of us join this site we may be able to stop other people going through what we have. As you are aware some people have been successful in taking them to court but unfortunately the battle continues. Thank you for taking the time to leave a review.


Dear LadyFoxTrot, I am one of the 3 ladies who have taken action against this appalling company. We went to court before Christmas and won our case - on the grounds that they had NOT fulfilled the terms of their contact. We are still awaiting the money that the Judge awarded us as Christopher Charlton claims they have dissolved the company...... Please contact me if you'd like further details (crystalassistant @ This company and family need stopping before even more people lose their money. I've heard people are also now not happy with Searchmate but then the previous director of Attractive Partners is now a director of Searchmate - say no more.


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Attractive Partners (now Called Searchmates) = Con Artists!!

So glad to read all these reviews and find out I was not alone in my awful experience with Attractive Partners (now called Searchmates).

I too joined and was suppose to get six introduction. The minute I joined it was radio silence and I had to constantly nag to to get a few introduction that were utterly unsuitable - completely random. They have absolutely no clue - and they don't care. The funny thing is the only man I ended up dating for a little while was a profile that was sent to me by accident!!

I finally asked them to never send me an introduction without discussion it with me before hand. Needless to say I never heard from them again..... until two days ago when someone from Searchmates called to say they had noticed my membership had expired and would I be interested in an extension!! These people are unable to come up with 6 introduction in 2 years and have not been in touch with me for almost a year......but when it comes to trying to get more money they come out of the woodwork!

My best advice is stay away from them!!


I hope you have complained to them, the ABIA and your local Trading Standards? I am one of the ladies who took Attractive Partners to court before Christmas and won. People really need to take a stand against this company + Searchmate if they are no better. The ABIA promised me that they are keeping a close on eye on things. I also got my local MP involved. If all else fails, take them to the Small Claims Court - the fact that we have already won has,I think, set a pattern for other people to follow. E-mail me if you need help or details - [email protected] - good luck!


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Continue The Fight

I was one of the claimants who took this company to court and WON!!! You really need to go to the Small Claims Court and get the help of your Local Trading Standards representative. It is a straightforward matter and not costly. A precedent has been set by us winning. The Judge stated that they were in breach of their contract with us and awarded us costs as well. They have since declared the company insolvent, despite the fact that they are ACTIVE and presumably taking peoples money. I, like many others, were given totally inappropriate matches. On the day the Judge went into great detail about our specific requirements for matching and whether they complied with our criteria. After a two year period with them, I never met anyone.

The message is quite clear that you should not join up as a member, nor should you join "Searchmate". The same family are involved with this company and they are masters at marketing themselves. We are still pursuing this company and we will post review/comments to keep everyone updated.


I believe from public records AP have renamed themselves as Dating Partners Limited and the company was given a striking off notice on 07/06/12 and this was suspended on 04/07/12 whilst they are going down whatever route they chose to to screw the claimants that they owe money to. What you may want to explore is where you stand with pursuing this via the ultimate parent Manex Leisure Limited as out of the overall structure of AP, Searchmate and Searchdate, the whole structure always goes back to Manex Leisure that seems to be making money. I am also taking this case to small claims as mediation appears not to be working and crystal assistant I will get in touch with you. I am also going to contact companies house to find out how these individuals are allowed to keep on becoming directors when they have CCJ's and failed companies behind them. My review on Searchmate has been taken offline as they complained and in order not to jepordise my Small Claims Case, I will hold everything back for the public forum until I have got resolution at my end. Unfortunately Searchmate too is being run as an unprofitable business so they can screw more people over.... and all the information about all these various companies is available via companies house...


Re: the Guest's response below regarding our court battle with Attractive Partners. My contact details are on this site if you would still like help - or just a chat. Details should be further down but just in case, here they are again:-

Happy to help, this situation should never have arisen and the family who ran AP need stopping.


thanks a lot for that review

i intend to take them to the small claims court and could do with some help

if you have go any advice it would be appreciated

i had a terrible experience but am glad that i have kept all the evidence and managed to make clear that they were incompetant

i also contacted the ombusman but they are still accredited by them which doesnt give much confidence

thanks again for your review


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"attractive Partners" Carries On Regardless

As a man who has also been conned by \"Attractive Partners\" I should like to reassure THE LADIES(who seem to be all the complainants so far) my experience has been just as bad. My two years finished in December -- and despite the \"guaranteed\" 6 matches in all that time I received contact with only two ladies, who were NOT compatible. Complaints made to the company were fobbed off and promises made which turned out to be just as false as the original ones. The \"matches\" received were not even within the agreed geographical area. I suppose we should have been wary of any company that calls itself \"Attractive Partners\", and does not even vet members at face to face interviews (unless they are prepared to pay an extra £100!)

I sympathise with the ladies who won their case in the Cardiff Court against this scam, but did not get back their money because the company had \"gone into administration.\" Another case of the law being \"an ass.\" According to SEARCHME4.CO.UK this company has been taken over by MANEX LEISURE \"WHO INTEND TO GROW THE COMPANY ORGANICALLY....THE FOUNDER AND PREVIOUS OWNER, WILL BE STAYING ON IN THE BUSINESS.\" So it

appears that the law is either unwilling or unable to penalise these con artists, as long as they close down -- AND REOPEN UNDER ANOTHER NAME.

Members should watch out for any future Introduction Agencies that MANEX

start off. The ABIA should be taking some action against this person, or her Business, or else admit that their organisation is a sham and close down themselves.


People should also be aware that the original owner and the one who took most of us for a ride, has resurfaced running another business called 'Friendly Persuasion - I kid you not and she blatantly states that she made £3K out of the dating game.


I am one of the ladies who took this company to court. If anyone wants further details or any other information on this company/family, please contact me - ellenboylin at

People really do need to take action against this company + family - they have got away with their behaviour for far too long. The small claims court procedure is fairly straightfoward. You also need to complain strongly to your local Trading Standards. No point trying the ABIA as they are completely ineffective.


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Disappeared......with My Money!

With Attractive Partners for 2 years, they introduced 2 men both unsuitable. I am a very attractive interesting woman. There was always 'someone in my matches...' but never materialised.

Now we know why - they were bought out and went into Administration and now trade as another introduction agency... I am one of many who has been conned by them, they have the same staff, same address AND a director who was with Attractive Partners. - and guess what - still no matches...!

ABIA have been less then helpful - all the fuss they all make about being a member of ABIA - it means nothing. Do not join any introduction agency - you will be conned out of your money - for me it was £800. Use it and go on holiday with the money - you have more chance of meeting someone!



Just read your comments. I was one of the party who took them to court and we all won our case. Judge also awarded us costs. A court order was made but they have come back to say they have put the company into liquidation. A group of us have been fighting this company for over 2 years. They refused any form of compensation. The ABIA were also ineffective, so we had no alternative but to pursue our claims through the court. We all won and the judge ruled refunds plus costs. It looks as if we now have to put our thinking caps on again and discuss with the court our next step in view of the fact that Attractive Partners is now insolvent - what a surprise!!! BUYER BEWARE. The same personnel and directors are now involved with another company. We are concerned that there are many more people out there that have either become victims or will be taken in by their promises. As one guest said previously "they are masters at marketing". I hope this helps those who are wishing to pursue claims!!


Can anyone tell me how Londonlass54 and two others got on in court? I am another person who paid over £800 then didn't hear from them after 1 unsuitable match in the two years I was supposed to get 6 matches. I feel very stongly about this and would like to take my complaints further


You might be interested to know that 3 of us are taking this company to court next week (Thursday 8th December) because of the appalling 'service' they provide - or not as in this case. Complained strongly to both the company and the ABIA, nothing was done so we felt the only way forward was to let a judge decide.


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Don't Waste Your Money On This Agency

This agency know how to sell themselves. Their website and staff (both face to face and on the telephone) come across as genuine and honest. But beware: once they have your money they simply go through the motions of 'matching' you with a man. I was told that my fee covered a meeting with 6 men. In the first few months I was sent details of 6 men and, following a telephone conversation with each of them (none of whom seemed anything like a 'match'), I met up with 2. Neither was faintly suitable. Four of the men I spoke to told me themselves what a rip off the agency was for women! I have telephoned the agency a number of times, always to speak with someone who comes across as pleasant and helpful and who promises to investigate the further 4 meetings I am due for my fee. I have had nothing from them in over 18 months.


This is my experience too.

Once you have paid the tone changes.

I have not heard anything from them in 12 months,before that only 2 details by email-impersonal to the point of rudeness.



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A Complete Con In My Experience

My experience with 'Attractive Partners' has been very negative.I met one person,we had absolutely nothing in common,I was given one more contact via email ,so much for the personal touch.I just feel stupid for being taken in by the sales pitch when I met the interviewer for my initial interview.'We will find you someone really nice'.I have a few weeks left of the two yrs so they better come up with someone pretty Quick.Think I'm not bothered now though Am happy, as I am have lovely friends and family and who knows?

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I didn't join them. However they do have some details on me. Name, age, town where I live. Should I be concerned?

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