Christian Cafe www.christiancafe.com
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Christian Cafe www.christiancafe.com

User Reviews
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The Selection Is Really Terrible, Just Foreign Grifters!
Never anyone new or interesting, same old faceless silhouettes each time. This site is populated by foreigners posing as women in 3rd world countries, which is of course, complete nonsense. The site knows this, but only cares for the revenue it brings in. Good luck getting a response, unless it's someone that you would never date after a zombie apocalypse, let alone while you still have teeth in your mouth. It's actually funny that after weeks and weeks, nothing changes during a search....bla, bla, bla.......garbage!
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First Of All, It Is Not Christian Owned, Which Can
First of all, it is not Christian owned, which can be verified by visiting other reviews by sites that attempted to verify ownership. Not that you need such verification. Any fair minded person giving just a precursory look at Christiancafe's operational practices would certainly come to the conclusion that it's not run on anything remotely close to Christian values. Christiancafe behaves more like an online drug dealer; preying on the most basic vulnerabilities of susceptible Christian believers. For, just like a drug dealer, the first 'taste' is free. This is how Christiancafe lures people in, offering a free initial trial of three or seven days etc. You'll notice that offer everywhere in their promotions. Everything appears rosy at Christiancafe for those first few days - although, you are unaware, (even for paid members) that any emails you send cannot be read by other members unless they themselves are on a free trial or they are paid members. Still, that in itself, being very questionable is not even close to the worst of Christiancafe's deceptive practices. The real manipulation occurs after your free trial/taste ends. Upon logging into your account and finding the message 'your time has expired' on every option of the site, including the ability to search, see who has emailed you or even, if you can believe it edit your OWN profile. Unless you pay you can no longer even hide your profile from view, nor can you change any of the content of own your profile, nor update or remove your own photos. Also, and this is the most frustrating part of it, you cannot remove your own profile! I am still trying to remove my profile after several months)..There is a visibility button by which you are told you can hide your profile - except that it does not work! There is also a function by which (they claim) you can delete your profile overnight but it either does not work or it only works temporarily. So, as soon as you have drifted away and forgotten about it, your profile miraculously re-appears on their site. Deactivated profiles as well as profiles that have long expired are how they entice new members. These profiles, although inactive, also have the mysterious ability to send emails to new members who have recently finished their free trials. Don't be fooled by these emails. They are just another disgusting and manipulative gesture by the Christiancafe management to get the lonely and unsuspecting to produce a credit card. It is a sad reality of our time and the frail security of online life that sites like Christiancafe can exist but it is my hope in writing this that other believers will practice more discernment than I did, and not be taken in by wolves parading as lambs..
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Overall, I Do Not Recommend This Site. The Cost/b
Overall, I do not recommend this site. The cost/benefit is not worth it. Very few responses, and the few were out of age range. There are either the same old same old on the site, or ones that come for a short time and you never hear from them again. And being realistic--the majority of the people I took the time to write to could not even send a thanks but no thanks back. It's not very Christian-like. I would expect to be treated with respect, but then again, everyone who says they are a Christian are far from perfect.
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Value For Money
The Review Done On Christian Cafe Is Extremley Acc
The review done on christian cafe is extremley accurate.Black women get ignored on this site.The site is more suited for middle age people.There is a large population of people in their 50's.I wish I had seen this review before I wasted my money.The site itself is well put together.It's the so called christians on the site who are snobs.Why are their so many unattractive people on the site?
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Value For Money
I Have To Agree. I'm An African American Woman Who
I have to agree. I'm an African American woman who is 34 and I wasn't getting any responses so I started sending out tons of emails to various guys and only one answered and judging from his response, he was not interested at the least. I was very disappointed that so called Christians use race to judge others. I try to look at character and not the person's skin but obviously we still have a long way to go.
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It Is My 1st Time On Christiancafe And It Was Easy
It is my 1st time on christiancafe and it was easy to navigate throughout your website!
Ease of Navigation
Value For Money
It's The Largest And Best Christian Site Online As
It's the largest and best Christian Site online as far as I am aware. There are no gimmicks like eHarmony has telling you can view your matches for free when in fact you have to be a member to see pics. The trial membership gives you full privileges.
After 5 years and my profile being looked at over 62,000 times, I finally met the love of my life. We are being married in January 2009. My membership on Christian Cafe expires in a few days.
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The Chatroom Is The Best One I've Found Yet.
The chatroom is the best one I've found yet.
I've been a member off and on for over four years. I guess that proves it is ineffective... for me that is, since I have found no one yet. But, in all fairness, I'm over 50 and that is not an easy order to fill.
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As Far As I Am Aware There Is No Buzz Sound To Tel
As far as I am aware there is no buzz sound to tell you when someone wants to IM chat with you. Not unless you are staring in the monitor, you will miss it. There is no picture of the person who wants to chat with you, so you have no idea if you want to accept it or decline it. Sometimes after accepting the invite, and you realize you didn't want to talk with him, but it's too late.
I hope they will improve the services or the software of Christian Cafe to better maximize the client's time and find it worth renewing when our membership expires.
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Value For Money
I Am A Single Black Woman Over 40 And I Disagree W
I am a single Black woman over 40 and I disagree with the opinion about Christian Cafe ignoring Black women and favoring young blondes. I went on the site with no intention of initiating any communication.. and I received plenty of mail from very nice Christian men -- and not just Black men -- and even before I posted my photo. I also referred one of my single Black female friends and she wasn't ignored. I really loved Christian Cafe and I believe it's a great tool for meeting nice Christian singles who share your faith!
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