GoDigging - www.godigging.com
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GoDigging - www.godigging.com
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User Reviews
Be Very Wary
Joined this site, found it very unprofessional and confusing to use. But I thought it was a good idea. When I questioned the validity of their competition, they ignored me and then blocked me. A genuine company would have explained or provided some kind of proof. I questioned it because a previous winner seemed to have a fake facebook account. If a company holds fake competitions or doesn't offer me an explanation, its a sure warning sign.
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New Innovative Platform
I heard about it when i was researching the web for cheap Christmas presents. Godigging deals only with stuff and services that owners want to swap or exchange! From baby clothes, toys, electronics to architectural services. In the beginning i though it was a joke but I found a live and warm community and I don't know where it's gonna take me. So far I am enjoying the experience!
It's really strange that i have just read this review, as i used this website a week ago, to barter my accounting services for marketing services. So far i think it works perfect and i am gonna definitely use it again! It's highly recommended! godigging.com is the next online bartering community!
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