JK Supplies - www.jksupplies.co.uk
Customer Service
Quality of website
Value For Money
JK Supplies - www.jksupplies.co.uk

User Reviews
Customer Service
Quality of website
Value For Money
Excellent Service
I was surprised to read the reviews about him as I've always had a good experience from buying from him. ON all of my previous occasions I found him to be pleasant and accommodating. The Casio products which I purchased were all are top notch - as I expected.
Having ordered my items, I was pleasantly surprised to find them posted the very next day (I was also based in the UK). Great fast service!
I wouldn't hesitate in recommending Tiktox/JKSupplies. Give it a go and write your own review.
Avoid At All Costs
I had a very similar experience to others that have written reviews here, this is Mr Rose response to a polite request for a tracking number. He is cheap but be warned, any contact with them such as daring to request a tracking number can quickly become very unpleasant.
To: admin
Subject: Internet order
I've just ordered a waveceptor solar, can you let me know the tracking number when you have it?
Many thanks
From: admin
Subject: Re: Internet order
It hasn't even left yet !
Collections are after 3pm
I'll send the complete number when I get the collection ticket signed.
Can't believe your checking up on us;
Astonishing, absolutely astonishing
Customer Service
Quality of website
Value For Money
Avoid This Company! Very Arrogant Customer Service (keith)
I ordered item a week ago, did not received any tracking number nor dispatch notification on a day or after dispatch.
After a week (5 work days!) I had to contact one of the advisers who replied in "highly professional way" . Please read full communication bellow to get picture about his/her manners and customer service experience which is absolutelly bellow anything I have ever came accross with.
I have received replies full of contradictions, offensive and arrogant language, not single "SORRY" Can't believe this company is allowed to sell anything with CASIO logo on it...
"We are dedicated to your satisfaction and aim to be reliable in all areas of customer service."
I could not laugh more after my experience with this "company"
From: Admin
Sent: 21 October 2013 13:49
To: customer
Subject: RE: RE: TikTox: New Order #
Reading back through this, you are obviously a well seasoned
retailer bully, who probably scares the life out of young shop assistants when you go to your local Costa shopping mall. You no doubt enjoy this type of sport, but you can stamp your feet all you like, we will not tolerate any sort of bullying, intimidation or any more abusive e mails from you.
You had a perfectly reasonable reply within hours of your complaining and a further e mail with a solution to the main issue.
All that has happened here is that a package has been delayed in the post so get a grip.
From: customer
Sent: 21 October 2013 11:53
To: sales; admin
Subject: Fwd: RE: TikTox: New Order #
can you please forward this email to customer service manager or managing director?
I would like to hear from some of them.
-------- Original message --------
From: jksupplies.co.uk
Date: 21/10/2013 11:14 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
Abusive e mails are not becoming.
Reporting this to your ISP
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:41:14 +0100
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
To: jksupplies.co.uk
So I am rude...
Think twice before you say anything like this to your customer. What kind of business manners is this?
Are you a company owner?
Many people work at the weekends and they do not p*i*s*s the customers off by mentioning it in business.
I have not received dispatch notification not tracking number on a day you dispatched item and when i asked 1 week later i received reply "OK" ???? No it is not OK, so what kind of customer services are we talking about?
This is not about item lost by RM but about your absolutely poor customer service.
I can assure you I will never buy from you again, I will buy from your competitors.
-------- Original message --------
From: jksupplies.co.uk
Date: 21/10/2013 09:40 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
So responding to your first communication late on a Sunday doesn't count as decent customer service then?
Amazingly, you completely overlooked that fact while typing your rude e - mail.
Your packet has obviously been delayed in the post which despite the perfect world you live in, does happen from time to time; We did not set out to cause any issues.
Your order was posted the same day as your order. The recorded tracking reference is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX but is not coming up on the trace. I will get someone to call RM today
to find out if it can be located, but if it can't be found then we will refund your order this week.
If it is too late for your intended use, then that is unfortunate. Either refuse the delivery if it arrives or return it and we will issue a refund
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:02:00 +0100
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
To: jksupplies.co.uk
Well instead of "OK" I would expect some apology but you can improve your customer service by sending it via 24h delivery.
-------- Original message --------
From: jksupplies.co.uk
Date: 21/10/2013 08:27 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order # 300001320
OK, we are sending today.
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:10:17 +0100
Subject: Fwd: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
To: jksupplies.co.uk
Hi 1 week after I placed order and I still have not received dispatch notification?
Arrogant Response And Terrible Service
thank God I got my money back, what a terrible individual, be warned do not do business with Keith, or whoever he/she is.......
Absolutely agree with this review, I ordered item a week ago, did not received any tracking number nor dispatch notification. After a week (5 work days!) I had to contact pain who replied in "highly professional way" (read full communication bellow to get picture about his/her manners)
From: Admin
Sent: 21 October 2013 13:49
To: customer
Subject: RE: RE: TikTox: New Order #
Reading back through this, you are obviously a well seasoned
retailer bully, who probably scares the life out of young shop assistants when you go to your local Costa shopping mall. You no doubt enjoy this type of sport, but you can stamp your feet all you like, we will not tolerate any sort of bullying, intimidation or any more abusive e mails from you.
You had a perfectly reasonable reply within hours of your complaining and a further e mail with a solution to the main issue.
All that has happened here is that a package has been delayed in the post so get a grip.
From: customer
Sent: 21 October 2013 11:53
Subject: Fwd: RE: TikTox: New Order #
can you please forward this email to customer service manager or managing director?
I would like to hear from some of them.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 21/10/2013 11:14 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
Abusive e mails are not becoming.
Reporting this to your ISP
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 10:41:14 +0100
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
So I am rude...
Think twice before you say anything like this to your customer. What kind of business manners is this?
Are you a company owner?
Many people work at the weekends and they do not pee the customers off by mentioning it in business.
I have not received dispatch notification not tracking number on a day you dispatched item and when i asked 1 week later i received reply "OK" ???? No it is not OK, so what kind of customer services are we talking about?
This is not about item lost by RM but about your absolutely poor customer service.
I can assure you I will never buy from you again, I will buy from your competitors.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 21/10/2013 09:40 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
So responding to your first communication late on a Sunday doesn't count as decent customer service then?
Amazingly, you completely overlooked that fact while typing your rude e - mail.
Your packet has obviously been delayed in the post which despite the perfect world you live in, does happen from time to time; We did not set out to cause any issues.
Your order was posted the same day as your order. The recorded tracking reference is XXXXXXXXXXXXXX but is not coming up on the trace. I will get someone to call RM today
to find out if it can be located, but if it can't be found then we will refund your order this week.
If it is too late for your intended use, then that is unfortunate. Either refuse the delivery if it arrives or return it and we will issue a refund
Date: Mon, 21 Oct 2013 09:02:00 +0100
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
Well instead of "OK" I would expect some apology but you can improve your customer service by sending it via 24h delivery.
-------- Original message --------
Date: 21/10/2013 08:27 (GMT+00:00)
To: customer
Subject: RE: TikTox: New Order # 300001320
OK, we are sending today.
Date: Sun, 20 Oct 2013 21:10:17 +0100
Subject: Fwd: TikTox: New Order #
From: customer
Hi 1 week after I placed order and I still have not received dispatch notification?
Customer Service
Value For Money
Still Waiting For An Update 6 Days After Ordering.
Still waiting for an update 6 days after ordering. Flashy website but I would never use this place again.
Customer Service
Quality of website
Value For Money
Was A Little Bit Dubious Using Tiktox.com Due To S
Was a little bit dubious using Tiktox.com due to some comments on this review forum, but the price was too good to miss.
I telephoned Keith who completely put my mind at rest and assured me of an unbeatable service.
Well, you have to trust people sometimes and I am delighted that I did.
The watch arrived next day in perfect condition and I know that my boyfriend wll be over the moon on Christmas morning.
Well done Keith & Tiktox
Quality of website
Value For Money
Keith Rose Of Tiktox.com Does Not Respond To E-mai
Keith Rose of tiktox.com does not respond to e-mails and once the watch has been dispatched does not give the tracking number when it has left his premises(so nobody is able to know there whereabouts of his or her package)
as he denies to give the tracking information even though the customer has asked for it,and one thing which the customer wants is to have the tracking information without having to request it from the store owner,this alarms the customer.
Customer Service
Quality of website
Value For Money
Price Is King For Me. I Could Not Find It Cheaper
Price is king for me. I could not find it cheaper anywhere else. The price I paid was cheaper than I have even seen it on Ebay. I would not hesitiate to recommend Tictox or use them again.
Value For Money
Jk Supplies Were Unable To Supply The Goods After
JK Supplies were unable to supply the goods after taking the money. What made things even worse is that they even went as far as to fabricate a non existent courier tracking number! When confronted with the fact that the tracking number did not appear to exist they eventually admitted that they had not sent the watch. They were also very rude to me and I was just relieved to get my money back.
Quality of website
Value For Money
Jk Supplies Could Not Supply Goods. Some Rude Resp
JK Supplies could not supply goods. Some rude responses. Did not alert to inability to provide watch until after money had cleared.
Should have stuck to the rule-of-thumb, "if it seems to good to be true, it probably is!"
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