HP 3168NGW Laptop Reviews - hp.com
Battery Life
Ease of Use
Screen Quality
HP 3168NGW Laptop Reviews - hp.com

User Reviews
Screen Quality
Battery Life
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Pure Junk!
Don't waste your time or effort. I've had this laptop for over a year. I don't know what it's doing in the background, but this laptop does not prioritize input from the user. Imagine that? Most times up to 10-15 minutes to star up? Seriously? Takes forever to load MS Edge. If you walk away from it and it goes to sleep, forget about it. It's done. Hard shutdown required and another 15 minutes to start up.
In this case, you absolutely get what you pay for. Lowest priced laptop means biggest piece of junk made. Find a way to spend some extra money on a different. Otherwise, save yourself time and aggravation. Just flush your money down the toilet NOW!
You answered yourself by loading MS Edge. Delete it from the computer and you will see a big difference. That or delete Windows and download a Linux distro. I run both on the laptop and it does just fine for what you paid for.. juat sayin'.
Screen Quality
Battery Life
Ease of Use
Value For Money
Slow Slow Slow
Hard drive is at full capacity on standby. RAM on overdrive. Takes 15 minutes to process anything. It’s terrible.
We are about to take it apart and try and find another hard drive to put in it.
It is the worst thing I’ve ever seen!!!!!
literally the exact same thing with mine .... take ages to do anything .... PC world wouldn't give me a refund either only a replacement ...would've been better replacing it with a dead badger
New Hp Windows 10 Laptop Painfully Slow
HP i5 Windows 10 laptop runs painfully slowly; setup is 'as supplied'.
While not running games or videos, just the basic stuff, it is hopeless.
Even opening browsers or accessing files can take an age, only occassionally, briefly, does it run as it should.
Looking through the apps there is a lot of surplus junk, not just from Microsoft but also from HP.
The manufacturers obsession with taking control away from the user means it is not posssible to have a clean machine; a clean build is already bloated.
It just fails to do the job so I cannot find anything good to say about it.
I used a Seagate Barracuda SSD (500GB)
Regulatory model: STA012
(probably now superceeded)
It just needs to be compatible to fit the bay, and match the interface.
I just did a web search for SSDs that were compatible with standard laptop HHDs
Hi, what SSD hard drive would you recommend please?
Mine was exactly the same until it just went blank.
I’m looking to replace hard drive with SSD one but unsure what one would be compatible.
Which SSD hard drive did you get
Many thanks
Replace the hard drive with a SSD one, and do a straight Windows build (download on to a USB stick from Microsoft)
It seems to pick-up the neccessary drivers without the HP junk and the licence should be automatic as it is tied to the device.
My laptop was transformed and now loads in seconds.
I have had simple loading problems with this lap top for a lot of the time since I purchased it three or so years ago (for AUS 799). I am a positive guy, but I have lost so much time using this lap top! This has been the most unsatisfactory lap top I have used (for its price). I thought there was something wrong with it, but reading this review, you have articulated exactly what I have done through. I shall now upgrad without regret.
I need to keep wiping the computer back to factory default just to allow it to load simple websites.
I have nothing against HP as a company, but I just don't know what happened with this computer ....
Having trouble with this. EXTREMELY SLOW. Can go for coffee while waiting for anything to load.
Slow response to normal commands (save,etc.).
Any suggestions, please (besides buy a new laptop)?
I have this computer, bought it new in 2016. I maxed my ram at 8GB and I put and SSD drive. I have never had the kind of issues complained about. So my suggestions spend a little money on more RAM and a decent SSD drive its well worth it. Computer logs in within 1 min from power on to desktop ready to go. I have office 2016 and it opens in under a minute as well. This is no gaming pc by no means, but it is fully functional even now. Im thinking about upgrading processor at this time. It currently has a i3 7100U looking at i5.
Where can I purchase labtop HP36NFW?