Battery Life
Ease of Use
Screen Quality

User Reviews
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Screen Quality
The Cd Rom On The Sony Vaio Pcg-fx101 Is Cheap And
The CD Rom on the Sony Vaio PCG-FX101 is cheap and nasty and most of the time won't open without some form of help. The USB ports have become loose and don't work. I have taken the graetest care with this machine and I have asked others who have had the same problem. I am having another Vaio so I live in hope that this one will be better.
Value For Money
Ease of Use
Screen Quality
Battery Life
Poor Build Quality On The Sodimm Sockets (2nd One
Poor build quality on the SODIMM sockets (2nd one especially) means
Sony Vaio PCG-FX101 machines stop working after 18 months or so. Have a look on Google for Vaio boot problems. Sony deny there is a problem and you will have to fix this at your own expense or take the retailer to small claims court to get back your money. Don't buy a Sony Vaio!
Value For Money
When I First Bought My Machine I Loved It, But As
When I first bought my machine I loved it, but as the weeks went on I realised that the FX101 wasn't all it was cracked up to be. Insufficient memory puts the hard drive under a lot of strain and the constant drive activity becomes annoying making an upgrade a must. The lack of a flopy drive not only makes getting files on and off the machine a problem but makes upgrading to Win XP difficult as the BIOS flash from SONY needs to be run from Floppy. The battery (the least said the better) is only useful for moving between power sockets in the home. I have had an average of 45 mins use of the battery and as little as 25 mins on a full charge.
Upgrading is a must with this machine, souring the sweet low price you may have paid.
You get what you pay for
I have a problem with my laptop. It seems to get stuck on the thinkpad screen. Is it a processor problem?
Can anyone help please? My dad will kill me!
My PCG-FX270 has exactly the same problem.
It had 512MB of RAM recognized and working under Windows 2000.
I sent it to Sony to have them fix the DVD drive and while it was there, I asked them to flash the BIOS to the latest version.
Now, only bank 0 is recognized. IE: It only has 256 MB of RAM now.
The problem, of course is that I just realized this over two years later... and of course all the Sony sites say that if I try to flash the BIOS myself with anything other than the original RAM (which is lost - it came with 192 MB), it will render the system unusable.
So, I guess I'm stuck.
I've had more problems with this system than I can count: memory bank failure, DVD drive failure, back-light failure, W2K incompatibilities, etc... and of course, their tech support is is a bunch of automatons who do nothing but read scripts. I'll never buy Sony again.
my notebook behaves as yours. Unfortunately I didn't solve the problem yet. The bios chip is a TSOP soldered in the motherboard. It is difficult to remove and re-flash. Did you contact SONY for that? Did you download the update file from the Vaio-link site as I done?
Hey..did you fix your Sony Vaio PGC-FX101 bios issue? Mine simply will not start. It's like stuck on the SONY screen ...not going into the BIOS...what should I do?
I need the system to work . . .please advise !!!
Hi everyone,
I've got a problem with the bios of my PCG-FX101. The upgrade failed. Does someone know if the bios chip is easy to re-flash?
Value For Money
Sony Very Unhelpful///i Live In The Uk Now And Bou
Sony very unhelpful///I live in the uk now and bought my Sony Vaio PCG-FX101 Laptop in the usa.....must be returned to usa to be repaired.
Value For Money
Prices Are Falling Now But I Would Still Buy A Son
prices are falling now but i would still buy a sony viao.
First Thoughts Were That The Lack Of Floppy Drive
First thoughts were that the lack of floppy drive would not really be a problem. That was until the PCMCIA Network card drivers came on a floppy.
Tried to install Windows 2000 - The drivers do not function with Windows 2000 and sony have no plans to provide them (there are hacks around however)
Battery Life - tosh, 45 minutes, PLEASEEEEEEE.
Best thing that happened - PCMCIA slot died so got replacement machine!
I couldn't agree more.
This must be about the worst laptop around :(
And I got it :/
And your battery works for 45 mins? Gosh your lucky!! Mine is dead after 15.. whoohoo, what was the point again of a laptop?????
Go Sony... please stick to PS2 cause laptops are out of your league!
Value For Money
In Response To The The Comments Made By Pierre Wit
In response to the the comments made by pierre with regards to my raving review of the SONY PCG-C1VE. The machine is once again my pick of the bunch for many reasons. Trialing the kit in a retail store for 10 mins does not give you the total picture as to how precise this machine is for the size. Yes, the seperate accessories that can be purchased with the sony are a bit off putting however, just like any other major player in the electronics field. They would like to influence the user into rolling with their whole product line. THIS IS NOT NECESSARY to enable the running out of the box scenario.
You have an option to either receive the 56k modem in your package or else the all in one card which covers all of the following: ISDN CARD / NETWORK CARD / MODEM !
Purrfect, this is how I got all of my software and files onto my Sony Vaio without buying expensive add on accessories.
It takes just a little creativity as to how you get data on & off your system. If you have a desktop at home, a network card to insert into PCI slot will cost about £10, a single CAT5 cable £5(if that) direct connect amongst both Sony vaio & desktop....wallah ! 100mb data transfer, much faster than a cd rom.
If you really wanna get funky, you can perform a direct connect USB port 2 USB port ..... all this costs is the price of a USB cable + locating software on net (freeware)
I may be wrong about this but USB data transfer should be around 400mb data transfer.
So at the end of the day, my opinion of the CIVE is unchanged, it is still the bee's knees.
Value For Money
The Sony Vaio Fx101 Is Excellent Through & Through
The Sony Vaio FX101 is excellent through & through. digital cam properties are absolutely excellent. Processing power and memory features are exceptional for the size & weight of the machine. If you want to be mobile with a lite weight machine that has still got the disk space and processing power then choose the Sony PCG-C1VE.
Crusoe 600 processor, 12GB drive, 128 MB ram.
A review without any technical specifications (e. g. monitor size, HD-size) can you tell us pls?
Why choose the Sony PCG-C1VE? You can't load any software on this without buying very expensive add-ons which are sold separately. I think this machine is nothing more than a very expensive gimmick.
I've just bought the FX101 at £799 from John Lewis (more reliable than PC World) but the absence of a floppy drive is inconvenient. I have had to copy floppy installation disks on to a CD to install software I use. It also enabled me to install an Iomega zip drive to use as an additional drive.
The FX 101 is the best machine I have bought so far and very easy to get up and running. Thoroughly recommended.
Value For Money
I Bought This On 21/5/2001 From Pc World In The Uk
I bought this on 21/5/2001 from PC world in the UK for £798 including vat. which is an excellent price. Perhaps not the best choice for a mobile worker due to it's fairly large size, it is ideal if you are to be sat in the same place all day before moving on to a different site.
The 13.3 inch screen is sharp and very welcome after using a smaller screen for the past year or so. The printed documentation is not wonderful, the only thing approaching a proper user manual is on CD.
I don't think there is anything to touch it at the £800 mark in the UK at the moment.
Value For Money
I Could Only Fault The Sony Vaio Fx101 On The Flop
I could only fault the Sony Vaio FX101 on the floppy drive being left off, presumably to hold down the price... After purchasing it I was installing a LAN using USB which had floppy drive installation. I then had to go and buy the floppy drive to install the LAN adapters, but not before trying to cheat the laptop into accepting the installation by various methods other than floppy drive, and failing... Otherwise I give it a BIG 9/10... Attractive appearance, light, nice screen and grafix.......... Erm what do the footballers say "Over the moon"..
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