Microsoft 365 - Reviews - office.com
Value For Money
Microsoft 365 - Reviews - office.com

User Reviews
Value For Money
Microsoft 365, Impossible To Change Email Address
In the beginning of 2023 I bought a subscription for 1 year MicroSoft 365. After half a year paying per month.
Mainly for my work, I often make documents in my spare time on my personal laptop.
As the domain, where my email address was from, expired, I needed to change my email address.
This is almost impossible. Wrong sentence, leave "almost" out.
O yes, it is possible (after many error messages), but you have to wait 1 month before it has been changed. 1 MONTH! In what era do we live, MS? Stone Age?
After that you get, when you are lucky, a message that everything has been changed. At the email address you want. Or on your cellphone, and then with no info at all.
As it is so hard to change the email address and the error messages are not clear at all. So, I tried over and over again. After 1 month, I received a text message on my cellphone. From a strange address, with no info at all (what email address to use... Only mentioning part of the not existing email address). Only a very suspicious link. And I have to click on that link?! No, thank you.
A company that makes it impossible to change your account email address sends out a link without clear information? And the worse it, it is using part of an email address that I had changed! The domain that doesn't exist any more. And even worse, my settings for MS and all other programs on my laptop are in UK English. Everywhere.
The language of the text message?! The language of the country I live in.
I contacted their helpdesk, which is almost impossible (info is hidden on the site, which is common for big companies). There is a telephone number. As I don't live in the US, the phone number is from the US (and I understood there is also a UK number... Well, I don't live there either), I am not going to call.
No email, only chat possible.
And why doesn't have a huge company like this no email support? Too expensive, probably. Well, MS, you are cheap.
I tried to login with the email addresses I have tried when changing my email address. And guess what, none is working with my paid MicroSoft 365 account.
I contacted support via chat. Only to become so annoyed that I left. What a dumb employee. Angry making. Too st**** to be true. Sadly, it was true.
MicroSoft, you are taking payments, but you don't deliver. You are probably aware that this is forbidden by law! O, yes, you know. But you don't care.
Conclusion... Use one of the free programs. And when you work at home on your own laptop/computer, let your employer buy the subscription. Not worth your own money.
Tip for consumers:
Huge companies like MicroSoft make it almost impossible to find support desk information. Horrible. And they are allowed to do this.
They don't care about customers. Only about the money they bring in.
In the past, in some countries I lived in, there were notices on the entrance door of a store "warranty until you leave this premises". This is probably MS its slogan "warranty before you buy, after that you are on your own".
Products used:
MicroSoft 365. Not anymore though, as I cannot access the correct account.
And, as I can't use it any more, I now am u
sing LibreOffice & OnlyOffice. Free. Next to Open Office. Also free.
Value For Money
You Pay, But Not Receive Help When Needed. Microsoft 365
In the past, I paid for a monthly subscription to Microsoft for Microsoft 365. There were issues now and then but they were manageable.
Well, in January 2023, I decided to pay per year. I wish I never had done that.
Recently I needed to change my email address. Only to find out that the program comes in a loop, and I am not able to change anything. The screen freezes.
I do have a key, but clicking on the "login with key" doesn't work.
Because I tried and tried, I am locked out of my account. Without a possibility to get in again.
And guess what!? As is normal with major companies, customer support info isn't to find.
Yes, a telephone number in the USA. Right, not going to pay an enormous amount for a telephone call for support that should be free. By email.
I left a message via Word (not logged on). Makes no sense to do this, there will be no response.
This was weeks ago. My old email address is not accessible anymore. Not possible to receive a code or whatever. The link to log in another way still doesn't work.
And the worst!? I can't even cancel my subscription as you need to be logged on to do this!
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