Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10

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Microsoft Windows 10

Microsoft Windows 10
3 11 user reviews

User Reviews


Removed Many Features

When I installed Windows 10, I loved it. then, I installed updates and it ruined many features of many apps. I wish that I could switch back to Windows 8, but I can't. I would not recommend this junk to anyone.


Shame We're Stuck With This

Well, M.E. was bad, Vista was bad (but at least they tried to fix it and got there in then end), 8 was really bad, but 10.....biggest pile of spyware/malware ever made. It also installs with or without your permission, and has more privacy intrusions, no matter how many you turn off or set to basic, that puts Google to shame. I would rather stick with Windows 7, but obviously that's going to go the same way as XP and everything after it, and we will all be doomed to use this pile of rubbish. Apple is too expensive, and Linux, unfortunately, has a long way to go before it "just works".

Seriously considering upgrading back to 7 and then see where things stand in 2020, when Windows 7 will be done away with forever.


If You Like To Be Up To Date Then Download It And

If you like to be up to date then download it and enjoy. If you like to stay where you are comfortable in and work/explore with what you know then do not get this.


Do Not Like It Whatsoever. They Have Made Everythi

Do not like it whatsoever. They have made everything hard to do.


I Will Recommend It Because It Is The Most Up To D

I will recommend it because it is the most up to date system, but I am not used to it and it is awkward. However I will get used to it.

Holiday Rep

Windows 10 (updating With Safety Measures.)

I loaded Windows 10 without any trouble what so ever, it work straight out of the box so to speak. (My update was from Windows 7 Home premium)

However I did not jump in with both feet as many may well have done, I cloned my hard drive just in case there was a problem.

That meant that I could format my system hard drive that is in use and then clone all of the information and data back to it and I would be able to use my computer just as if nothing had changed.

First thing to do is use the part of the programme built into the load screen for Windows 10 that lets you check your computer for compatibility, that must be your very first move after cloning of course. (A cloned hard drive makes it so much easier to go back to the Status Quo)

If you do not get any bad reports and it appears that your computer is fully compatible then go ahead and download the update, this can take rather a long time - up to 2 hours. So set your computer to download and leave it alone until prompted to intervene.

I found that all of my software worked without exception, even an old programme I use from the Windows 95 era.

There is nothing to suggest that Win 10 is hard to use either, just that you may sometimes have to approach things from a differing angle, but that is not uncommon because every incidence of Windows has been different in many ways.

Things at first may be a little harder to find and there clearly have been some changes, with the layout of both the operating system and how files look and how you find them.

The built in search is very good, not only to search Windows but the Net too, so if looking for something and can't find it then enter it into the search bar near the start button.

You can really change things in Win 10, like the start menu and you can put things in where you can find them more easily, building up a menu of the icons and programmes that you use most often.

Most thing that are already in the start menu can be removed if you don't have a use for them, making room for the things that you use most often. Although you can resize the menu by dragging it, it is best not to have it too big and complicated.

One other good thing about the new menu system is that you can totally remove all of those on screen icons and short-cuts, this gives your computers desktop a far tidier appearance.

My computer starts up a little quicker and it closes down faster too.

There are many things to like about Windows 10 and in my opinion very few not to like, so go ahead if your computer is compatible and upgrade.

Holiday Rep

There was a choice, for 30 days after the upgrade you could revert back to your original operating system. yes after the upgrade if you decided to keep it (Windows 10 that is) Thereafter you received upgrades automatically in Windows 10 Home, with some control with Windows 10 Professional. I have many times upgraded machines and never had to revert back, but on occasion there has been an update that did not seem to work as it should on some computers mostly updates after the main upgrade. That may well be down to the Processor/s and Chipset given that the instruction sets vary machine to machine.


He writes like there was a choice whether to upgrade. What I have heard is that for a period of time it "upgraded" by default from Win7 or 8 whether you liked it or not. Once you do have Win10 it continues with further "upgrades" that cannot be avoided : we will see what the future brings.


I Always Love Trying Out New Things And Microsoft

I always love trying out new things and microsoft 10 is definitely something new. It has promise but so far I am having a difficult time adjusting to it.



A little tough getting used to it but it is amazing. Once I get the hang of it I know I will love it a lot more than the old model.


Good Step Up From Windows 8.1

I think this is a vastly improved operating system.

most people would have received a free upgrade to windows 10, so for nothing I don't think you can go wrong.

it looks and feels much better than windows 8.1, it's easy to use, and having the apps on the start menu is a great idea.

it looks much sleeker and more refined as a operating system and once you start to work your way around and understand the in's and out's of it you will be glad you upgraded.

it will have it's glitches at first, what operating system doesn't, I actually went back to windows 8.1 to see if I missed it, well I didn't and could not wait for windows 10 to come back up so I could start using it again.

I think it is best operating system windows have put out to date and to get it free is outstanding.

even if you have to buy it I would recommend you do so.


"I don't think you can go wrong"

I would take a look at what some of the more technical websites and experts say about it before you claim that.

There have been reports of applications ceasing to work, Microsoft logging your every keystroke and website visit, internal provision to use it as a vehicle for future un-blockable adverts, and a further step towards making Windows and other MS apps into subscription software.



The product is usable

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