Fuji Finepix 2600

Fuji Finepix 2600

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Battery Life


Ease of Use



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Fuji Finepix 2600

Fuji Finepix 2600
4.15 33 user reviews

Battery Life


Ease of Use




Image Quality


Value For Money

User Reviews




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Battery Life


Image Quality

For Starters, Hands Down The Fuji Finepix 2600 Dig

For starters, hands down the Fuji Finepix 2600 digital camera is the absolute best camera I have owned to date. I have had the camera for over 4 years now. I have just upgraded to an S5100, which I love just as much. I am passing on my 2600 to my brother who is computer and camera illiterate, but he is wanting to learn. There is no better digital camera to learn and experiment with for beginners. I have photo's I will cherish for the rest of my life thanks to Fuji Film. I LOVE MY FUJI!! The blues, greens, yellows, oranges, reds, pretty much all colors, come out vivid and bright. Wonderful short range flash.., almost an overkill, but it is wonderful.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

My Fuji Finepix 2600 Did Not Last A Full 2 Years.

My Fuji Finepix 2600 did not last a full 2 years. Now when I turn the camera on, the lens extends but the camera dies if an attempt is made to either turn on the monitor or take a photo. I really expected more than two years of service from this piece of equipment. I replaced both the batteries and the media card but neither seem to make any difference. I'll expected to replace the 2.1 MP camera if it worked well but if this is what I can expect from Fuji, I'll have to try a different brand.


I have exactly the same problem and mine is only 16 months old. I am sending mine to Fuji (for what it's worth) with copies of all the negative feedback for this camera.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

Any One Know How To Rectify This? I"ve Read The M

Any one know how to rectify this? I"ve read the manual but don't know what the problem is. They look nice and crisp on the viewer. I'm using photo suite to look at them on the pc...should I get different pic editing software?


definately not. Although I don't own one of these,though I can understand your problem. I'll explain it as simply as possible, and add that it applies to all owners of digital cameras with preview screens.

When you take a picture, it gets reduced to fit on a preview screen. If you imagine an image say taken at 1'000 pixels then on the screen you will have 1000 on a screen about 1 1/2 inches. If you were to take it at 2'000 pixels then youd get 2'000 pixels squeezed into the same area. In order to fit onto the screen, each pixel will be smaller, thus making the on screen image clearer. However on a photo editing screen, this is not the case. The software will usually view the image at either 1x its actual pixel size, ot half of it, instead of say a tenth of the size which a preview screen displays. As a result, on many preview screens, a blurred or soft edged photo will appear as a rock steady image, but appear as it really is on your computer monitor. This therefore may simply be because you are either not holding the camera steady when taking a photograph, or not focusing by using the optical zoom. If you can, set the camera to fixed focus, to see if that improves things. Otherwise, when taking a photo, use the preview screen to focus it before taking your shot. To do this, all you do is look at the preview screen before taking a shot. To focus it, use the zoom in out controll for the optical zoom until the preview screen becomes clear not slightly blurred, and then half press and hold the shutter to lock the settings in the cameras memory, and then fully press the shutter to take the shot. Hold the camera as steady as possible. If this corrects the problem, great. If not, then a 1600 x 1200 pixel image into editing software, and set the view to 1x for image size. then go to print preview and check to ensure fit to page is selected. If the picture prints out clear, then good, its your monitor or windows settings at fault. If its blurred its either your photo technique or a faulty camera. Yes it's a Fuji, but it still may be faulty.

To check your monitor settings, right click on the desktop and select properties. Then click the settings tab. You should be set to 1024 x 768 for a 17 inch monitor, and 800 x 600 or 1024 x 768 on a 15 inch, and 640 x 480 or 800x 600 on a 14 inch.

Having said that I just resized my monitor to 640 x 480 to virw a photo at 1600 x 1200 pixels,. and it wasn't blurred at that resolution , though I thought it might be. Another thing to remember is that a any image will look sharper on the preview screen than on a monitor. It could be that your monitor is very old and badly producing images.

If you e-mail me a copy of one photo to [email protected] but remembering that it must be l;ess than 1'000 kb in size for hotmail to accept it, then I'll look at it and get back to you. If you want to send more please do, but none of people please, just places or objects. For eah photo sens a seperate mail.


Callan cool




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

This Is My Third Digital Camera In The Past 2 Year

This is my third digital camera in the past 2 years and the 2600 is hands down the best in value and picture quality. This camera is ready to use right out of the box. The USB cable (included) downloads so quick you don't need an AC Adapter, the included batteries supply ample power. I got 150 photos with the LCD monitor on, you can get 300 with the optical zoom. This camera is so much like a 35mm point and shoot. Higly recommended

Don Post.



Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

If You Are Going To Take Alot Of Night Time Photos

If you are going to take alot of night time photos under artificial light, the Finepix 2600 is not for you.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

The Camera Is Great, Any Bad Reviews Are From Peop

The camera is great, any bad reviews are from people that don't know how to use a real camera. Anyone who thinks a flash is supposed to go more then seven feet doesn't know a thing about photography.

Smokey Joe.



Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

This Is The First Digital Camera I Have Bought, I

This is the first digital camera I have bought, I also have an SLR camera and do like good photos. The Fuji 2600Z is perfect for it's intended use, it takes perfect point and shoot pictures in natural light. All colours and images are sharp, bright and crisp. Photos taken at a distance using the flash can be a little dark... by hey ! isn't that the same as any other camera ? All features on the camera are very easy to use. This camera is a pure pleasure to own - I'm glad I bought it, and knowing it's capabilities now... I would still buy if I didn't already have - recommended.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

I Got The Camera On The Internet About 6 Months Ag

I got the camera on the internet about 6 months ago (pays to shop around). I really like the camera for the money, it's not very good as a web cam but thats not why i got it so it does not worry me. The battery life isn't very good, i would like the camera to show how many photos you have left to take, because you can run out of room on the card, or give you some warning when the card is nearly full, But in all a great camera very easy to use.




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

Great Camera The Only Problem I Have Is That Even

Great camera the only problem I have is that even though I set the flash to red eye I still get red eye. Can anyone help?




Ease of Use


Value For Money


Image Quality

This Is, So Far, Best Digital Camera In It's Price

This is, so far, best digital camera in it's price range. If you consider only taking pictures outdoors (or indoor in fair light), this camera is excellent choice even in range of twice priced cameras! But if you shot your photos in low-light ambient (streets at night or dark room for example) don't even consider this as your choice. Movie mode is useless (20 FPS, no sound) and web camera is even worse. Also, LCD screen, plastic body and shape (it's a bit fat) are sacrificed to get such low price. But all that is compensated by beautiful photos that this camera takes in normal conditions. As digital camera, I would rate it 7, and considering it price pure 10. To conclude, if you didn't used a SLR film camera but standard point&shoot and were happy with it, this is a perfect start in world of digital.

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