Hemel Hempstead, Aquasplash

Hemel Hempstead, Aquasplash

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Value For Money

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Hemel Hempstead, Aquasplash

Hemel Hempstead, Aquasplash
3.23 84 user reviews

Value For Money

User Reviews


Value For Money

Aqua Splash Petition To Reopen!!!

I love aqua splash. It is so devastating that it has been demolished, you have broken my heart and taken a purely precious part of history from mankind. I personally couldn't express how much i love and miss aqua splash.

Was it dirty?


Was it a health hazard?


But I live my life on the edge, dirt will not faze me and stop me from missing this place

The aesthetic was everything: crusty rides, mouldy floors, rusted doors, used plasters littered everywhere, freezing cold water, half eaten mushed food and of course the smell of faeces and urine.

You have taken a piece of my heart that could never be replaced. I miss you everyday



a piece of my childhood was taken when this family friendly hazard to natural life was closed



a piece of my childhood was taken away when this family friendly hazard to natural life was closed please bring it back



reopen aqua splash! go you queen!


Value For Money

I Miss Aqua Splash

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this place, I will never believe it has closed. You have taken away my childhood with the removal of this national landmark. I personally think that it was soooooo much fun. Yes, it was dirty, but I'm sure you're dirty too. Nothing could ever beat this atmosphere, I will forever miss, the amazing rides, the children screaming, the freezing cold water and the mould on the floor. The plasters are something you could never forget. #bringbackaquasplash2021

you are robbing the children of today. I am outraged.

BRB crying...


LOVE THIS REVIEW ! Agree 100% x


Can't Belive Its Shut

Can't believe this is now shut down I my just relised Al they needed to do is get a good manger and team i thrre filter it all out and restart fresh new cubicles and cleaners and made me 1000x better bring back aquasplash now my Sunday's are gonna be the same boring rubbish :(xx


Value For Money

Itis So Fun I Would Come The Every Day

wow i love water parks thankyou to them how made water parks


Value For Money

Oh My Goodness

Well where do I start?! I've just returned from one of the worst places i've ever been to.

When we pulled up to the park itself, it was a harbinger of what was to come, rust everywhere making the whole place look like a worn down dump.

Then once we got in (After being charged a pricy £8!) we were treated a trudging through a horrible slime that lined the floor of the changing rooms: bodily fluids, urine, rust and shame all rolled into one vile concoction that swamped around our feet, my husband barry had an open wound and is now being treated for many bacterial infections!

Then there were the rides! I'll go through them one by one.

The rapids (aka the crapids): Awful from the start, immediately swamped by too many going down at the same time, in the choas i received mouthfuls of cellulite and was most likely fondled by the men pouring in behind me. My eternity ring from argos was scraped and ruined during my first ride, that £75 of jewellery down the sink! The end also surprised me in which the pool was too deep and I was submerged and in my panic kicked a five year old in the head, she deserved it, the gobby lass for laughing at me!

The slides: Next to the rapids, if you can't be bothered to wait and aren't in to being thrilled then this is for you! four slides that take you at terrifying speeds of up to 3mph before you thud into shallow pool of water, the experience on the whole was like being a midget weeing into the toilet and then accidentally falling in. Very underwhelming. (This is not to mention of course, the filth and rust that accumulate on the stairs and paint the floor and walls a delicious shade of brown #budgetcuts.)

Then on the next set, the supposed rides were what apparently makes this place good: Spacebowl (aka shitebowl) Superflume (aka supershite) and the Abyss (a very apt name)

- Spacebowl is preceded by a minimum wait of at least an hour, so if your slowly queuing take time to admire the decaying stairs and rust infested bars holding the thing up. Interestingly, the bars hold lots of hair and hairbands, obviously a tribute to those who got so bored waiting they decided to fling themselves to a watery demise below. On the whole it was awful, but then me and barry smelt the airwick that they put on the bars and that lightened our day up, it was like the romance between us had sparked up and we started getting a tad frisky, but then it was my turn to go down the slide. Ridiculously none of the guards had any baby oil or Vaseline to coat me in to help me go down the tube, just one part of their terrible service.

- Superflume, just don't even bother, i've had more exciting turds that have shot out me faster than superlume, it was like slowly falling down a long curly straw (1/10)

- The Abyss: As I mentioned what an apt name! I was pushed down by a lifeguard and i clung on to one of his shoes and took it with me as Barry watched on in horror, I was terrified, the slides don't have proper lighting or wi-fi!! Shocking service I felt i'd never been treated so poorly, once again another incident happened people don't get out of the end-pool quickly enough, i flew down the slide and this man just laying there! Things would have been ok but I am startled very easily, I couldn't control myself and sprayed faeces everywhere, luckily the man was stopped by barry who managed to haul me out of the pool.

After all this, we had just had enough!

Me and Barry sat by the Burger King with the smell of airwick ever present, it was beautiful the best i've felt in a long time, we looked at each other, giggling as took a huge bite out of his double cheeseburger. We agreed to meet in the changing rooms for some fun after this torrid time. I cheekily skipped over to the shower, which must have blinded me as my eyes were stinging afterwards i ambled into the room I thought barry was in, I threw myself at him only to be greeted by a wall, I lost four teeth in the accident. I then caught barry furiously flirting with the cashier at burger king and was kicked out for screaming "u wat m8" just generally a mess.

Just got back from the A&E and that was the worst experience of my life.

However, water temperature was ok and there was a toilet, 3/5 stars.

By the way if you have any further questions, message me personally or contact me


fantastic 10/10 agree!


The Swimming Pool From Hell!!!

Let me first tell you that this review is in no way an exaggeration, I really wish it was... Honest to God, this was not only the worst trip I've ever been on, but also the worst experience of my whole entire life!

The signs were there as soon as I arrived outside a decrepit rusting eyesore of an establishment. Not only that, but the parking was so bad that cars were just littered all over their worn-out tarmac, meaning I was left with no other option than to park across four disabled places just to get a space!! It was so poor that I honestly had to check my Satnav just to see if I had actually arrived in the right place and not just some local run-down scrapyard - seriously, all that was missing was the wrecking ball!!

"Oh well I thought, maybe that's just the exterior and the outrageous price of £8 for an adult for an off-peak weekday will surely justify an excellent pool and all round experience!" How wrong could I be?! Not only that but my pikey friend "forgot" his wallet (no doubt he spent all his money on crack) so I was left having to pay £16 for just two of us!!

The changing rooms were DISGUSTING! Now as soon as I entered the changing rooms the first thing that immediately struck me (apart from the signature foul Aquasplash smell) was the odd choice of decorating the floors with brown tiles. I only realised when it was too late... that these tiles were not actually intentionally brown, and were once white before decades of filth,sludge and excrement had plastered them a putrid shade of brown. Not only that, but I also thought it was a nice feature of them to install a moving floor (like what you get at airports on the way to the terminal), before I realised that I was in fact just standing on a hoard of cockroaches and rats, beneath me. The actual cubicles were so unusable that even a filthy hobo wouldn't want to look at them, let alone change inside of one. They were ALL full of human hair, dirt, faeces, urine, plasters, dead insects, used tampons, vomit stains, used condoms and some other horrible things that I'm still not even able to talk about with my therapist. Well after such a disgusting mess of a changing room at least I can safely put my stuff away in a free locker, right? WRONG! The lockers had a NON-REFUNDABLE charge of 20p! 20p to use a freaking locker! What the hell does this money even go towards, 'cause they sure as hell don't pay for any cleaning?! Anyhow, after remortgaging my house to pay for a locker I was then treated to a locker with an interior so dusty and full of cob webs that it almost looked like Arsenal's trophy cabinet.

After braving the worst changing experience of my life, I was honestly just relieved at this point to get to the pool. I should've known better... I didn't think it were actually scientifically possible, but it was somehow even more disgusting than the changing rooms! The floors had just as much filth on them as earlier but the air was full of some sort of rotting poisonous smog that meant you choked when you tried to breathe. As for the water, it was HIDEOUS!! The whole pool seemed to have a layer of algae on the surface and there were certain patches, that the lifeguards had tried to section off with rope, where there was frogspwan and leeches just openly floating about in the water! Oh well, at least handful of people seemed to enjoy the water loads, as they just peacefully floated round and round flat on their stomachs completely still, with their faces in the water, just admiring the bottom of the pool, I guess!

At this point I decided the only way to get away from the main pool was to try a ride, but was horrified to see that as I was queuing for The Falling Rapids I was standing right beside an open sewer channel!! "Still, at least there getting some of this human waste away from the changing rooms and pool", I thought. Until I saw people swimming down this channel... and realised... THIS WAS THE RIDE!! At this point I was now at the front of the queue and could hear a mother asking whether it was ok if her two-year-old son came the ride, even though he had diarrhoea, only for the lifeguard to reply, and I quote, 'This place is a sh*thole mate, I honestly don't care'. As they opened the rope for us to go on I tried to scream and run away, but it was too late and the lifeguard just laughed and threw me in. I landed right next to this two-year-old son, as well, who's explosive diarrhoea took effect, as he pooed himself senseless, right beside me. It hardly mattered though, such was the state of this ride. I tried to navigate to the end, avoiding any other floating faeces, scabs, mould or rotting food but the putrid smell got too much for me that near to the end I threw up into the very "water" we were swimming in. It was so disgusting that the man next me's tattoo started to wear off his skin and several children were screaming that they were blind and could no longer see.

After being sick, at the end of the ride I was confronted by a lifeguard. "Finally, I thought, someone's going to tell me off and clean up this mess!" but all he did was high-five me and scream "CHUNDAAAAAAH!" This same idiot saw a kid standing by the edge of the pool peeing into the water and again just laughed and walked away.

At this point I felt physically ill and just wanted to escape to one of the rides away from the main pool. I saw that outside Superflume it had red water to look like blood and was initaially fairly impressed, before finding out that it was in fact real human blood, as a large man had crashed into a 5-year-old girl on the way down and broke her nose and jaw. This was because the lifeguards were not waiting for people to finish the ride before letting another person down and were instead having competitions to see who could cram as many people down at the same time. Furthermore, I had to queue for over three hours just to look at the ride schedule and when I got to the top it was closed down!! The lifeguards' disregard for human safety was on another level and they had actually permitted for a fat guy to go down a tiny chute! He got stuck and they just started pouring olive oil and butter over him until eventually they gave up and called the fire-brigade to saw the ride in half to get him out. I suppose it was a slight relief, as if the state of the stairs was anything to go by, that ride would have caused me an early death!

It was instantly a bad sign to find that there was a memorial to those who had died of infection or exhaustion whilst queueing for this ride, but at this point I was just praying they were joking... They probably weren't. This decaying, rusting, dilapidated sludge-fest of a staircase was so insecure that it swayed with every footstep you took and at one point a child stepped on a particularly rusted patch only for his foot to crack straight through the floor! (Seriously, it was like that scene in Indianna Jones The Last Crusade where he stepped on the J to spell Jehovah)

But the real horror was what I saw when I finally reached the top of the ride Spacebowl. The sign clearly stated 'Strong Swimmers Only' but instead of letting a mother ride down, holding her baby, they just threw it down after her. No seriously. Like it didn't even touch the sides - they just tossed it straight down the hatch like a piece of garbage! How that poor thing survived was a minor miracle...

By this point I'd seen enough and after being pushed down this slide by a lifeguard (again!) I just wanted to leave with my life! Not only was the slide effectively made to look like you were falling into a giant stinking anus, but it smelt like it too! I suppose this is how they advertise it as a themed ride...

Finally, I could just shower this sludge off me and leave. But wait! Every shower was broken. Yes that's right, all 18 showers had an 'Out Of Order' sign on them. You'd honestly think it would be more convenient to just call a plumber, than print off 18 individual copies of that same sign and stick them up, but hey, that's the least of your worries when attending Aquasplash!

As a consequence I came home stinking of raw sewage and when I got back my Mum asked why the car smelt so bad. I just broke down crying, telling her that this disgusting, dilapidated, urine-soaked hell-hole of a swimming pool had ruined my life!!

The temperature of the water though was quite pleasant so overall I'd rate it as 2 out of 5 stars!




really good review, to see my photography collection on harriet check out https://www.facebook.com/tomjames123?fref=ts


Value For Money

Great Potential But Needs A Good Scrub

I went a couple of weeks ago to Aquasplash in Hemel Hempstead with my very excited 8 year old & her friend. The place was really busy being the summer holidays but

the girls loved the place so much they didn't want to leave. It has great rides and would keep the kids busy for hours but the problem is hygiene. One example is when queuing for the rides there was a really strong smell of urine on the stairs and what made me feel worse was the water dripping on my head.... then you also see bits of hair and general dirt. Also the toilets could do with a clean. Made me wish I had a bucket with Dettol!

Also from what I could see only a couple of lifeguards were paying attention at what was going on in the place as although there are signs stating that no diving or jumping was allowed, children were jumping over my head but the girl that worked there, standing next to them, was too busy looking into space.

It is a real shame because with just better management the place would be our favourite hangout.


Value For Money

Will Never Go Back

Over crowed. More and more people were piled in so much so I couldn't move around the pool. Life guards were useless letting kids run wild and ruin others experience. Unhygienic and stank of urine.


Rotten Dirty Filthy Unhygenic!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

the rides were really good and kids enjoyed it BUT....dirty! filthy! rotten! unhygenic!toiets poo on them dirty tissues on the floor hair and dirt all over the floor and in the changing rooms,showers cold and all over the floor empty bottles of shampoo ect a health hazzard went home and had showers.27.00pound for afamily which included a 1.00pound charge to use my card!!!!!lots of people complaining how disgusting it was


Value For Money

Fun Funny Pool

I loved this pool and the slide that they have are fun and there are slides for all ages. If you are here on holiday then I would say that this water water park would be the a fun activity to do while u are here. There is not anything that I did not like ..

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