Bill Fairlough, Beyond Enkription, The Burlington Files
Value For Money
Bill Fairlough, Beyond Enkription, The Burlington Files

User Reviews
Value For Money
Loved it. Make a film to please please please me. Superb realism. Sara Burlington sounds real. Edward Burlington would be superb on film. Make a film to please please please me and thousands more.
Value For Money
This book is riveting and educational.
Attention to detail shows in every paragraph.
Believable action is intense.
Visit the amazing websites.
Great value.
Thank you so much for your five star review.
Thank you so much for your five star review.
Value For Money
Tina Turner Loves It! Simply The Best
Never judge a book by its opening chapter
This gets so kool and convoluted you may lose your marbles once you get into the amazing maze of mind games and disinfo and deceit and treachery and much more
The action leaves Bond and Bourne static
The plot leaves Smiley in tears
So kool but where is the TV series?
Thank you so much for your five star review. We are still seeking partners to create a TV series based on Beyond Enkription and remain confident that in time we will have a positive outcome for that and then for the rest of The Burlington Files series. Best wishes - Bill Fairclough
Value For Money
Don't Fly Without It!
I never thought O’Hare to Heathrow could be so exciting. I got the Kindle Version last week for the long haul. Apart from an annoying dinner break and one hurried visit to the bathroom I didn’t stop until we landed. What a start to an autobiography? It is astonishing to think people all over the world have heard of James Bond but few have probably heard of the more realistic, altruistic and thinking spy Edward Burlington, alias Bill Fairclough. I thought Bourne was the greatest too but no more. What was so wicked was I still had several chapters for the return flight - yes, it really is that long and it was gripping most of the time right through to the last page. I also read some of the British reviews and as advised I’m reading this again and it’s already like reading another book. I can reread it every flight I take. Talk about value for money. I just hope someone films it so the outstanding five books come out and the films are released. My hint - don’t fly without it!
I agree Kool
Thanks for the terrific review and the strap line "Don't fly without it!". If only all people on long haul flights took a copy of Beyond Enkription with them to read then the world might be a better place ... particularly if the eBooks they read weren't pirated copies.
Just keep watching for news on the film front - we still live in hope. In the meantime we trust you enjoy reading it again - most people we hear from seem to do so. Best wishes and many thanks - Bill Fairclough
Value For Money
The Burlington Files: Beyond Enkription - A Brilliant Novel
The Burlington Files: Beyond Enkription is better than well worth one read. I have read it twice. I wonder if I read it again if it will be as different a read as the second was to the first. As for the characters the likes of Chad and Sara really come to life but Edward Burlington is the true conundrum. Love him, envy him or loathe him - well I experienced all three emotions particularly on the second read. Some of the book is a bit of a lecture but then Bill Fairclough or whoever wrote it is obviously very annoyed about how Ian Fleming's Bond has dictated to the masses what spy films are all about. The author of Beyond Encryption says so on the Burlington Files website which is a must read with the book along with the Faire Sans Dire website and other articles like Wiki you are referred to. They make it all so real and now I understand so much more about the real world of espionage. Great read, the eBook is expensive but worth every cent and it's a huge book. I hope the rest of the series comes soon and films take off - I'll queue to watch them.
Contact me on my email handle i am interested in knowing you much more. i will email you my
Only read it once but will again as so Kool
Thank you so much for your thoughtful review. You are right about Edward Burlington's character in Beyond Enkription (The Burlington Files) because we chose to try and make him as bland as possible to enable film production companies and actors to "make of him" what they felt best suited their plans (having regard to the other five unpublished novels).
Of course, it is difficult for those reading Beyond Enkription to second guess the contents of the remaining five other novels as they have not been published yet but the books were written for film purposes as you noted when visiting TheBurlingtonFiles website. By that we mean that we only prepared the books to help film producers decide how to make films or TV series based on them and we did not set out to create works of art although obviously we wanted the plots (which regarding Edward were real) to come across well.
Due to financial constraints we won't be publishing the remaining books until we have a film deal or the like as we have already spent a fortune in time and other costs on the publication of Beyond Enkription and the preparation of the remaining novels even though we have intentionally not advertised or marketed the series in any serious way whatsoever yet. By fortune we mean hundreds of thousands of pounds if you put only a modest value on the hours that have gone into this project. Thus we apologise but it is unlikely another novel will be published before any films are released. Thanks again for your review which is much appreciated.
Value For Money
Coincidences Happen
While talking to a client we discussed spy novels and she said her favourite was Beyond Enkription of The Burlington Files. It was mine too but for totally different reasons. She loved Edward Burlington for being better than Bond but I liked Edward Burlington's character because he has so many flaws. Only after a five minute chat did we reconcile our differences and lucky for me too as she reminded me a bit of Sara Burlington - as a legend - naturally! The point is the novel was written for film as they say all over their website. That means they made the central character intentionally bland so as you could interpret it any which way. I know because I had an email exchange with would you believe Edward Burlington himself!!!! Before I bought it I wish I had known it was coming out in hard back as I would have waited - I now own a softback and hardback but Bill Fairclough has promised to sign it if I ever go to London.
That is Kool
Thank you so much for your review of Beyond Enkription (The Burlington Files) which is so much appreciated. As already promised in our email exchange we will make arrangements to sign your book as soon as you contact us via FaireSansDire.org and let us know when you are next in London or we can adopt an alternative approach if that suits you - just ask us by email and we'll explain that option.
We note you commented on the novel being written for film purposes and we have explained that in more depth in our comments on the review published by "infinitespace" on 2nd January 2017.
Value For Money
Love This Book!!
Absolutely brilliant, riveting read, cant wait for the next instalments and the big screen. The author sounds like a really interesting character, what a fab life!
Liked it Loved it Kool
I forgot to mention that if you’re interested in reading reviews about Beyond Enkription some links are given below. Better to just buy the book – it’s great – I should know – I wrote it!
Thanks very much for reading and reviewing Beyond Enkription - it is a pleasure to know you enjoyed it. As for "fab life" sometimes it gets too close to death for comfort! Many thanks - Bill Fairclough
Thanks very much for reading and reviewing Beyond Enkription - it is a pleasure to know you enjoyed it. As for "fab life" sometimes it gets too close to death for comfort! Many thanks - Bill Fairclough
Value For Money
Reading It Again And Enjoying More Every Chapter
My brothers loved reading this so I got some more to give for Xmas presents. Most of the reviews the author refers to on his website are just what I would write if I could make such clever comments. This is as they say the real stuff films are made of. It was a thriller and I am half way through reading it again and learning more and more about this Burlington crowd and the cold war. On Twitter the author says it is the longest spy book this century. He should say it is the best spy book this century. If you are interested it is all very spooky!!!
A kool review
Thanks again for the review.
If you’re interested in reading reviews about Beyond Enkription some links are given below. Better to just buy the book on any Amazon website – it’s great – I should know – I wrote it!
Oops - I replied to the wrong review - sorry about that but funny enough it still makes sense!
Good! Glad you liked it.
Value For Money
Les Girls Fom The Bookcriticsclub Liked Beyond Enkription
WE are an "all girl band" of readers although some of us are no longer girls but we all enjoyed reading Beyond Enkription no matter what our ages were. This is our first review at the Review Centre.
WE all liked the book because it was so different and real compared to other spy novel thrillers we have read.
WE should have all got the eBook as it is much cheaper than the paperback but the book is huge so we did not feel ripped off.
WE debated what was fact and fiction as we could not tell the difference at times and so we were more worried for Edward by the time we reached the epilogue even though we guessed he and Hugh must appear in the next book. Well, they had better!
WE even googled up some of the plots and those we could trace looked true or based on facts which made us even more concerned for Ed's future.
WE will be watching out for more in The Burlington Files series which so far so good deserves to be considered for a listing alongside the greats.
WE thought the website cool too and it has only just got started
The most kool review yet
Thanks again for the review.
If you’re interested in reading reviews about Beyond Enkription some links are given below. Better to just buy the book on any Amazon website – it’s great – I should know – I wrote it!
Good! Glad you liked it
Thanks for all your comments and the review.
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