John Fisher, Dogwise: Natural Way to Train Your Dog
Value For Money
John Fisher, Dogwise: Natural Way to Train Your Dog

User Reviews
Value For Money
John Fisher's Understanding And Willingness To Lea
John Fisher's understanding and willingness to learn more about the psychology of training dogs gives an excellent alternative to the outdated methods of force and total domination still practised by some trainers.
Although he is training a police dog, everything is related back to the training of pet or companion dogs, so that you can understand why your dog reacts in a particular way. We followed his advice about the use of dog training discs and many of his other suggestions with great success.
This book was recommended to me by the late Joyce Stranger, and fully lives up to her recommendations. It is a breath of fresh air when set against the old fashioned pull push methods of "training" a dog.
John Fisher's method gives the dog chance to work out for itself that it really wants to please you. You end up with a happy, well-behaved and fulfilled dog, who looks to you for his cues.
For anyone with a bright or lively dog, this book is a real must. I keep going back to the book for further hints and tips.
From my own experience with a very lively working cocker spaniel, I would thoroughly recommend this book. It is a good read and very informative as well.
A nice, succinct review which correctly explains why the book is as good as it is. It's a decade - no more! since I read it myself, but shortly after reading it, we got a very, very wild dog who needed expert attention. Sam became "the best dog in the world" and without Fisher's "Dogwise" to guide us, we'd have had to give him back to the Dog's Home in Battersea. Instead, he spent another 15 years with us, and was devoted, energetic, and a perfect family pet.
Value For Money
John Fisher, Dogwise: Natural Way To Train Your Do
John Fisher, Dogwise: Natural Way to Train Your Dog is the best book I have ever read on dog training. The book has helped me in undertanding dogs pyschology and the behaviour aspects.
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