Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox 360)
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Call of Duty: Ghosts (Xbox 360)

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Not As Bad As People Make It Out To Be
Call of Duty Ghosts is a FPS made by Activision. It is the 10th COD game, and is considered to be the worst ever. I disagree.
Shooting feels smoother in Ghosts. And the awful double jump from Advanced Warfare has gone. That is lucky. There are a lot of new guns, with their own strengths and weaknesses. Try them out, you should find one that feels right. I would recommend the Bizon with a tracker scope. But everyone is different.
COD Ghosts' campaign is both gripping and sad. I will not spoil it, but don't become too attached to anyone. As sons of an army captain, becoming a soldier is in your blood. Luckily for brothers Hesh and Logan Walker have a just cause, due to ODIN being taken over by the Federation (the game's antagonists) and turned on the USA, many cities being destroyed. You then go on a series of missions all over the world (some in space, one in water, all fun) with a few allies helping you. Lucky your father made friends with the right sorts of people. The Ghosts.
Multiplayer has been redefined in Ghosts. With a brand new perk system, you are bound to have a little advantage with bonuses to improve speed, strength and speciality. You can now play as a woman, and rename your soldier. No one can see this except you, so don't worry about strangers seeing your name on Xbox Live. There are over 15 maps in the vanilla game, with a few more being added if you install the DLCs. All of these maps differ in size, and what gun you should use. Best to have a shotgun, machine gun and sniper in your loadout page.
Connection can be very bad, but I found exiting to the main menu and back onto Xbox Live fixes this. There is also a new squads mode, where you and up to 3 others cannface increasingly difficult waves of enemies. Of course, if you don't have Xbox Live you don't have to worry about connection problems.
Extinction is like Black Ops' Zombies mode, but not as good. 6 weeks after the ODIN attacks, a strange paranormal force draws aliens called Cryptids in to the earth. An apocalypse. Using most guns from multiplayer, you can do 3 modes. Point of Contact, the story mission, that on hardcore, and chaos mode, where you face an unlimited amount of waves containing all breeds of Cryptids. Enjoy. All DLC packs contain another nightfall story mission and therefore 1000 gamerscore (potentially).
Summary:8 out of 10
Extinction wasn't what I hoped, but the rest is good.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Ok Game - Not Amazing.
Going to be a little biased I guess, like most Call of Duty fans. BUT I am not giving this game 5 stars as there is absolutely nothing new about this game compared to the last one??? I thought the Modern Warefare line was supposed to be ahead of its game and releasing new and exciting games, this is essentially Black ops 2 with a dog. So of course I will play it, and I love it, it passes the time. but I wouldn't pay over the odds for it.
I will mention that I think the actual GAME (not online) is a good story line and I enjoyed playing it, even if it was only 6 hours long... I love that Eminem does the music. I wont go into too much detail as it will ruin the game for you.
Online, well, like I said, nothing new really, same online experience as that of the last game. You have some slightly different weapons and kill streaks, they got rid of UAV which is just stupid, sat com doesn't work as well and I hate using it as my first kill perk. I like the fact you can change your soldier gender and gear, looks, equipment, its essentially pointless to be honest as all people want to do is run around and shoot other people, but its a nice touch. Some good sniper maps, most of them dark and dingey again, Stone Haven is about the only 'interesting' map. I think the graphics are pretty poor for this new and improved game, maybe it is better on the xbox one, but for the 360 they are not good.
I love call of duty! Good description mayne
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