Halo 2
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Halo 2

User Reviews
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Very Fun Game
Very fun game online and offline.
Not that much of an improvement over the first game, but the first game was already pretty good anyway. If it's not broke, dont fix it.
Im enjoying Halo Reach at the moment.
Addiction Level
Value For Money
Best Shooter By A Long Way
Forget COD, Halo is the ultimate FPS. I'm not a fan of the single player (the story is too confusing IMO), but the multiplayer is fantastic - there's nothing like pwning an annoying 16 year old American.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo 2 Has Changed The Face Of Xbox Entirely. At
Halo 2 has changed the face of Xbox entirely. At first, moving from Halo 1 to Halo 2, I was quite anxious that Halo1's reputation would be spoilt and dampened. Halo 2 is very different from Halo 1. Halo 2 in my opinion? One of the best games ever created. I have since bought an xbox 360 just for the experience of the sequel to halo 2, halo 2 is that good!! My cousins, brother, and i, have had so much fun and arguments over this game, so much pain and laughter, i struggle to put it to words!
It is not extremely gory, It is quite an emotional game that has developed me in so many ways, one of them being the way i care for the people i meet - i treat everyone now in the same respect and dignity. Too often nowadays we treat people in so many ways. This gives value to each and every person. No more reading!! Buy the game! Its not a typical gory and violent game, it'll blow your mind out.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
I Really Love Halo 2, It's So Addictive, I Finishe
I really love Halo 2, it's so addictive, I finished it in under 2 weeks!
I really like how you can hold to guns.
Very good game, if you like busting aliens give it a go!
Value For Money
Addiction Level
To Play It Is To Love It!! Impossible To Put Down.
To play it is to LOVE it!! Impossible to put down.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Halo Is The Second Worst Franchise Around At The M
Halo is the second worst franchise around at the moment. Half Life and Counter Strike are. Halo 2 is nothing but an average single run game. Rent it, complete it, return it and then forget it. Far superior games exist and will continue to exist long after the franchise dies or goes stale.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
The Halo 2 Xbox Game Is Addictive, Although The Ca
The Halo 2 XBox game is addictive, although the campaign gets REALLY boring after you beat it like 5 times... Halo 1 campaigns are much better than Halo 2's campaign. Halo 2 is just good for the multi player maps, especially if you get the multi-player map version. Halo 2 multi player goes to the extreme if you know how to mod your XBOX. My friend modded his XBOX so that he can wield 2 plasma swords at the same time!!! It is relatively simple. You get 2 dual wield weapons and you swap the pictures for the swords. Same thing with all the non-dual wieldable weapons.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
What A Great Sequel To A Game. They Don't Come Muc
What a great sequel to a game. They don't come much better than this! Possibly te best or joint best with Halo being the best game for the X Box and possibly best game ever made.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
With All The Expectation Of Halo 1, I Was Excited
With all the expectation of Halo 1, I was excited when I got hold of Halo 2. Some great features, being able to hold two weapons and some of the uprated weapons. Some of the tank and flyer elements were huge fun.
Graphics were as good as Halo 1 and used the full power of the XBox.
The ending of Halo 2 was poor and very easy. I was left wanting more, and now have to wait until Halo 3.
Value For Money
Addiction Level
Just Buy It. You Wont Regret It.
Just buy it. You wont regret it.
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